Our warmest congratulations to Chair Professor Chen Xiaojun who receives RGC Collaborative Research Fund (Research Equipment Grant) in 2021/22. Professor Chen is the Project Coordinator (PC) of the proposal titled “High Performance Deep Learning Clusters for Big Data Analytics”, one of the five funded PolyU projects in this year Exercise. Co-PIs are from COMP, LSGI, AF, SO of PolyU and CUHK and HKBU. The Research Grant Council (RGC) would support the project with a total funding of HKD 3,099,659.
In this Exercise, PolyU submitted 50 CRF preliminary proposals with PolyU staff as PC. After a long and rigorous selection procedure, 5 proposals (including 3 Research Equipment Grant and 2 Research Project Grant) were supported by RGC with a total amount of awarded funding of $24.109 million.
The main objective of the Collaborative Research Project Grant is to encourage research groups in UGC-funded universities to engage in collaborative research across disciplines and across universities with a view to enhancing the research output of universities in terms of the level of attainment, quantity, dimensions and speed. It provides funding for staff, equipment and general expenses related to the supported projects. In assessing proposals, the RGC puts emphasis on capacity building and the potential of a proposal to develop into an area of strength.
For more information about the CRF, please visit https://www.ugc.edu.hk/eng/rgc/funding_opport/crf/
For the full list of funded projects in 2021/22 CRF Exercise, please visit https://www.ugc.edu.hk/eng/rgc/funding_opport/crf/funded%20research/21-22.html