Dr. Andy Y. F. Leung
CNERC Laboratory for Soil-structure Interaction With High Performance Construction Materials
Chinese National Engineering Research Centre for Steel Construction (Hong Kong Branch);
Associate Head (Partnership) and Associate Professor
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Dr. Leung graduated from the University of Hong Kong with his first degree in Civil Engineering, after which he pursued postgraduate studies at the University of California, Berkeley, and then at the University of Cambridge, where he obtained his master’s and PhD degrees, respectively. Before joining the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Dr. Leung had practised in the engineering industry in Hong Kong and the United States, taking part in a number of large-scale civil engineering projects in Asia, Europe, America and the Middle East. He is also a registered professional engineer in the state of California, United States.
Dr. Leung had previously served on the Technical Committee for Code of Practice of Foundations of the Buildings Department. He is currently the Secretary-General of the Hong Kong Geotechnical Society, committee member of the Geotechnical Division of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, and member of various technical committees of the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering.
His research interests include reliability of geotechnical and structural systems, risk management and probabilistic analysis approaches. He has published widely on topics related to soil-structure interaction, such as numerical modelling, physical testing and field monitoring of foundations and braced excavations.