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Quotas of outbound exchange for 2025/26 - available for application for current Year 1 and 2 students


Quotas of outbound exchange for 2025/26 - available for application for current Year 1 and 2 students


For enhancement of efficiency and transparency, unfilled quotas available for BRE students will be posted in the website and updated regularly.

Please note that, same to normal rounds of application, academic results of applicant will be considered and benchmarked with previous applicants (in this academic year) who have been nominated to the same host university.


Please read the following links carefully before submitting the application:


-FAQs for the Application of Student Exchange Programme:

+++ Application for pre-approval:


For enquiry, please contact


BRE Quotas available for 2025/26
FCE Quotas available for 2025/26



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