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Results of ‘Pre Flight Walk Around Check’ Competition

Pre-flight walk around check with computer vision competition, sponsored by China Aircraft Services Limited (CASL) was held in last summer.  This offers an opportunity for the students to participate in two workshops in which they learn computer vision algorithms as well as visiting CASL.   After the workshops, three teams comprise of members from CASL and EE presented their algorithms to the judging panel in September 2017.    We are glad to share with you the awardees:   “Technical Merit Award” is given to the team with members: Paul Wan Tak Yin, Jasmine Chan Wan Yu, Luo Yifeng, and Nicholas Lam Ho. “Merit in Overall Performance” is given to the team with members: Dickie Cheung Hiu Fung, Tony Tang Wai Yin and Geoffrey Dominic Yau.   In addition to the cash prizes sponsored by CASL, Dickie Cheung is also offered an internship opportunity in CASL in December 2017.   We congratulate the winning teams and thank all students’ active participation in this competition!

28 Sep, 2017

PolyU to host examination for electricians

Date: 7th and 9th November The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) announced that the examination for registration as a Grade C electrical worker will be held on November 7 and 9 on PolyU campus. Application for sitting for the examination is now open until 29 September 2017.   There is no minimum entry requirement for the examination, although preference will be given to current registered electrical workers, in particular Grade B electrical workers. Any worker who wishes to be qualified for registration as a Grade C electrical worker is required to pass this examination.   Details of the Grade C electricians' examination 2017

31 Aug, 2017


"Memorandum of Understanding" with MTR Academy (HK) Company Limited

The Head of Department of Electrical Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Professor Tam Hwa-yaw, and the Dean of MTR Academy (HK) Company Limited (MTR-A), Mr. David Leung, signed a “Memorandum of Understanding” (MOU) on 17 August 2017, which provides a framework for both sides to fully utilize their expertise in collaborating the teaching of core subjects for the Master of Science / Postgraduate Diploma in Electrical Engineering (Railway Systems).  The MOU will further strengthen cooperation between the MTR-A and Department of Electrical Engineering, PolyU, in cultivating New Generation of Engineers.  Under the MOU, MTR-A will assign experienced engineers to co-teach the Master’s subjects as well as offer site visits / appreciations to their transportation systems. In this signing ceremony, we are pleased to have MTR-A’s president, Mr. Morris Cheung, and their teaching staff attended.

17 Aug, 2017


The HKIE Young Engineer of the Year Award

The Department is pleased to share with you that our EE alumni, Ir Ken C.N. Cheung (張政毅) has been received the Certificate of Merit of the “Young Engineer of the Year Award 2016” from The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers.  This award is to recognize his commendable achievements to the engineering profession and remarkable contributions as a professional engineer to the continuous development of Hong Kong. Ir Cheung was the graduate of PolyU, completing MEng in EE in 2006 and BEng in EE in 2003.  During his study at the University, Ir Cheung was active in various student activities and was once a student ambassador.   Ir Cheung is currently the Deputy Plant Manager in Daya Bay Nuclear Power Operations and Management Company Limited (jointly owned by CLP and CGN).  [More details]

26 Apr, 2016


Congratulations! Professor Hwa-yaw Tam received the award of Fellow of OSA 2016!

Prof. HY Tam received the award of Fellow of the Optical Society of America at the award ceremony held at the Optical Fiber Communications (OFC) Conference in Anaheim, California, USA.  This distinction was awarded to 77 OSA members for their significant contributions to the advancement of optics and photonics. The selection of these candidates was confirmed by the Board of Directors at its meeting in October 2015. [More details]   Prestigious fellowships bestowed on PolyU academics

14 Apr, 2016


New energy new generation * solar car competition 2016

Date: 10th January 2016   Professor Eric KW Cheng led a group of engineering students to take part in The Solar Car Competition which was held on 10 January 2016.  This is a student competition organized by EMSD.  Participated students come from different faculty departments including Electrical Engineering, Computing, Mechanical Engineering, Industrial and Systems Engineering, and Electronics and Information Engineering.  Two magnificent solar vehicles are designed and fabricated.  EE is responsible for the electrical part such as power electronics, power distribution, solar power, maximum power point tracking, battery, charging and battery management. We won the Team Award!  

21 Jan, 2016


Inno Carnival 2015

Prof. Eric Cheng of the Department of Electrical Engineering has developed super-capacitor panel for the application of Electric Vehicles.   The panel is able to provide high speed charging and discharging for energy storage.  It can be used to replace all or part of the battery as a fast energy management. Another technology developed is based on an active suspension for vehicles. It is now installed in a chair to demonstrate the concept.  Suspension energy can be regenerated from the cart .  This is especially useful for capture the energy during vehicle vibration under uneven road surface.   The Inno Carnival 2015 is held in Science Parks.   Very impressive and positive comments have been received from all visitors.  

18 Jan, 2016


The Signing of "Memorandum of Understanding" with HK Electric Institute to Cultivate New Generation of Engineers

Date: 30th November 2015   The Head of Department of Electrical Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Professor Tam Hwa-yaw, and the Managing Director of HK Electric, Mr. Wan Chi-tin, signed a “Memorandum of Understanding” (MOU) on November 30, 2015, which provides a framework for both sides to fully utilize their expertise in power engineering by applying it in teaching and research with the aim to groom more engineering talents in Hong Kong.  The MOU will further strengthen cooperation between the HK Electric and Department of Electrical Engineering, PolyU, in the areas of research and development. Under the MOU, HK Electric will assign experienced engineers to co-teach the Master’s subject and provide guidance in undergraduates’ final year projects, as well as offer site visits / appreciations to their electric power systems and equipment.  Through this strong partnership with HK Electric Institute, we hope students will be able to cope with the practical needs, expand their skill set, and further develop their professional career in the power engineering industry. 

4 Dec, 2015


Mentorship Programme 2015

Date: 14th November 2015

18 Nov, 2015



香港理工大學電機工程學系鄭家偉教授在理大舉行傳媒簡介會,向記者展示其率領團隊之最新發明品:超級集成電容技術。 該產品可為電動車供電。 有別於目前的電動車電池,鄭教授團隊的研發重點為用上納米技術製造的電容儲能,可以做到超薄、多形狀、壽命長、充電快。鄭教授現場展示了 2 塊不同形狀的超級電容板,分別是曲面和平面的,每塊內藏 160 枚納米電容;鄭教授強調每塊超級電容板可循環充電 100 萬次、每次由 0% 至 100% 充滿電只需 3 至 5 分鐘、 但需使用三相供電; 該產品還可以做得更纖薄,而不同形狀的優勢是在於可放置在車頂或車門等不同地方,令電動車的設計更有彈性。 鄭教授透露每塊超級電容板成本價約 $2 萬港元 ,若進入量產階段,或可把成本價下調至數千元;又指電容比鋰電池成本便宜;鋰電池效能低,一個月可能已經漏電,超級電容則可做到 2 個月保持 99% 電能。鄭教授表示,理論上 3 塊超級電容板可為電動車供電 10 至 20 分鐘、行車距離 30 公里;「整個發明從設計、採購、生產、測試僅用上一年,並不容易」。鄭教授已為這項理大最新儲電技術申請全球專利。 

13 Nov, 2015

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