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Staff Retreat 2018

It comes another year for the Department to hold the regular staff retreat at our beloved meeting venue, Hotel ICON!  This time, we mainly focuses on improvement on Programme Structure which aims at identifying ways to strengthen our undergraduate students’ practical experience and presentation skills.   Thanks Dr Edward’s thorough deliberation and lead fruitful discussion.  With staff input, the Department will follow up areas for improvement and hopefully make it effective / applicable in the next academic year.

9 Feb, 2018


WiE - Alumni Gathering

In this WiE (Women in Engineering) experience sharing session, the essence of WiE and the objectives of WiE society are briefly introduced by Dr. Niu and successful alumni from CLP, AECOM, PI Electronics HK Ltd, and Hostmost engineering LTD, were invited to share their inspirational stories and valuable experiences with our students.  Over 20 students attended this sharing session and they all enjoyed it very much!   Also our greatest gratitude to our alumni who squeezed time to share with our students!

3 Feb, 2018


Study Tour in Chengdu – December 2017

20 students from our department joined the study tour, organized by Southwest Jiaotong University, sponsored by our department, and supported by the港澳與內地高校師生交流計劃, from 24 to 30 Dec 2017. The tour included technical and cultural lectures and visits, site-seeing and other cultural activities. Students reflected that the tour not only enhanced their understanding on the rapid development of the motherland, but also helped them identify their career paths.

24 Dec, 2017


2017 Christmas Lunch Gathering for EE

Joy of the EE family.

15 Dec, 2017


Mentorship Programme Kick-off Tea Reception

This comes another great year to start with, our heartfelt thanks for all our mentors.  This year, we get another strong support from our partners IET (HK) and HEC and help recruiting mentors, both new and old, amounting up to 52!  Whereas we got 88 mentees registered this year!  This is really a good sign that reflects our students understand how mentorship programme functions. Same as previous years, we meet our mentors and mentees to kick off the mentorship programme.  A happy and enjoyable sharing in the afternoon of 18 November at Staff Club.  We really hope our mentees could be benefited tremendously with the devoted and sincere guidance and support from their mentors.

18 Nov, 2017


Meet with international students

A Warm Welcome to our International and Inbound Exchange Students!   What an impressive year we are off to so far. This year the Department will host a total of 41 international students and exchange students coming from around the world, including China, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Romania, South Korea, Taiwan and Thailand.   To help them enjoy their studies and connect with the Department, Professor Tam Hwa-yaw, the Head of Department, together with our academic staff, held a short briefing for them on 26 September 2017.  We hope that all our international students will have a fruitful and enjoyable learning experience at PolyU!

26 Sep, 2017


Final Year Project Orientation 2017

We are delighted to meet our co-supervisors, supervisors and students again before the commencement of the Final Year Project for 2017/18 academic year.  To bring in more industrial expertise to broaden our students’ exposure in implementing their final year projects, we again secure strong support from industry with 15 final year projects having co-supervision as well projects proposed by the industry direct.    The Department held the Orientation on 15 September 2017 at our newly renovated Undergraduate Teaching Lab.  This gathering provides an excellent platform for our industrial supervisors to meet their students but also to learn more FYP operation.

15 Sep, 2017


Departmental Visit by Professor Vladimiro Miranda

Our warmest welcome to Professor Vladimiro Miranda, Departmental Academic Advisor for his annual meeting with all of our academic and teaching staff!   The visit was scheduled from 11 to 15 September 2017.  Apart from meeting most of our staff through different functional meetings, we also scheduled two time slots for Professor Miranda to meet our research postgraduate and undergraduate students.  A sharing session was arranged on the last day of his visit.  In this sharing session, Professor Miranda again expressed inspiring and innovative ideas for our improvement in terms of teaching and research.  We are also glad that we could involve Professor Miranda to meet our co-supervisors from industry on the Final Year Project Tea Reception held on 15 September 2017.  We all enjoy the sharing with both supervisors, co-supervisors and students.   We look forward to meeting Professor Miranda next year!

11 Sep, 2017


EE alumni, Dr He Yiqun visited PolyU on 10 August 2017

PolyU alumni, Dr He Yiqun (賀毅群博士, 上海虹口區區委常委、統戰部部長、虹口海外聯誼會會長) visited PolyU on Thursday 10 August 2017. Our Dr Kevin Chan, Prof. TS Chung and Dr CW Yu joined the meeting with Dr He and followed by the visits at the University Research Facility in 3D Printing and House of Innovation. Dr HE was a PhD graduate in the Department of Electrical Engineering in 1996 and the visit was organized by PolyU AADO and CMAO.

10 Aug, 2017


PolyU Summer Programme 2017

The one-day Summer Programme 2017 of EE Department was conducted on 19 July at EF402. 22 secondary students in Form 4 and 5 participated in the event and learned more about programming under the instruction of Dr YF Fung and EE student helpers.   The theme for this year’s program is “Interacting with Robots”. Students were given the opportunity to learn various sensors and display devices in order to develop a simple interfacing unit for a robot. The students were then demonstrated their final products so that they can select the best project by voting.    Finally 4 teams that received the highest votes were presented with a Departmental souvenir. Participants also gave highly positive responses to the event.

19 Jul, 2017

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