Academic Staff
- HJ610
- +852 3400 8934
- 美國芝加哥大學東亞系博士(2020)
- 清華大學歷史系學士(2013)
Academic and Professional Experience
- 上海紐約大學博士後(2020年9月—2022年1月)
- 美國伊利諾伊大學芝加哥分校歷史系兼任講師(2019年1月—6月)
- “Rapids as Compasses: The Riverine Environment, Experiential Knowledge, and Steam Navigation on the Upper Yangzi River.” International Journal of Asian Studies (September 2024): 1-24.
- “The Short Life of a Statutory Label: War Mobilization and Underclass Migration in Eighteenth-Century Sichuan.” Late Imperial China. Vol.44, No.2, (December 2023): 67-105.
- “Nexus of Self-Organization: The Expansion of Collective Responsibility Networks among Boatmen in Nineteenth-Century Chongqing.” International Journal of Asian Studies. Volume 20, Issue 1, (January 2023): 115-136.
- 《從<新潮>看「社會主義」話語的興起》,《清華史苑》第五輯,2013年,頁176-185。
- 《金川戰爭與流動人群治理策略之轉變(1736-1795)》,汪暉、馮乃希主編:《區域》第十二輯,北京:社會科學文獻出版社(即將出版)。
- 《評介Eric Tagliacozzo, Helen F. Siu, and Peter C. Perdue, eds., Asia Inside Out: Itinerant People》,《台⼤歷史學報》第65 期,2020 年6 ⽉,頁225-243。
- “Inland Artery of Global Connectivity: Infrastructural Remaking of the Upper Yangzi River in the Age of Global Steam Revolution,” PI, Early Career Scheme of Research Grants Council (Awarded in 2024).
- “Ecological Crises, Technological Changes, and Chinese Culture (Fourteenth to Twenty-First Century),” Co-PI, Sin Wai Kin Foundation and UGC Research Matching Grant Scheme (Awarded in 2022).
- “Underclass Migration, Empire Building, and Political-Economic Sustainability in Sichuan, 1736-1864,” PI, Start-up Fund for New Recruits, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Awarded in 2022).
- 潘亦迎譯:劉昭麟、【美】余泰明、【美】康傑森著《用數字工具探索中國古典詩歌:語言學、文學及歷史視角之例證》,《數字人文》2021年第2期,頁72-110。
- 潘亦迎譯:【美】袁書菲著《17世紀義大利佈景設計與乾隆室內戲台的通景畫》,朱萬曙等編:《清代戲曲與宮廷文化》,南京:南京大學出版社,2018年,頁245-280。
- "Fixing Rapids on Paper: Translation of Riverine Knowledge and Diplomatic Negotiation over the Upper Yangtze Navigation Regulations." Paper presented at Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference, Seattle, WA, US, March 15, 2024.
- 《清代疆域變遷與「流民」治理策略轉變》,「邊疆:流動的人群」學術會議, 清華人文與社會科學高等研究所,中國北京,2022年11月。
- “Contested Infrastructures of Mobility: Subaltern Migration and Empire Building in Asia, 17th-20th Century.” Paper presented at 2022 Collaborative Research Development Workshop on Asia: Drivers and Dynamics of Migration, Social Science Research Council, US, June 28-July 2, 2022.
- “From Rapids to Stations: Contested Navigation Infrastructures in the Upper Yangtze River, 1877-1937.” Paper presented at Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference, Honolulu, HI, US, March 26, 2022.
- 《清代西南地區的流動人群與政治經濟轉變》,「邊疆:流動的歷史空間」學術會議,清華人文與社會科學高等研究所,中國北京,2021年12月。
- “Bandits, Porters, and Migrant Laborers: Weaving Spaces for the Itinerant Population in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Sichuan and Beyond.” Paper presented at 23rd Biennial Conference of the European Association for Chinese Studies, Leipzig, Germany, August 26, 2021.
- “Integrating the Currents: Environment, Infrastructure, and Imperial Knowledge in Early Twentieth-Century China” Paper presented at CGA-GPS Young Scholars Symposium: Asia and the World, New York University Shanghai, Shanghai, China, April 16, 2021.
- “What Should the State See: Environment and Governance in the Maps of Yan Ruyi (1759-1826).” Paper presented at AFEC International Colloquium, Paris, France, October 16, 2020.
- “Recurrent Crises, Restructured Knowledge: ‘White Lotus’ Rebellions and Transformations of Geopolitical Vision in Early Nineteenth-Century China.” Paper presented at Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference, Denver, CO, US, March 21, 2019.
- 《清代白蓮教危機與帝國知識重整:由地緣知識看政治與社會的歷史交織》,四川大學「政治與社會:中國史青年學人的反思與展望」會議,中國成都,2018年7月。