Evidence-based Approach for Eliciting Preferences in Graph Model for Solving Strategic Conflicts in Aviation Industry
Research Seminar Series

16 Oct 2023
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, PolyU
10:00 - 11:30
Online via Zoom
Dr Shawei He
Meeting link will be sent to successful registrants
A novel approach for eliciting preferences within the framework of Graph Model for Conflict Resolution (GMCR) by extracting online text is developed to solve strategic conflicts in aviation industry at which the preferences of decision makers (DMs) can be suggested by news release from website. In existing GMCR methodologies, the elicitation of preferences relies on human judgement, affecting the credibility of equilibrium for providing reasonable guidance of actions for DMs. In this work, algorithms are designed to extract online text using natural language processing tools. Preference statements of three types are defined based on the designed algorithms. A decision support system is developed to provide preference statements by typing into keywords related with the options to be taken by DMs. This novel methodology is the first of its kind within the paradigm of GMCR for automatically eliciting preferences, so as to provide credible resolutions to the strategic conflicts in aviation industry.
Keynote Speaker

Dr Shawei He
Associate Professor,
College of Economic and Management
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Nanjing, China
Shawei He received the Ph.D. degree in Systems Design Engineering from the University of Waterloo, Canada, in 2015. He is an Associate Professor and the Coordinator of International Cooperation in the College of Economic and Management, NUAA. His research interests include the modeling of societal and environmental conflicts with application to carbon mitigation in the aviation industry. He has published research articles as the first author in journals such as European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR), IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems (IEEE SMC Trans), and Transaction of Group Decision and Negotiations (TGDN). Since 2015, he has been granted two NSFC programs and three programs at provincial level. He has been carrying out review tasks for journals such as EJOR, TGDN, and Information Sciences. Dr. He has been a member of the IEEE SMC Technical Committee on Conflict Resolution since 2016. He serves as a member of the Conflict Analysis Group, University of Waterloo. He has chaired sessions in INFORMS Annual Meeting, ATRS Conference, and GDN Conference. He was also an employed staff by the European Union in the Joint Enterprise- University Learning Project (JEUL), co-funded by Erasmus+ Program, from year 2018 to 2022.
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