ITS has recently developed a new eform to allow academic departments to shift their internal purchase requisition request (IPR) and approval process to online.
The eform is simple and flexible. Requestor can specify required parties need to be involved (endorsement or approval contingent upon type of purchase, amount and charge to cost center).
Involved parties can view and update the eform in parallel rather in sequence to shorten the turnaround time before flow to HoD or PI or their delegates for final approval.
All department purchase expenditure once shifted to use IPR will be captured on system including supporting document to ease department reference.
Shifting department internal approval process for purchase request to online brings more transparency on department purchase expenditure and potentially drive up administration efficiency.
- Stakeholders receive email notification once internal purchase request pending their action.
- Subject expert and Department General Office each can check and validate respective information say technical standards and charge to account code respectively in parallel. This speeds up turnaround before flow to HoD or delegate for final approval.
- Essential supporting and justification needed for specific type of purchase can be included as reminder text to potential requestor.
Academic departments who interested to shift their internal purchase approval process online, please feel free to contact Ms. Paula Wu at 34002089 for more details.