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Academic Staff

Prof. Hsi-Hsien Wei

Prof. WEI Hsi Hsien

Associate Professor


Dr Wei Hsi-Hsien obtained his master’s degrees in Structural Engineering from National Taiwan University and Construction Engineering and Management from Columbia University, respectively.  He received his PhD in Project Management at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the University of Maryland, College Park. Dr. Wei’s research covers a broad range of topics including resilience and sustainability management of buildings and infrastructures, information technology in construction engineering and management, project management, and disaster management. Dr Wei also possesses solid experience in consulting and professional practice in the design and management of major construction projects. He is a US Green Building Council LEED AP specializing in Building Design and Construction and has participated in several sustainable construction projects in the US.

Education and Academic Qualifications

  • Doctor of Philosophy, University of Maryland

Professional Qualifications

  • Project Management Professional
  • Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Accredited Professional

Research Interests

  • Advanced Construction Information Technology
  • Virtual/Augmented Reality
  • Resilience and Sustainability Assessment of the Built Environment
  • Natural Disaster Risk Assessment and Management
  • Construction Project Management

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