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The 10th Hong Kong Joint Finance Research Workshop

The 10th Hong Kong Joint Finance Research Workshop will take place at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University on 16 August 2024. This intensive one-day event will feature presentations and discussions of finance seminal papers by enlightening academics. The workshop aims to foster the exchange, advancement, and dissemination of pioneering research and novel discoveries in Finance, promoting robust dialogue between junior and senior finance experts in Hong Kong and Shenzhen. It serves as a dynamic nexus for academic exchange in Finance within the region. Organising Committee: Quanwei CAO (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen) Yan JI (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) Yang LIU (The University of Hong Kong) Dan LUO (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) Linlin MA (Peking University HSBC Business School) Yujing MA (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University) Liyao WANG (Hong Kong Baptist University) Lai WEI (Lingnan University) Zhengyang XU (City University of Hong Kong) Nan YANG (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University) Advisory Committee: Jay CAO (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University) Walid SAFFAR (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University) John WEI (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University) Click HERE for more details Click HERE for registration

11 Jul, 2024

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Outstanding Alumni Award of PolyU School of Accounting and Finance 2024

We are pleased to present the “Outstanding Alumni Award of PolyU School of Accounting and Finance 2024” to three distinguished graduates in recognition of their Professional/Entrepreneurial Achievement, active support to their alma mater as well as impactful contributions to the wider community.   Congratulations to the following awardees!

28 Jun, 2024



Our Students Won 1st Runner-up and Best AI Application Awards at North Asia Final of CGMA Global Business Challenge 2024

Three BBA in Accounting and Finance students and one BBA Scheme in Aviation, Maritime and Supply Chain Management student won the 1st Runner-up and Best AI Application Awards at the North Asia Final of Chartered Global Management Accountant (CGMA) Global Business Challenge held in Nanchang, China on 2 June 2024. Our students represented Hong Kong at the North Asia Final and competed against eleven shortlisted teams of elite university students from around the world. They eventually secured two more major awards after winning the championship at the CGMA Global Business Challenge 2024 in Hong Kong. Organised by The Association of International Certified Professional Accountants (AICPA&CIMA), the CGMA Global Business Challenge is an international competition designed for business students. This year's competition features the use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools that enhance students’ problem-solving capabilities. Through presenting business case studies, students can showcase their talents for business management and learn how to become business leaders. For details of the event, please visit: (Chinese only)    

25 Jun, 2024


CAFR with deadline news

CAFR Special Issue Conference 2024

Research on contemporary issues in accounting and finance plays a vital role in developing new knowledge and informing practice. Through studying emerging themes in accounting and finance, this special issue endeavours to bridge the gap between theory and practice in these fields, as well as facilitating adaptations to technological innovations. To contribute to growing discussions on how contemporary issues are affecting research, this special issue offers a forum for evidence-based discussions on the following topics: Latest trends and changes in accounting standards Corporate social responsibility and sustainability Contemporary challenges and risks in auditing practices New technology solutions in accounting and finance Artificial intelligence and future of accountancy Any other contemporary issues in accounting and finance The China Accounting and Finance Review (CAFR) 2024 Special Issue Conference, jointly organised by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Chongqing University, will be held at Chongqing University in Chongqing on 30 November 2024. International presenters and discussants may be entitled to two nights’ accommodation and a maximum of USD 1,500 for reimbursing airfare and travel expenses. We particularly encourage the submission of theoretical and empirical papers that have clear implications for contemporary issues in accounting and finance. We also welcome papers on other topics in accounting and finance. Accepted papers will be published in CAFR (subject to satisfactory revision).  Conference Date: 30 November 2024 (Saturday) Location: Chongqing University, Chongqing, China Theme: Contemporary Issues in Accounting and Finance Keynote Speaker: Professor Tianyu Zhang (Presidential Chair Professor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen)   Paper Submission Please send a complete English version of your submission in Microsoft Word format, including separate files for the title page and for the blinded manuscript, by 2 August 2024 via the online Submission System ( Please select "Contemporary issues in accounting and finance" at Step 6: Details & Comments. Authors will be notified of their acceptance by 4 October 2024. There is no paper submission fee for the CAFR Special Issue Conference. Each paper will be peer-reviewed according to the policies of CAFR and the journal publisher Emerald. Key Dates Paper Submission Opens: 1 May 2024 Submission Deadline: 2 August 2024 Notification of Acceptance: 4 October 2024 Guest Editors Qingquan Xin, Chongqing University Cheng Zeng, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Conference Organising Committee Nancy Su, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Qiang Wu, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Shijun Guo, Chongqing University Jinruo Zhang, Chongqing University Organisers School of Accounting and Finance, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Economics and Business Administration, Chongqing University  

20 Jun, 2024

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AF Student Teams won Champion and 1st Runner-up at CGMA Global Business Challenge 2024

Congratulations to our student teams for winning champion and 1st runner-up at the CGMA Global Business Challenge 2024 in Hong Kong! The two teams are StrategiX Agent (champion) and Polycorn Pro Max (first runner-up). Team StrategiX Agent consists of three BBA in Accounting and Finance students, HE Zixuan, WANG Fangyu and ZHAI Yujia, and one BBA Scheme in Aviation, Maritime & Supply Chain Management student, ZHU Yingfan, while Team Polycorn Pro Max consists of two BBA in Accounting and Finance students, LAW Chun Kit and LIU Yinong, and two BBA in Marketing students, WANG Ruofei and WU Sirui. Special thanks to Dr William Wong for coaching the teams and guiding our students to achieve excellent performance in consecutive years. The CGMA Global Business Challenge 2024 is an international business competition held by AICPA and CIMA for nurturing young business leaders. This year's competition features the use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools that enhance students’ problem-solving capabilities.

30 May, 2024


ESG Enterprises Recognition Scheme


理大會計及金融學院可持續經濟與創業金融中心 (簡稱CESEF) 與星島新聞集團攜手合辦 「ESG認證計劃暨嘉許禮2024」 即日起接受報名。計劃目標包括提供專業建議和最新知識,促進企業間交流,提高企業在環境、社會及企業管治的績效。   CESEF、星島新聞集團、理大科技及創新政策研究中心 (簡稱PReCIT) 以及畢馬威 (簡稱KPMG) 將擔任專業評審,評選及表彰積極實踐ESG的優秀企業。今年除了「ESG年度榮譽成就大獎」,「ESG卓越環境表現/社會表現/企業管治專業獎」及「ESG嘉許認證」外,更新增「ESG創新科技應用大獎」,嘉許在ESG領域應用創新解決方案和技術並取得顯著成就的企業。   所有獎項將於「ESG企業認證嘉許禮暨永續發展專題論壇2024」頒發,屆時更會邀請業界領袖就不同ESG議題分享真知灼見。獲獎企業更可參與由理大舉辦的ESG交流講座,掌握ESG新知以實踐可持續發展。今年截止報名日期爲2024年7月15日中午12時。   活動詳情: 查詢電郵 詳情請瀏覽:星島X理大ESG認證計劃接受報名 新設「ESG創新科技應用大獎」(星島頭條, 20 May)(in Chinese only)

24 May, 2024


PolyU Business School’s Accounting Research ranks 39th among UTD Top 100 World Rankings of Business Schools Based on Research Contribution 2019-2023

According to the University of Texas at Dallas (UTD) Top 100 Worldwide Business School Research Rankings, which evaluates research contribution to 24 leading business journals, our school’s accounting research ranked 39th during 2019-2023, a significant rise from 57th in 2018-2022. This achievement is based on the publication of research in three top accounting journals, namely The Accounting Review, Journal of Accounting and Economics, and Journal of Accounting Research.  For details, please visit

18 Apr, 2024



PolyU and Ernst & Young renew partnership to advance ESG initiatives

PolyU, represented by the Center for Economic Sustainability and Entrepreneurial Finance (CESEF) of the School of Accounting and Finance (AF), signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Ernst & Young Advisory Services Limited (EY) on 25 March 2024 to strengthen the existing collaboration toward the shared goal of making headway for developments in ESG and beyond.   Following the conducive collaboration since 2021, the joint efforts between PolyU and EY have realised tremendous collaborative benefits of supporting the development of high-quality economic and ESG developments, enriching not just the two organisations but also bringing about the associated benefits to Hong Kong collectively. With the renewal of the MoU, PolyU and EY aim to further explore opportunities between industry and academia, creating greater synergy and prospects in the ESG landscape.   According to this MoU, EY will continue to provide support and guidance to eligible PolyU students. ESG leadership talks and other training opportunities will be organised to facilitate knowledge sharing. EY and PolyU will also endeavour to promote ESG development in Hong Kong and foster academia-industry collaboration to advocate ESG and sustainability best practices. This MoU acts as a catalyst for change and empowerment, thus bringing about positive impact in the world and shaping the leaders of tomorrow.   Event Photos   Video Highlight   Media Coverage 安永與理大續簽合作備忘錄 推動香港ESG發展 (星島頭條, 27 March 2024) (in Chinese only) 安永夥理大培育ESG人才 助港發展 (on.cc東網, 27 March 2024) (in Chinese only) 安永與理大簽ESG合作備忘錄,舉辦講座及提供培訓等 (etnet經濟通, 27 March 2024) (in Chinese only) 安永與香港理工大學續簽訂合作備忘錄 (AASTOCKS新聞, 27 March 2024) (in Chinese only) 安永與理大續簽訂合作備忘錄 繼續推動香港 ESG 發展 (匯港通訊, 27 March 2024) (in Chinese only) 安永與理大續簽訂合作備忘錄繼續推動香港ESG發展 (華富財經, 27 March 2024) (in Chinese only)

25 Mar, 2024


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Call for Nominations: Outstanding Alumni Award of PolyU School of Accounting and Finance 2024

  The School of Accounting and Finance (AF) is delighted to announce that the new round of nominations for the Outstanding Alumni Award of PolyU AF 2024 is now open. The award aims to recognise outstanding graduates of AF for their professional achievements and significant contributions to the community and their alma mater.   Eligibility The nominated candidate must be a graduate who has successfully completed full-time or part-time programme offered by PolyU (or its forerunners: Hong Kong Government Trade School, Hong Kong Technical College, and Hong Kong Polytechnic) which led to an academic award accredited by the respective Institution. The proposer can be PolyU graduate, Honorary Graduate, University Fellow, PolyU staff, current PolyU Council and Court member and current Advisory Committee member.  There is no limit to the number of nominations to be submitted by each proposer.  However, the proposer cannot be the candidate himself/ herself or a direct relative of the candidate.   Award Categories and Selection Criteria In addition to honouring distinguished graduates for their distinction in their chosen fields, the Award recognises the alumni’s active support to their alma mater. Support and Contribution to PolyU is one of the key selection criteria. Four specific areas of achievement would be given recognition. They include Professional Achievement, Entrepreneurial Achievement, Scholarly Achievement and Community Service Achievement. Alumni who are aged at/under 40 would be eligible for the Outstanding Young Alumni Award. Award Category Description Professional Achievement This category recognises alumni who have attained distinguished achievements, demonstrated exemplary leadership, and made a strong impact on their profession/ industry/ society. Entrepreneurial Achievement This category recognises alumni who have demonstrated outstanding innovation and entrepreneurship, as well as founded or advanced business or technology ventures with impact. Scholarly Achievement This category recognises alumni scholars who have made notable scholarly or research contributions in their disciplines, with proven track record and excellent reputation in the field. Community Service Achievement This category recognises alumni who have made impactful contributions to the communities, or demonstrated an extraordinary level of commitment, volunteerism and/or philanthropy for promoting the wellbeing of the communities. Notes: The bestowal of the award shall subject to individual merits of the candidates.  No award shall be given out in a certain category if no suitable candidate is identified.   Nomination and Selection Schedule The nomination form could be downloaded here. Please return the completed form to with all required supplementary documents (such as a current curriculum vitae of the nominee and two written references) on or before 30 April 2024 (Tuesday). Selection Committee and Result Announcement The Selection Committee will examine the nominations and assess candidates’ qualifications and performance for the awards. The result will be announced in late May.   Confidentiality All information submitted on this nomination form will be kept strictly confidential and will only be used by the Selection Committee for the purpose of the selection process.  The candidate will not be contacted by AF until he/she is being selected as the awardee of the Outstanding PolyU Alumni Award.  Enquiries School of Accounting and Finance The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Email:  

21 Mar, 2024


Sing Tao News


香港理工大學 (簡稱理大) 會計及金融學院可持續經濟與創業金融中心 (簡稱CESEF) 與星島新聞集團合辦的「ESG學者X企業領袖專題交流講座」已於2024年3月11日 (星期一) 在理大校園圓滿舉行。   理大會計及金融學院曾誠博士及向易博士分別發表演講,分享了如何建立完善的ESG制度及推動可持續發展的寶貴見解,並與業界探討香港和全球ESG發展的前景和商機。   此外,理大科技及創新政策研究中心 (簡稱PReCIT) 加入成為「ESG 認證計劃暨嘉許禮」2024的合辦機構。CESEF將攜手與PReCIT和星島共同推廣ESG理念,提升學術與業界對ESG的關注和應用,促進ESG領域的交流與融合。   活動相片請瀏覽: 「ESG學者X企業領袖專題交流講座」相片   活動詳情請瀏覽: 星島與理大ESG合作再深化PReCIT加入引動能 (星島頭條,11 March 2024) (in Chinese only)  

13 Mar, 2024


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