The ELC2011 Feature Article Poster competition finished on Friday 14 March with the award ceremony taking place on Tuesday 18 March. Hundreds of students took part in the competition by visiting CILL in Room A305, reading the articles, and voting on the one that they found most engaging.
Comments about the articles from students included, “very engaging and interesting”, “really attractive”, “good observation for society” and “the topic is captivating”.
The winning entry was from Nashita Nur for her article Lost in Translation: Language Barriers Reshaping Social Identities. One student commented that the article “reveals the current situation which every non-local student was facing” and another mentioned that “the writer detailed their personal experience extensively [and] really draws in the reader in terms of emotion and sympathy”. You can read the full article below.

All the winning entries can be found on this padlet. Thanks to all the students for their great work in creating these articles, and all the students who participated in the competition. Current and future students of ELC2011 will find these sample feature articles very useful as they write their own articles.