We are pleased to announce the start of the ELC2011 poster competition. Come to Room A305 to view the posters and articles and take part in the competition.
Dates: Monday 24 February until Friday 14 March
Venue: Room A305 (CILL)
ELC2011, Advanced Reading and Writing, is one of the ELC’s LCR Electives. The second assessment in the subject involves writing a multimodal feature article on a topic that the student is personally connected to.
ELC teachers have selected six or the best articles from 2024/25 semester 1 and converted them into posters for the competition. QR codes on each poster point to the full article. Come to Room A305 to view the posters, read the full articles, and vote for the one that you find most engaging.
All students are welcome! Staff can also vote by using their ‘connect’ account. Competition winners will include the student authors and a special lucky draw prize for all those who participate in the contest.
Great prizes are available. Be sure to come and join this event.