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28 PhD students participated in the Poster Competition for EIE Research Students this year!

28 PhD students participated in the Poster Competition for EIE Research Students this year! Let's check out the photos taken at the: Poster Display and Q&A Session on 4 April: Oral Presentation Session on 17 April:  

18 Apr, 2019


Best Teacher Award (2018) Presentation

Congratulations to all the awardees!

19 Mar, 2019


首屆「研究影響基金」 理大項目佔1/3 健康智慧城市各半 10項共獲撥逾6000萬

大學教育資助委員會首屆的「研究影響基金」申請結果日前出爐。理工大學於2018/2019 年度申請的10 個項目,全部獲得撥款資助,共逾6000 萬元。10 個項目中包括對鐵路系統安全、準時及舒適度技術及方法研究,如減少信號系統受電磁波干擾出現問題等共6 個分項,今年6 月開始,需於4 年內完成。電機工程學系教授柯少榮表示,其中一個分項針對鐵路電氣化,如電磁波會干擾列車信號系統,故用納米技術研發物料吸收電磁波,盼減少信號系統出現誤判或令列車延誤等問題。 有關該項目報導 , 可查看以下報刊: 東網 香港01 香港經濟日報 South China Morning Post

1 Feb, 2019


The EIE Newsletter (2018/19 Semester 1 Issue) is available now!

10 Jan, 2019


The Signing of “Memorandum of Understanding” with HK Electric Institute

The Head of Department of Electrical Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Professor Tam Hwa-yaw, and the Managing Director of HK Electric, Mr. Wan Chi-tin, signed a “Memorandum of Understanding” (MOU) on November 30, 2018, which provides a framework for both sides to fully utilize their expertise in power engineering by applying it in teaching and research with the aim to groom more engineering talents in Hong Kong. This MOU is the continuation of the first MOU signed 3 years ago.  The previous co-operation is proven to be a successful and fruitful one and we start to further strengthen cooperation between the two parties in the areas of research and development.  One significant milestone in this MOU will be the formation of a Smart Grid Open Laboratory which is expected to be open in next April 2019. The Department is grateful for HK Electric Institute’s strong partnership in providing industrial training and experience to equip our students in preparing for their professional career in the power engineering industry.

1 Dec, 2018


Congratulations to our graduates!

Congratulations to all our graduates and thanks their family and friends to the Department Welcome Reception to celebrate this very special occasion with graduates and share the joy and happiness with professors and teachers. Once again, hearty congratulations to all our graduates and best wishes in their future endeavours!

15 Nov, 2018


Mentorship Programme / Signing Ceremony

Our heartfelt thanks again for all our mentors who have given strong support to our students.  It would be a fruitful year to come since we have come up with another Memorandum of Understanding between IET (HK) and EE.  A stronger and solid collaboration will be developed for the benefits of our students’ teaching and learning. 

3 Nov, 2018

Examination for Registration as Grade C Electrical Worker

Date: 6th and 9th November The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) announced that the examination for registration as a Grade C electrical worker will be held on November 6 and 9. The examination venue of this year is in The University of Hong Kong (HKU). Application for sitting the examination is now open until 28 September 2018. T There is no minimum entry requirement for the examination, although preference will be given to current registered electrical workers, in particular Grade B electrical workers. Any worker who wishes to be qualified for registration as a Grade C electrical worker is required to pass this examination. Details of the Grade C electricians' examination 2018

28 Sep, 2018


News from EE Alumni – Ir Ken C.N. Cheung

We are pleased to share with you the exciting news about Ir Ken Cheung, our 2006 MEng graduate, was elected as Fellow of the IET (FIET) in July 2018.   This Fellowship is awarded to individuals who have sustained high levels of achievement, for example through leadership, influence, senior responsibility, innovation, and professional service, at the forefront of engineering, technology or cognate disciplines for a period of five years or more.  Through his remarkable contributions as a professional engineer, Ir Cheung attains this achievement before 40, of which the average of FIET awardees is 67!   In addition, Ir Cheung is also currently serving the IET Headquarters as International Professional Registration Advisor (IPRA) offering advice to candidates on professional registration issues – in particular for those in Local Network of Hong Kong.   Our warmest congratulations to his great achievements!

28 Sep, 2018


OPAA Master Class 2018/2019 Mentorship Programme: Call for Mentees

OPAA Master Class 2018/2019 Mentorship Programme: Call for Mentees The OPAA Master Class 2018/2019 Mentorship Programme is now open for student application.  This Mentorship Programme is part of the annual signature event organized by the Outstanding PolyU Alumni Association with the aim to provide a platform for students to learn from outstanding PolyU alumni in respect of their invaluable expertise and experience.   Please visit here for programme details, and submit application on or before 7 October 2018.  傑出理大校友協會大師班2018/2019  師友計劃:學員招募 傑出理大校友協會大師班2018/2019  師友計劃現正接受學生報名。此計劃是協會其中一個重點活動,邀請多位來自不同界別的傑出校友與學生分享他們的豐富經驗。請按此瀏覽計劃詳情,並於2018年10月7日前報名。

18 Sep, 2018

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