Academic Advising

Academic advising at PolyU aims to help students to make informed and intelligent academic decisions/choices about their study at PolyU that suit their intellectual, professional and personal goals. It is instrumental to promoting student success, and plays a vital role in enhancing students’ overall learning experience at PolyU. The specific objectives are:
- To build up an early connection between the students and their home departments, and to promote their sense of affiliation to the department and the University,
- To provide students with accurate information about the academic regulations and requirements regarding their Major/programme, as well as the GUR,
- To assist students to explore their interests, abilities and values on academic pursuits, and formulate appropriate intellectual, professional and personal goals,
- To provide advice and guidance to students that enables them to develop and pursue a study plan for their 4 years of study appropriate for meeting their intellectual, professional and personal goals,
- To connect students to resources, opportunities and support within and outside the University that enhance their educational experiences and success.

Academic Advisors’ Responsibilities
- Building rapport with the students
- Being accessible, available and responsive
- Helping students to clarify their intellectual, professional and personal goals
- Helping students to develop an appropriate study plan
- Alert students to academic regulations and requirements, particularly those relating to the Major
- Early identification of students with special learning needs or early signs of learning problems and make necessary referrals
- Contact with student advisees regularly and to have at least one face-to-face meeting (individually or in small groups) during the academic year.
Students’ Role
Take the final responsibility for making decisions and choices regarding their academic study based on the information and advice given.
- Understand the academic regulations and requirements of their chosen Major/programme, as well as the GUR requirements,
- Actively obtain information, and seek out advisors and resources on a regular basis and as needed,
- Take the final responsibility for making decisions and choices regarding their academic study based on the information and advice given.

Meeting with the Academic Advisor
During the semester, there will be an allocated time slot for each student with his/her designated academic advisor to have face-to-face discussion on the latest status, subject selection, study plan and other issues within the scope of academic advising.
All students are also welcome to discuss with his/her designated academic advisor in addition to that allocated time slot.
Preliminary meeting plan:
- Departmental Orientation Day (end of August)
- Consultation meetings before Subject Registration period
- During the Semester, students could contact their advisors through different means to seek academic advice in relation to their studies.

Contact with Academic Advisor
The academic advisors, together with their contact information can be found under the "Academic Advising" section of eStudent.