Let's hear your voice!
- Your Uni Advice: What advice would you like to give other students about university life?
- Your ELC Life:
- Which ELC clubs and activities do you enjoy most?
- How has the ELC helped you in your university life?
- Which courses have you most enjoyed, and who are your favourite teachers?
- Your Film and Book Reviews: Have you seen any good films or read any good books lately?
Tell us about your experiences in around 100 words and your writing could be featured in the next issue of the ELC Newsletter!
Please send your writing to elc.newsletter@polyu.edu.hk for consideration.
Please also include your name and programme of study.

Oct 2021 issue
The English Language Centre (ELC) welcomes you back for an engaging semester of learning. We offer many workshops, services, and initiatives that can help you.. Read more
Oct 2020 issue
This ELC Newsletter shares some recent developments at the Centre: First, some ELC colleagues share how the sudden switch to online teaching has provided not only challenges, but a few surprises too.. Read more
September issue
In this issue, we delve into a number of interesting aspects of life in the English Language Centre. After exploring the latest news, we catch up on initiatives led by the ELC, including student clubs. Then, we feature several recent activities and .. Read more
February issue
This issue details several major updates to our facilities and services during a very industrious academic year at the ELC! We have information on exciting upgrades to our CILL facilities, as well as a new VR app and updates to our student workshops and online courses.. Read more
September issue
In this issue we catch up on the many exciting projects, events and developments happening within the English Language Centre that bring PolyU staff and students together as part of ELC life. We hear from ELC staff members who discuss their current research interests and we have a recap of the main events organised by ELC clubs, including drama performances, service learning trips and reading groups.. Read more
January issue
This issue showcases some of the many projects and events that have been happening within the English Language Centre at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. As we begin a new semester, we’d like to introduce new staff who have joined the department, and update you on highlights from recent ELC club events.. Read more