Crystal Anthurium (Anthurium crystallinum) is a perennial evergreen epiphyte native to Peru and Panama in South America. Mature leaves measure up to 40cm long and 22 cm wide with board white main veins. This species enjoys semi-shade environment and grow best under moist but well-drained fertile loamy soils. Remember to keep it indoor with air-conditioning (20°C - 25°C), away from direct exposure to winds and direct sunlight that will harm the leaf with brown edges. Humidity is an essential factor to thrive. It enjoys occasional misting and you can run a humidifier or simply increase humidity by a sprayer. Crystal Anthurium can be propagated by division and cuttings. You can enjoy this tropical beauty all year around and turn your space into tropical paradise with their stylish foliage.
Crystal Anthurium in a 5-inch pot
The heart-shaped dark green velvet leaf
The shiny board white main veins