The design and delivery of the ELC Open Online Courses aim to support our efforts in achieving our objectives:
To enhance students' communication skills so that they can pursue academic and professional excellence, we have developed
- The English@Work gets YOUR foot in the door and helps YOU impress your interviewer! Join the courses and get professional tips from industry experts and English language input from language professionals.
- Upgrading Your Grammar helps YOU improve the grammar that YOU need to successfully complete your university studies! Join this course to master the language skills you need to succeed.
- Academic Skills for Independent Learners (ASIL) helps YOU improve the academic English that YOU need to successfully complete YOUR university studies! Join this course to self-study, practise and master academic English.
To foster students' independent, life-long English language learning and whole-person development, we have developed
- Learning4Life helps YOU become an independent learner and improves YOUR language skills! Log-on, laugh, like and learn!
- Read to Know! is for YOU to read more and know more! Join the course and increase YOUR knowledge and develop YOUR critical thinking skills.
- Learning English through Short Stories helps you increase your reading proficiency and develop your language and literacy skills!
ELC Open Online Courses
To support the pursuit of English language excellence within the PolyU and in the wider Hong Kong community, we have developed
- Serving the Community through Teaching English is a fusion of face-to-face and online learning experience developed for the subject ELC2S02 Serving the Community through Teaching English. This blended learning initiative provides flexible and engaging online lectures followed up by in-class discussions and practice.
What do I do next?
Go to edX and edX edge to create separate accounts for free. After registration, you can click on one of the courses from the above links to access it.
Reviews and Blog Posts
You can see reviews AND leave YOUR own reviews or comments on the sites below.
Read our in-depth review for Job applications
Reviews regarding Job applications and Job interviews
Effective job interview strategies: asking the right questions
How to Write an Effective CV: 5 Steps From the Experts
English at Work: The course that can get your CV noticed, get you interviewed, and get you hired
Tips to Ace Your Next Job Interview
What videos are there?
Industry professionals with worldwide experience have been interviewed on camera for English@Work. New videos specially created for the ELC are found in the other courses. Click on the social media links below for some sneak previews.