Academic Staff

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- +852 2766 5871
Dr Hung-Lin Chi joined The Hong Kong Polytechnic University as a Research Assistant Professor at the Department of Building and Real Estate in June 2017 and now becomes an Assistant Professor since July 2020. His research background is computer-aided engineering for construction management. Combining his research skills certified through a minor degree in computer science, his research interests include automation, sensing and tracking, and visualization technologies in construction. Dr Chi was studying in a group of Computer-Aided Engineering under the Department of Civil Engineering at National Taiwan University until 2013 and rewarded his PhD degree. The topic he was working on for PhD study is about the development of an AR-enhanced teleoperation crane and its user interface. After the graduation, he then possessed a research fellow position in Australasian Joint Research Centre for Building Information Modelling at Curtin University from 2013 to 2017. Since Dr Chi joined the department, his teaching duties cover the construction technology-related subjects. The research funding Dr Chi secured includes PolyU teaching development grant and Early Career Scheme (ECS) from Research Grant Council (RGC). In 2018, he gained an honour to be an awardee of Discovery Early Career Research Award from Australian Research Council. The proposed research topic of the award is about automatic motion planning considering operational concerns of craneage tasks. His current research includes developing route re-planning algorithms for construction craneage optimization; integrating construction management theorems (e.g., lean) in the VR environment for construction worker and equipment operator training; AI approaches for operator’s fatigue detection; and BIM-enabled system integrations for construction inspection and infrastructure monitoring.