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PolyU scholar receives Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Award_1

PolyU scholar receives Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Award

Professor Xiao-ming TAO, Chair Professor of Textile Technology and Director of the Research Centre for Smart Wearable Technology, Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), was honoured with the 13th Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Award by the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE). The award presentation ceremony was held in Beijing today (8 November). The biennial award is China's most prestigious award for Chinese engineers and scientists who have made significant contributions to engineering technology and engineering management. Since the establishment of the award in 1996, more than 250 individuals from across the spectrum of engineering disciplines have been recognised for their outstanding achievements. This year, 41 awardees were selected from 296 candidates and Professor TAO is one of the three award recipients from Hong Kong. All the three Hong Kong awardees were nominated by the Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences (HKAES). Professor TAO is internationally recognised for her leading research work on intelligent fibrous materials, nanotechnology, photonic fibres and fabrics, flexible electronic and photonic devices, smart washable technology, yarn manufacturing and textile composites. She has conducted numerous research projects and published more than 800 scientific publications including over 300 international journal papers and seven research monographs. "I feel proud and deeply honoured to receive the national award. We extend our heartfelt thanks to CAE for recognising our research efforts and to HKAES for its nomination; this is, indeed, a great encouragement to us. Alongside rapid technological development, we are also seeing artificial intelligence, industrial automation, and digitalisation as major trends which are enormously transforming the mode of operation of traditional manufacturing industries," said Professor TAO. "We, as scientists and a close partner of the industry, will continue to leverage our strengths in research and development as well as the world's leading technologies to develop innovative solutions and help foster the development of the industry for the benefit of the community as a whole," she added. Professor TAO has led a team of prolific inventors of new technologies and obtained 34 international and national patents. Over ten of the invented technologies have been licensed to companies worldwide for industrial applications. One of them is the Nu-torque single spun yarn technology that has been used by 11 yarn manufacturing companies for producing new textile and apparel products. Professor TAO was the Head of the Institute of Textiles and Clothing of PolyU from 2003 to 2011. Under her guidance, the Institute became one of the leading fashion and textile departments in the world. Working closely with industry, Professor TAO successfully led the PolyU team to win a grant of over HK$330 million to host The Hong Kong Research Institute of Textiles and Apparel. She also founded the Nanotechnology Centre for Functional and Intelligent Textiles and Apparel in 2004 and the Research Centre for Smart Wearable Technology in 2018. 理大學者榮獲「光華工程科技獎」(Chinese) PolyU scholar receives Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Award 9 Nov 2020 PRN Asia 理大学者荣获“光华工程科技奖” 9 Nov 2020 Sina 理大学者荣获“光华工程科技奖” 9 Nov 2020 聚焦北京網 理大学者荣获“光华工程科技奖” 9 Nov 2020 理大学者荣获“光华工程科技奖” 9 Nov 2020 Toutiao 光华奖榜单公布:12所大学共15名教授入榜,清华南农成赢家 9 Nov 2020 Yidianzixun 光华奖榜单公布:12所大学共15名教授入榜,清华南农成赢家 9 Nov 2020 Sohu 工程界“诺贝尔奖”开榜:首设团体奖,12所大学中多名校长入选 9 Nov 2020 NetEase 工程界“诺贝尔奖”开榜:首设团体奖,12所大学中多名校长入选 9 Nov 2020 文匯報 A07 港院校三學者奪光華工程科枝獎 8 Nov 2020 香港商報 A09 理工大學學者陶肖明榮獲「光華工程科技獎」 8 Nov 2020 Ticker Technologies PolyU scholar receives Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Award 8 Nov 2020 Merrill Edge PolyU scholar receives Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Award 8 Nov 2020 PR Newswire PolyU scholar receives Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Award 8 Nov 2020 PolyU scholar receives Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Award 8 Nov 2020 Beezinga PolyU scholar receives Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Award 8 Nov 2020 19位高校教授,“中国工程界最高奖”揭晓 8 Nov 2020  

10 Nov, 2020

PolyU and CityU research finds 70% of horseshoe crabs can’t survive in microplastic environment

A research jointly conducted by PolyU and the City University of Hong Kong (CityU) found that the death rate of young horseshoe crabs reaches 70% when living in an environment full of microplastics. The research secured around HK$850,000 from the funds set up by the Airport Authority in accordance with the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance for the third runway, with an aim of surveying the impacts of microplastics on the horseshoe crabs in the western waters in Hong Kong. The team placed the horseshoe crabs in an environment of three various PET microplastics, and found that the death rate was up to 70%, much higher than the norm of 20%. Dr. S. G. Cheung, Assistant Professor of Department of Chemistry at CityU, explained the microplastics obstructed the intestines of the horseshoe crabs, resulting in malnutrition and slow in motion. Dr James Fang Kar-hei, Assistant Professor of Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology at PolyU, added that they also found Shui Hau at Lantau Island has the most microplastics compared to other places in the western waters in Hong Kong. Dr Fang explained that plastic garbage from the mainland China are always found during the rainy seasons in the western waters. He urged the Hong Kong Government to co-operate with the mainland to reduce the amount of plastic garbage entering the ocean, and to prohibit the trading of horseshoe crabs by law.   東方日報 A15 幼年馬蹄蟹 誤吞微膠粒 死亡率達70% 2 Nov 2020 經濟日報 A19 三跑馬蹄蟹保育 揭微塑膠增死亡率 2 Nov 2020  

2 Nov, 2020

PolyU develops reusable isolation gowns that can sustain 30 washes

A research team of Institute of Textiles and Clothing (ITC) at PolyU has developed a reusable isolation gown that can maintain 90% of its antibacterial effect after being washed for 30 times. According to Prof. Kan Chi-wai of ITC, the leader of the team, the reusable gown can resist virus and bacteria like COVID-19, Escherichia coli., Staphylococcus aureus and H1N1. He remarks that the antibacterial effect is indeed still acceptable for the use in places like residential care homes where the risk of infection is relatively low after being washed for up to 104 times. However, he adds, the gown would be worn off after so many washes, therefore he suggests 30 washes should be the limit to replace them. The team has secured a funding of about HK$1.7 million from the Special Call for Projects for the Prevention and Control of Coronavirus Disease 2019 of the Innovation and Technology Commission for the development of reusable isolation gowns that can be used in environments such as residential care homes. Prof. Kan says that unlike disposable isolation gowns, which are highly protective but unbreathable, their novel reusable gowns are made by applying antibacterial coating on cotton fibric, so ensuring they are comfortable. The reusable gown was first developed in 2018. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the ITC team has added a waterproof coating on the gown to bounce off droplets. Prof. Kan explains that the coronavirus is usually wrapped inside droplets, therefore the risk of infection would be increased if moisture is allowed to leave on the clothes. As to the cost, Prof. Kan says the cost of a disposable gown is about HK$10, hence HK$300 for 30 gowns. But the cost of the reusable gown is definitely lower than that.   香港仔 P4 理大可重用保護衣 彈走飛沫環保舒適 28 Sep 2020 文匯報 A06 理大製保護衣 洗30次仍抗菌 28 Sep 2020  

28 Sep, 2020

PolyU Intimate Fashion Show 2020

The Show has featured 12 collections of intimate apparel and activewear, designed by the graduating students from the Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Scheme in Fashion and Textiles specializing in Intimate Apparel. Photo: 明報 學生作品:得獎bra演繹運動時尚 13 July 2020 成報 理大內衣時裝展 畢業生創意非凡 水墨畫融入運動服設計區楚盈奪總冠軍 13 July 2020  

12 Jul, 2020

PolyU introduces PALMS to secondary schools to promote active learning

With an aim to promoting active learning pedagogies in mathematics in secondary school, a research team of PolyU has launched a two-year Pedagogic and Active Learning Mobile Solutions (PALMS) Project, expecting to benefit over 4,000 students from at least eight secondary schools. The project is led by Dr Fridolin Ting, Teaching Fellow, Department of Applied Mathematics. Dr Ting says while traditional education are mainly led by the teachers where students have few chances to participate in, the PALMS Project aims at enhancing students' involvement in classes. The PolyU research team has secured another funding from the Quality Education Fund (QEF), which amounted to approximately HK$2 million, to launch a new project targets to junior secondary school students in the coming academic year. Another team member Dr Raymond Sze, Associate Professor, Department of Applied Mathematics, says their team shall meet with teachers of partaking schools every five to six months to gather their feedbacks and assess students' performance. 頭條日報 理大推主動學習計畫 助中學設計數學教案 22 June 2020 晴報 理大開發互動教學程式 提升中學生學習成效 22 June 2020 HK Economic Times 理大主動學習教學 提升數學科成效 22 June 2020  

22 Jun, 2020

Anti-bacterial fibre Bioserica developed by ITC Professor Tao Xiao-ming

Prof Tao Xiao-ming, Chair Professor of Textile Technology, Institute of Textile and Clothing, PolyU, featured in an interview programme at a forum on textile material innovation (紡織新材料創新論壇) held recently to introduce the bioserica, an anti-bacterial fibre jointly developed by, among others, Tian An Group, PolyU and Institute of Microbiology under Chinese Academy of Sciences. Prof Tao introduced that bioserica is a fibre based on two biodegradable resins, namely PLA and PHBV, which is capable of destroying bacterial cell walls and hence inhibiting and killing bacteria, including escherichia coli and staphylococcus aureus. Besides, according to the latest research, bioserica can also inactivate klebsiella pneumoniae, and has a high level of anti-virus function. Bioserica is currently used by Nanjing Bioserica Era Antibacterial Material Technology Company Limited (Bioserica Era), a joint venture of Tian An Group, in products such as facial masks, wipes and other protection gears, as well as daily necessities like socks, sanitary napkins and towels. Prof Tao pointed out that bioserica is also widely used in bedding and apparel in hospitals and caring homes, which can effectively reduce cross infection. Mr Chen Jian, general manager of Bioserica Era, anticipated that the market demand for health products shall not be short-lived, and the company will further enrich its portfolio of bioserica anti-bacterial products in future.   紡織網 禾素纤维:领跑绿色抗菌新赛道,迎接大健康时代风口 15 June 2020  

15 Jun, 2020

PolyU develops technology for China’s space missions

With the huge amount of digital data generated and recorded during space missions, the data storage devices currently used for this purpose reveal great limitations in terms of their data storage capacity and the durability of the retained data. To meet this challenge, a team of PolyU researchers led by Dr Yao Zhong-ping, Associate Professor, Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology and Prof. Francis Lau, Professor and Associate Head, Department of Electronic & Information Engineering, has developed a novel technology for massive data management involving the use of peptides for the storage of digital data and tandem mass spectrometry for its retrieval. This will help optimise data storage for space exploration in China's next-generation manned spacecraft in the new Long March-5B rocket. Compared with existing commercial data storage devices and other developing technologies such as DNA data storage, peptides offer a much higher storage density and longer storage duration – with the data still viable for sequencing even after millions of years when DNA would have already degraded. As such, this new technology has very great potential for handling the enormous amount of data generated during space missions. Dr Yao considers the peptide synthesis industry to be already well-developed, allowing fast peptide synthesis at a reasonable cost. Combining proteomics and data storage technology for the first time, this innovation has the potential to transform the data storage industry. Besides its application in data management for space missions, this technology has potentially wide applications, and could benefit governmental agencies and corporations that generate and archive large volumes of big data.    Investor Place - PolyU Explores the Application of Peptides in Data Storage for Space Exploration in China's Next-Generation Manned Spacecraft 22 May 2020 Digital Conqueror PolyU Explores the Application of Peptides in Data Storage for Space Exploration in China's Next-Generation Manned Spacecraft 22 May 2020 PolyU Explores the Application of Peptides in Data Storage for Space Exploration in China's Next-Generation Manned Spacecraft 22 May 2020 Tech Social Net PolyU Explores the Application of Peptides in Data Storage for Space Exploration in China's Next-Generation Manned Spacecraft 22 May 2020 Open Gov Asia PolyU explores the application of peptides in data storage 22 May 2020 星島日報 理大研發新一代數據儲存技術 21 May 2020 Hong Kong China News Agency 港理大研發新一代數據存儲技術 將透過載人飛船進行太空試驗 时间 21 May 2020 Miragenews PolyU Explores Application of Peptides in Data Storage for Space Exploration 21 May 2020  

28 May, 2020

PolyU researchers invent a “Skin-like” fabric for personal moisture management

PolyU researchers developed a novel a "skin-like" directional liquid transport fabric, which enables continuous one-way liquid flow through spatially distributed channels acting like "sweating glands" yet repels external liquid contaminants. The water transmission rate can be 15 times greater than that of best commercial breathable fabrics. The four-year research, led by Prof. Jintu Fan, Head of Institute of Textiles and Clothing and Chair Professor of Fiber Science and Apparel Engineering, received subsidies of HK$3.4 million from PolyU, Cornell University, US and Hong Kong government's Innovation and Technology Fund, and the fabric has registered a patent in US.     HK Economic Times 理大研發「仿皮膚」單向導水紡織物料技術 較巿場上的防水透氣性布料效能高出15倍 28 May 2020  

28 May, 2020

PolyU researcher developed anti-viral targeted drug for cancer treatment

Dr Jiang Lijun, Research Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology at PolyU, participated in a research with HKBU's research team in developing a novel anti-Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) drug that can selectively disrupt a viral protein produced by EBV, leading to the shrinkage of tumours caused by the virus. This drug can help treat nasopharyngeal cancer, some kind of gastric cancers and various lymphomas. The research team has applied for a patent and established a spin-off company, BP InnoMed Limited, with startup support from the Technology Start-up Support Scheme for Universities, to further develop the drug and carry out clinical trials. The research result has been published on Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 浸大研新藥抑制瘤細胞生長 治療鼻咽癌 14 May 2020 經濟通 新標靶藥治鼻咽癌 動物用後存活率增8成 12 May 2020 香港商報 A10 浸大研新標靶藥有效治鼻咽癌 12 May 2020 信報 浸大創新標靶藥治鼻咽癌 破壞潛伏EB病毒 抑制腫瘤細胞 12 May 2020 晴報 P06 新標靶藥治鼻咽癌 動物用後存活率增8成 12 May 2020 AM730 治療鼻咽癌 浸大研發新抗病毒標靶藥 11 May 2020  

12 May, 2020


14-year-old prodigy admitted to PolyU

A 14-year-old prodigy with an IQ of 141, Ip Chun-yin was admitted to PolyU after he had completed Form 2 last year. He is currently in the first year of a Bachelor of Science (Hons) programme in Investment Science and Finance Analytics. Ip showed his talent for mathematics by mastering the multiplier rule at around 2 to 3 years old. He had completed the entire primary school mathematics programme when he was still in Primary Two. While studying in elementary school, he obtained grades B and C in mathematics at the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) and International Advanced Levels Exam (IAL) respectively. He attained A and A* grades in IAL Mathematics and Further Mathematics when in Form 1 and Form 2 respectively. PolyU said that Ip had participated in a research training programme for secondary school students in 2018/19, during which the teaching team observed Ip's talent in mathematics. Considering the learning and personal growth needs of the student, PolyU has been providing him with counselling for whole-person development. Like other PolyU students, Ip can also participate in overseas exchange activities according to his interests. Over the years, PolyU has recruited dozens of outstanding students aged 16 or below through JUPAS and non-JUPAS channels. 香港理工大學(理大) 致力培育年輕優秀人才,透過聯招及非聯招途徑,取錄在學術或非學術領域表現卓越的學生,多年來亦先後取錄了數十名16歲或以下的優秀學生。除了評核學生的學術成績外,大學亦會透過不同方式,例如以面試了解學生的心智發展。各學系亦會因應個別學生的需要提供適切協助和支援,幫助他們投入大學生活。 葉振延同學曾參加理大「中學生研究實習計劃 2018/19」,期間,理大的教學團隊觀察到葉同學在數學方面的天賦及興趣,並為其提供數學方面的特別培訓。其後,葉同學以優秀的國際高考成績,經非聯招方式報讀理大的應用數學系,現就讀投資科學及金融分析(榮譽)理學士學位課程一年級。 考慮到葉同學的學習及個人成長需要,應用數學系為他提供了多方面的支援,包括:定期跟進葉同學的學習需要,按其情況加強部分學科的知識,理大身心健康及輔導處亦有提供身心發展輔導。學系更安排學長擔任其學友導師(peer mentor)協助他融入大學生活。一如其他理大學生,葉同學亦可按其興趣參加海外交流活動,汲取國際學習體驗。 頭條日報 P11 14歲數學神童破格升讀理⼤ 16 Apr 2020 大公報 A05 14歲數學神童直升理⼤⽴志讀博⼠後 16 Apr 2020 經濟日報 A10 研究實習計劃 助踏⼤學路 16 Apr 2020 文匯報 A01 14歲數學天才中⼆跳4級入理⼤ 16 Apr 2020 晴報 P12 IQ141中⼆神童 連跳4級直升理⼤ 16 Apr 2020 東方日報 A15 14歲數學神童 跳級入讀理⼤ 16 Apr 2020  

16 Apr, 2020

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