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2022-11-07 EIE Outstanding Alumni Award Presentation Ceremony 1

EIE Outstanding Alumni Award Presentation Ceremony

The Faculty of Engineering organized the 28th Congregation cum Outstanding Alumni Award Presentation Ceremony on 7 November 2022. The EIE Outstanding Alumni Awards were presented to the recipients in this auspicious occasion. Three of the awardees, including Dr Steve Mung, Dr Yiu Hing Leung, and Mr Dominic Tse attended the ceremony to receive the awards and congratulations from the academics of the Faculty, graduates and guests. Together with the other three awardees who were unable to join this occasion, including Mr Peter Lam, Dr Chu Kai Fung and Dr Wan Shibiao, their significant achievements in the respective fields which were presented in this ceremony gave the fresh graduates who attended the Congregation great encouragement for pursuing success in their future career.

7 Nov, 2022

2022-11-05 EIE Homecoming 9

EIE Homecoming

The Department organized a Homecoming event on 5 November 2022 to celebrate PolyU’s 85th Anniversary. The event was supported by the Alumni Association of Electronic and Information Engineering (AAEIE) and the Electronic and Information Engineering Student Association (EIESA). More than 20 alumni came back to their alma mater with their family members together for reunion. They were welcomed by Prof. M.W. Mak, Interim Head of Department, and Mr Dominic Tse, AAEIE Chairman. Prof. Mak introduced the latest development of EIE, while Mr Tse shared about the AAEIE activities with the participants. A laboratory tour was guided by the EIESA committee members for the guests to visit the PolyU-Innovation Technology (HK) Audio and Speech Signal Processing Joint Laboratory, PolyU-Huawei Joint Laboratory for Optical Interconnection Network and Advanced Computing System, Information Security Laboratory, and Microfabrication Laboratory. Our graduates enjoyed this event very much to tour around the EIE facilities with state-of-the-art technologies and to catch up with the professors and their classmates.

5 Nov, 2022

2022-11-04 Seminar on 4 Nov 22 - 1

Webinar on Deep Reinforcement Learning for Operation of Commercial Heavy-Duty Electric Vehicles

4 Nov, 2022

2022-10-28 Seminar on 28 Oct 22 - 1

Webinar on Talk with the Smart Pavement: A Prefabricated, Composite, Fully Connected, Intelligent and Sustainable Sponge Road Pavement

28 Oct, 2022

2022-10-21 Seminar on 21 Oct 2022_Page_1_v2 - 1

Webinar on Power System Dynamics and Control - Structure, Data and Learning

21 Oct, 2022

2022-10-17 Seminar on 17 Oct 22 - 1

Seminar on New Approaches for Understanding the Perovskite Film Formation Processes

17 Oct, 2022

2022-10-14 Seminar on 14 Oct 22 - 1

Webinar on Structural and Empirical Analysis of Network-based Information Diffusion

14 Oct, 2022

2022-10-07 Seminar on 7 Oct 22 Qin Shi - 1

Webinar on Integrated Sensing and Communication

7 Oct, 2022

2022-09-30 Seminar on 30 Sep 22 Dr XIAO Yin - 1

Webinar on Imaging Techniques with a Single-Pixel Detector and Their Applications

30 Sep, 2022

2022-09-26 Visit to Hong Kong Police Headquarters at Wanchai 3

Visit to Hong Kong Police Headquarters at Wanchai

Led by Prof. Francis Lau, over 30 Year 1 EIE undergraduate students visited the Hong Kong Police Headquarters in Wanchai on 26 September 2022. They were greeted by the Assistant Commissioner of Police, Ms Catherine Kwan. During the visit, Ms Kwan and her colleagues introduced to our students that how the Hong Kong Police Force has been applying new technologies, including Geographic Information System, Internet of Things and Big Data Analytics, to facilitate their daily operations. Our students were also given a tour to the Hong Kong Island Regional Command & Control Centre, the Information and Communications Network Management Centre, and the Communications Branch Mechanical Workshop in the Police Headquarters. Led by Prof. Francis Lau, over 30 Year 1 EIE undergraduate students visited the Hong Kong Police Headquarters in Wanchai on 26 September 2022. They were greeted by the Assistant Commissioner of Police, Ms Catherine Kwan. During the visit, Ms Kwan and her colleagues introduced to our students that how the Hong Kong Police Force has been applying new technologies, including Geographic Information System, Internet of Things and Big Data Analytics, to facilitate their daily operations. Our students were also given a tour to the Hong Kong Island Regional Command & Control Centre, the Information and Communications Network Management Centre, and the Communications Branch Mechanical Workshop in the Police Headquarters.

26 Sep, 2022

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