PolyU seizes every opportunity to cultivate green culture on campus and proactively supports the community and local green organisations in fostering sustainability development. It has signed a pool of charters and pledges and that reaffirms the University’s commitment to promoting environmental awareness and cultivating behavioural change.

Energy conservation and carbon reduction
Proper energy management and carbon emission controls have been a significant focus of PolyU. The University spares no effort to enhance energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions of all its facilities, development initiatives and activities. It also joins hands with the community by signing different charters and pledges such as
- Carbon Reduction Charter
- Energy Saving Charter
- Energy Saving Charter on “No Incandescent Light Bulbs”
- Charter on External Lighting
- HK3030 Energy Saving Charter
Deepening green event practices
PolyU hosts numerous events and activities on campus each year and has always been supporting green event measures. The University further devotes itself to adopting green event measures by taking the Green Event Pledge (launched by the Environmental Protection Department) in 2018 and commits to enhancing environmental awareness and building a waste-less culture in the campus community.
Waste reduction
PolyU is keenly aware of its responsibility to minimize all types of waste to be disposed of at landfills. It has been partnering with different organisations and has been supporting external charters and pledges in relation to waste reduction actively for the past few years, including
- Food Wise Charter
- Waste Check Charter
- Green Partner of Missing Link (polyfoam collection)
Environment and sustainable food consumption
PolyU upholds the principle of sustainable development, and encourages the sharing of best sustainable practices by communicating within and beyond the University community. It pledges to adopt a sustainability-conscious food consumption practice for official entertainment functions which fully demonstrates our commitment to the promotion of green living and sustainability. It has been supporting
- Say NO to Shark Fin Pledge
- WWF's Sustainable Seafood Week