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Campus Carbon Neutrality Committee

The University established a designated Committee called “Campus Carbon Neutrality Committee” in 22/23 as one of the Committees of the President to support the effective rolling out of our campus-wide Carbon Neutrality Roadmap. The Campus Carbon Neutrality Committee comprises representatives from both academic and non-academic departments with diverse professional backgrounds and is being chaired by Vice President (Research and Innovation) [VP(RI)] and co-chaired by Vice President (Campus Development and Facilities) [VP(CDF)]. The key functions and objectives of the Committee include:
  • To oversee the implementation of the campus-wide Carbon Neutrality Roadmap
  • To recommend carbon reduction initiatives to the University
  • To implement action plans with milestones
  • To monitor, evaluate and review performance
  • To report to the University on the decarbonisation progress against targets

CCNC_Hierarchy of Commitee


The diversity of the composition of the Committee allows a whole-institutional approach to enable the University to achieve its short-term, medium-term and long-term decarbonisation goals.


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