Work-Integrated Education - Guideline for Employer/Industrial Supervisor

Work-Integrated Education - Guideline for Employer/Industrial Supervisor
Introduction of the Department
The Department of Building and Real Estate (BRE) has developed a leading position in providing a wide range of academic programmes that nurture preferred graduates for the building and real estate industry, one of the largest and most competitive industries in the region.
Established in the 1930s, BRE is well recognized locally and internationally amongst construction professionals. With our on-going endeavours and achievements, we are committed to providing students with the best educational experience possible. As a major provider of professional education in real estate and construction, the Department understands the importance and responsibilities of enhancing the intellectual as well as the holistic development of our students.
Work-Integrated Education
Work-Integrated Education (WIE) is a mode of course delivery wherein students learn to connect classroom theory with practical workplace applications through on-the-job work placements. Work-based learning experiences which take place in an organizational context relevant to a student’s future profession, or relevant to the development of generic skills that will be valuable in that profession, will be considered as satisfying the WIE requirement.
Potential benefits to Employer
WIE can immediately increase staffing flexibility by using students to undertake special projects and to ease short-term manpower shortage. At the same time, corporations gain access to bright, motivated and enthusiastic people, eager to bring new ideas to an organization. It can be deemed as a good platform for employers to preview potential graduates. We believe, through WIE, the partnership between the Industry and BRE Department will be further strengthened.
Intended Learning Outcomes
- To identify, formulate and solve problems related to the surveying profession/property industry/Building Engineering & Management profession.
- To communicate effectively
- To contribute as a team member and lead effectively
Mode of WIE
Mode |
Duration/Period of Work |
Availability |
Full time WIE |
Minimum: Four weeks or equivalent |
Summer Term (June to August) or during the academic year |
Flexibility of accepting part time WIE in equivalent work duration may be introduced.
Administrative Aspects of WIE - Highlights
Job tasks arrangement: To maximize enthusiastic efforts contributed by students, it is advised if industrial supervisor considers assigning diverse job tasks in nature which is highly related to students’ studies in a phrase-by-phrase learning/working process over the whole placement period.
Selection: The students are allowed to seek and choose placements for their WIE requirement. On the other hand, final decision on selection will be made by employers. BRE Department can be of assistance in the selection process if requests are made by employers.
Terms and conditions: BRE Department does not impose requirement on compensation or allowances to students. Nevertheless, you are encouraged to provide compensation or allowances to students with reference to market rate at that time as a kind of incentive for work.
Legal aspects: In employer-employee relationship, contribution of mandatory provident fund and provision of employee compensation insurance by employers for students are required by law. Exemption from Statutory Minimum Wage Ordinance applies should terms and conditions meet with the legal requirement.
Roles and Responsibilities of Various Parties
Employer (Company/Organization)
- Be aware of the nature of WIE and provide learning opportunities in workplace to the student.
- Appoint an Industrial Supervisor to oversee the placement.
- Provide the Department and the student with the terms and conditions of the placement, including possible compensation and/or allowance for overtime work, location of work and job duties.
- Notify the Department of change of placement status and disciplinary issues, if any.
Industrial Supervisor at workplace
- Provide real work experience, which let the student apply and practice the theory learnt in class, in a safe working environment.
- Oversee the placement, including orienting and coaching student.
- Discuss with the Department for student’s progress and meet the Department if a site visit is arranged.
- Complete the Industrial Supervisor’s Report on Student’s Performance.
Academic Supervisor at BRE Department
- Endorse the overall assessment for student based on the Industrial Supervisor’s Report on Student’s Performance and student’s Reflective Journal.
- May conduct a site visit with Executive Officer (Student Affairs and Services) to monitor the student’s performance if it is deemed appropriate.
- Provide academic advice on the subject-related aspects of placement for the student concerned.
Executive Officer (Student Affairs and Services) at BRE Department
- Source and liaise with industry for placement.
- Inform prospective employers of details of WIE.
- Provide assistance to the students, including guiding them on application for placement and briefing them the expectation of the industry and employer.
- Conduct a site visit with Academic Supervisor to monitor the student’s performance if it is deemed appropriate.
- Be employable. It is the responsibility of the student to secure a placement, by keeping an eye on placement opportunities, getting well-prepared for the recruitment process and being ready for employment. BRE Department will support students to seek placements.
- Become a self-managing worker and learner. Act responsibly so that a student can get the most out of the WIE experience and at the same time represent BRE Department in a professional manner. During the placement period, behaviour should meet with the common expectation of the employers including being punctual at work, working with common sense, good attitude and intelligence as well as interpersonal relationship. Students should try his/her best to perform and contribute to the employer.
- Seek, as and when appropriate, and follow the guidance of Industrial Supervisor, Academic Supervisor and Executive Officer (Student Affairs and Services)
Should you need more information, please feel free to contact Ms Janice Lau at Tel: 2766 5885 or