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PolyU AF won 1st Runner-up in ACCA Community Day’s Tertiary Cup Rickshaw Race

To celebrate ACCA's 120th anniversary and highlight their commitment to sustainable development, an annual ACCA Community Day was successfully held in Central on 14 Jan 2024. A team of PolyU AF students participated at the signature rickshaw race during the Community Day and secured 1st Runner-up in the Tertiary Cup. For more event highlights and photos, please visit:

14 Jan, 2024


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2024 Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics (JCAE) Annual Symposium and Doctoral Consortium

The 2024 Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics (JCAE) Annual Symposium will be held at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) on 9-10 January 2024 (Tuesday and Wednesday). Prior to this two-day symposium, a one-day Doctoral Consortium will take place on 8 January 2024 (Monday).   The theme of this year’s symposium is environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) with a focus on the long-term sustainability and accountability of organisations. We have invited two keynote speakers, Prof. Katherine Schipper (Thomas F. Keller Professor of Business Administration, Fuqua School of Business, Duke University) and Prof. Qiang Cheng (Dean and Lee Kong Chian Chair Professor of Accounting at the School of Accountancy, Singapore Management University), to deliver their speeches at the symposium.   The symposium has been successfully concluded. Please click the links below to view the event photos. JCAE Doctoral Consortium (8 January): JCAE Annual Symposium (9-10 January):   The symposium programme and details are available at   For further inquiries, please

8 Jan, 2024


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CAFR Special Issue Conference 2023

As digital changes continue to affect prevailing systems and procedures, many professions run a risk of becoming obsolete in the new global economy. While businesses are in a state of flux, the reporting language changes too. Accounting, the language of business, adapts to the volatile environment to satisfy stakeholders’ needs. With the development of digital technology, the digital economy has become a crucial driver of economic growth. To better understand how the digital economy has evolved, we offer a platform for discussions on the following topics:

2 Dec, 2023



AF students won 1st Runner Up in HKICPA Business Case Competition 2023

Congratulations to our student team on winning the 1st Runner Up in the HKICPA Business Case Competition 2023! This year's case focused on the digital entertainment industry. Our student team was shortlisted to compete in the final round of the Hong Kong Undergraduate group on 25 November 2023. The team was formed by four BBA in Accountancy students, CHENG Meixuan, CHU Hiutung, SONG Yutong and ZHU Xinyue. Special thanks to Dr William Wong for coaching the team.  The annual HKICPA Business Case Competition provides an opportunity for tertiary students to exercise their academic competencies and business know-how to solve real-life challenges, cultivate their professional judgement and nurture their global perspectives.

25 Nov, 2023



The 20th International Conference on Innovation and Management (ICIM)

The 20th International Conference on Innovation and Management (ICIM), jointly organised by the School of Accounting and Finance of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and the School of Management of Wuhan University of Technology, took place at the PolyU campus on 25-26 November 2023.   The conference aims to facilitate the exchange of knowledge among leading academic and research scholars in the fields of innovation and management. It provides a platform for participants to share research ideas, foster collaboration, and gain insights into the latest research developments.   Please visit for conference details. The conference has been successfully completed. Please click HERE to view the photos.    

25 Nov, 2023



Dr Anson Wong receives CIMA Certificate of Partnership on behalf of PolyU and AF

PolyU and AF reached a new agreement with the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) to implement the CGMA® Finance Leadership Programme (FLP). Our representative Dr Anson Wong attended the CIMA Annual Dinner 2023 on 20 November 2023 to receive a Certificate of Partnership.  

20 Nov, 2023


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Accounting Research Conference 2023

The School of Accounting and Finance (AF) will host the Accounting Research Conference 2023 on The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) campus on 18 November (Saturday). The conference brings together excellent rising scholars who will present their unpublished manuscripts in vast areas of accounting research. Each presentation will be followed by a discussion led by a renowned professor.   The conference will be open to all participants from Hong Kong universities on a first-come-first-served basis. It aims to provide an invaluable opportunity for attendees to network with and gain insights from outstanding academics.   Registration: The registration fee is HKD2500 per person and covers all conference materials, tea breaks, a lunch, and a dinner. The registration fee for presenters, discussants, moderators, AF staff and students will be waived. Please register by 5 November 2023 (Sunday). Participants are responsible for arranging their own transportation and accommodation.   PolyU staff/ students: Please click HERE to fill in the registration form   External attendees: Step 1:  Click HERE to settle your payment (Visa, Master and CUP cards are accepted) BEFORE filling in the registration form. If your payment is successful, you will receive an auto-acknowledgement email with the invoice number. Please make sure you have provided the correct email address. Check your junk email if you do not see it in your inbox.   Step 2:  Click HERE to fill in the registration form. Please input the invoice number which you can get in your acknowledgement email.   Conference Programme and Paper Abstract: Please click HERE to view the programme. Please click HERE to view the paper abstract.   Invited Discussants: Prof. Francois Brochet, Boston University Prof. Cristi Gleason, University of Iowa Prof. Nemit Shroff, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Prof. Laurence van Lent, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management Prof. Christopher Williams, University of Michigan Prof. Luo Zuo, National University of Singapore      

18 Nov, 2023


ESG Sing Tao

ESG 認證嘉許暨永續發展論壇 2023

由香港理工大學會計及金融學院可持續經濟與創業金融中心 (簡稱CESEF) 與星島新聞集團合辦之「ESG認證嘉許暨永續發展論壇2023」於2023年11月13日假尖沙咀金域假日酒店圓滿舉行。活動旨在表彰在ESG理念方面表現優秀的企業,加強社會各界對ESG的關注,共同推進在ESG領域的交流與融合。   CESEF教研團隊獲邀擔任專業評審成員,評核參選企業在環境、社會及企業管治三大範疇的表現。活動上頒發了「ESG年度榮譽成就大獎」、「ESG卓越環境/社會/企業管治專業獎」及「ESG嘉許狀」等奬項。同場會計及金融學院副學院主任 (研究) 吳強教授擔任專題論壇主持,探討和分享學術界與業界在ESG領域中的前景和機遇。   活動相片請瀏覽: 「ESG認證嘉許暨永續發展論壇2023」相片   活動詳情請瀏覽: Fintech uplifts city's stature as a green hub (The Standard, 14 November 2023) 星島夥理大嘉許21 ESG企業 (星島日報, 14 November 2023) (in Chinese only) ESG證實有助提升公司評級 學者倡勿過於低調 (星島頭條, 13 November 2023) (in Chinese only) ESG先行者多商機 大灣區碳中和協會邵志堯:中小企不要落後 (星島頭條, 13 November 2023) (in Chinese only) 星島夥理大拓ESG 推動可持續發展 CEO蔡晋盼助企業提升競爭力 (星島頭條, 13 November 2023) (in Chinese only) 許正宇「綠呔」出席ESG活動 籲培訓綠色金融人才 「可申領最多1萬元資助」 (星島頭條, 13 November 2023) (in Chinese only) 星島夥理大認證ESG企業 理大副校長黃煜新:學術界及業界齊促進碳中和 (星島頭條, 13 November 2023) (in Chinese only)

13 Nov, 2023



Prof. Jie (Jay) Cao joins the UN Sustainable Stock Exchanges Initiative’s Academic Working Group as a founding member

Prof. Jie (Jay) Cao, Professor of Finance at the School of Accounting and Finance, joined the United Nations Sustainable Stock Exchanges Initiative’s Academic Working Group as a founding member at the UNCTAD 8th World Investment Forum 2023 in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates on 16-20 October 2023. The Academic Working Group was created to foster dialogue and collaboration between stock exchanges and the academic community.  UN SSE Initiative News Stock exchanges and academics join forces to enhance progress on SDGs

18 Oct, 2023


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17 Oct, 2023


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