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LSGI PhD student Wins Best Student Paper Award at 20th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR 2024)

Mr. Wenchao He, a PhD student from the Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics (LSGI) at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), recently received the Best Student Paper Award at the 20th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR 2024) held in Jilin, China from 23 to 27 June 2024. The event was organized by the College of Geo-exploration Science and Technology, Jilin University.   Under the supervision of Ir Prof. Wallace Lai, Associate Head (Teaching) and Professor of LSGI, Wenchao's research area focuses on Ground Penetrating Radar and Non-destructive Testing. The awarded presentation was titled "Depth-Weighted Velocity Correction: Approach to Hyperbolic Fitting in Multi-Layered GPR Surveys". This outstanding award recognizes Wenchao's strong research skills and his ability to effectively present his findings, showcasing the high-quality research capabilities of LSGI's Geomatics program.   The GPR 2024 conference is a premier biennial event for GPR research and applications, where scientists, engineers, industrial delegates, and end-users of the GPR industry share the latest developments in the field, ranging from fundamental advances in methods to case studies.   Congratulations to Wenchao He on this well-deserved recognition!  

23 Jul, 2024



LSGI Master Student Wins Outstanding Presentation Award in 14th Forum on Spatially Integrated Humanities and Social Science

We are pleased to share that our Master of Science (MSc) student in Geomatics, Miss Jiarui MOU (under the supervision of Dr. Yang XU, Associate Professor), from the Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics (LSGI) at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), has won the Outstanding Presentation Award at the 14th Forum on Spatially Integrated Humanities and Social Science. This forum, organized by the Geographical Society of China (中國地理學會) in Nanchang, China from 28-30 June 2024, attracted over two hundred researchers from more than one hundred organizations to share their research work in seventeen sub-sessions of frontier topics related to spatially integrated humanities and social science.   Jiarui’s award-winning research, titled “基於AIS數據的海絲之路海運網絡交通不均衡性多尺度分析”, proposed a novel approach to portraying the spatial pattern of the "21st Century Maritime Silk Road" maritime complex network. The research utilized the Automatic Identification System (AIS) data to analyze the imbalance of the maritime complex network across multiple vessel types, multiple scales and multiple indicators. This outstanding presentation award recognizes Jiarui’s strong research skills and her ability to effectively present her findings. We are proud of Jiarui’s achievement, as it showcases the high quality and research capabilities of our Geomatics programme!   Congratulations to our MSc student, Jiarui MOU, on this well-deserved recognition!  

22 Jul, 2024



LSGI Student, Andy WONG, Receives the 'Lo Pan Scholarship' 2023/24

Congratulations to Andy WONG Ka Wai, our 2024 graduate student from the Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics (LSGI), for receiving the 'Lo Pan Scholarship' awarded by the Hong Kong Construction Association (HKCA). This scholarship recognizes local university students studying construction-related disciplines who have demonstrated outstanding academic results, community service, leadership, and integrity, with the aim of encouraging their future commitment to the construction industry.   Out of a total of 10 scholarship recipients, Andy was selected by the Lo Pan Scholarship Selection Panel, which consists of representatives from the HKCA Executive Committee and Council. He will receive a scholarship of HKD 30,000. The award ceremony was held at the Lo Pan Patron's Day Dinner on 19 July 2024, where Andy was recognized for his exceptional academic achievements and valuable contributions to the community.   Established in 2023, the HKCA Lo Pan Scholarship is the signature youth empowerment program of the HKCA, as they believe that the youth are the key to a better future for Hong Kong. We are proud that Andy, representing LSGI at PolyU, has received this prestigious scholarship, and we wish him continued success in all his future endeavors.  

19 Jul, 2024


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LSGI Student, Winnie CHU, Receives the 'HSBC Hong Kong Scholarship' 2023/24

Congratulations to Winnie CHU Wing Wai, an undergraduate student at the Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics (LSGI), for receiving the ‘HSBC Hong Kong Scholarship' for the 2023/24 academic year. This prestigious scholarship, awarded by The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited (HSBC), aims to recognise the full-time undergraduate students who have a strong commitment to Hong Kong and are active in community service. Winnie was selected as the awardee by the HSBC Scholarship Selection Committee, and will receive a scholarship of HKD 50,000. The award ceremony, called the “HSBC Scholars Day”, was held at the HSBC Main Building on 10 July 2024, where Winnie was recognized for her outstanding academic achievements and valuable contributions to the community. The HSBC scholarship scheme has been nurturing future leaders with diverse academic or socioeconomic backgrounds since 1965. As of 2023, HSBC has granted over HKD262 million in scholarships to support high-achieving Hong Kong students, with the aim of continuing to enrich the young talent pool and provide opportunities for growth through various flagship scholarship programmes. Once again, we congratulate Winnie on her remarkable achievement and wish her success in all her future endeavors!

18 Jul, 2024



LSGI Harbin Study Tour 2024

From 6-15 July 2024, a 10-day exchange and learning study tour was held in Harbin, China. A group of five students from the Faculty of Construction and Environment (FCE) at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) participated in this summer tour to Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT). This study tour was co-organized by the Department of Land Surveying & Geo-Informatics (LSGI) at PolyU and the School of Architecture and Design at HIT, led by Dr. Xintao Liu, Associate Professor, and Dr. Xiaolong Mi, Research Assistant Professor at LSGI. The tour targeted students studying in the fields of construction, building, computing, or architecture, with the theme "Computational Urban Science 2024: Urban Historical Spatial Computation and Modeling Workshop". The study tour began with an opening ceremony and ice-breaking activities, followed by a campus visit and a series of lectures on urban computational science delivered by HIT. The students also had the opportunity to explore the city's landmarks, such as the St. Sophia Cathedral, Harbin Grand Theatre, and the remnants of Unit 731 of the Imperial Japanese Army, enriching their understanding of Harbin's history, culture, and unique urban landscape. At the end of the tour, a summary session and a teacher-student exchange meeting were conducted, where the students presented their learning outcomes through free discussions, group collaboration, and group leader reports. With the experts' feedback, the students were able to further summarize and internalize their learning experiences, and apply what they had learned, achieving the goals of this summer learning journey. To conclude, this summer study tour to Harbin offered a unique and memorable cultural and learning experience for the Hong Kong and mainland students. This cross-cultural learning journey served as an excellent platform for exchange and cooperation between the PolyU and HIT. We believe this invaluable experience not only sparked the participants' understanding of the traditional and modern elements in China's dynamic urban landscapes, but also broadened their academic horizons. Here are some students' sharing on their Harbin study tour experience: YIN Ruo Xin, Rose (LSGI) During the Harbin Urban Science Study Camp, I deeply felt the unique charm of this city. From the Harbin style of Central Street and the St. Sophia Cathedral, to the historical warning of the 731 Unit Museum, all left a deep impression. The visit to the Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) History Museum and the Aerospace Museum allowed me to experience and learn about HIT's excellent spirit of "strict standards and skillful execution." The lectures and workshops during the study camp broadened my academic horizons, allowing me to learn knowledge in cross-disciplinary fields such as architectural preservation, BeiDou navigation, and Large Language Models (LLMs), which greatly inspired the direction of my future learning and research.   CHAN Kin Wang, Brian (BEEE) I am delighted to join this tour to Harbin this summer which makes me understand more about different cultures and lifestyles. This is my first time to be in the Northeast China, which I found it very special and unique. Unique architectures are everywhere along the city. The style of urban planning and architectural design were very different from other cities across the country I visited before. After attending different seminars, I had a better understanding of the history and the urban development of Harbin. The most unforgettable experience to me was to travel to Hengdaohezi Railway station. The architectural style of this railway station is full of history and retains some ancient architectural elements. I really appreciate the traditional station building and platform in the station and feel the charm of the past railway era. I was glad to have a chat with a Russian architect along our tour, which he shared a lot about the architectural style of the town, very similar to the towns across the Russian empire in the past. YU Chi Cheong, Joe (BRE) The meeting with my mentor and fellow students during this 2024 Harbin Exchange Tour was very fruitful, and we had in-depth discussions on the challenges I have encountered in my studies. My mentor gave me a lot of valuable advice to help me better understand my strengths and weaknesses, as well as how to make a more realistic development plan. Also, through my interaction with my mentor, I realised that we need to focus on ESG, i.e. environmental protection, including climate change, pollution and waste management, renewable energy; social responsibility, including human resource development, responsibility for product safety, stakeholder veto; and corporate governance, including business ethics, competitive behaviour, stability and transparency of the financial system. This has given me a clearer picture of where I want to go in the future. I plan to keep in regular contact with my tutors and seek their guidance and support when discussing my learning plans and development.   Overview of students' reflections on the Harbin study tour    

16 Jul, 2024



LSGI Shanghai Study Tour 2024

A group of five students and academic staff from the Department of Land Surveying and Geo-informatics (LSGI) at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) visited Tongji University (Tongji) in Shanghai for a 6-day summer study tour from 1-6 July, 2024. The aim of this trip was to provide our LSGI students with new insights into the latest development in surveying and geo-informatics through engaging with experts from Tongji's College of Geographic Information and Surveying.   Led by Dr. Songbo WU, Research Assistant Professor at LSGI, the students participated in a series of lectures and hands-on activities at Tongji University. These sessions covered both fundamental theories and cutting-edge applications in surveying. The LSGI students actively engaged with Tongji’s renowned college, participating in discussions and building connections. This enriching experience enhanced the students’ professional knowledge and practical expertise in their field of study.   In addition, the students also gained hands-on experience with Shanghai's urban planning and surveying industry. They visited key institutions like the Shanghai Institute of Surveying and Mapping, Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, and the Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Hall. This provided the students with valuable insights into how surveying technology is utilized in areas such as urban planning and disaster prevention, inspiring their future career aspirations. Moreover, the students had the opportunity to experience Shanghai's unique cultural activities like city walks and food sharing events, allowing them to immerse themselves in the local charm of the city.   We are grateful for the warm hospitality provided by Tongji University throughout the summer study tour. This successful summer programme offered valuable learning and growth experiences for students from both institutions, laying the foundation for future collaboration between PolyU and Tongji.      

8 Jul, 2024



PolyU JUPAS Consultation Day 2024 - Part II

Following Part I of the PolyU JUPAS Consultation Day in May 2024, Part II of the event was held on 5 July 2024. Themed "Cheer On! Chit-Chat with HKDSE Students," the second part aimed to provide more comprehensive subject selection strategies for JUPAS applicants. The event offered a valuable opportunity for prospective students who had missed the previous session or sought additional admission information. On the day, many participating parents and secondary school students attended the admission strategy and sharing session to gather details about PolyU's undergraduate programmes. Those interested in the Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics (LSGI) disciplines visited our consultation counter to seek advice and guidance from our admission staff. They gained in-depth insights about their potential academic journey and the opportunities available within our programmes. We look forward to welcoming these students to join us in the near future, supporting them in realizing their academic and professional aspirations! Previous news related: PolyU JUPAS Consultation Day 2024 - Part I

5 Jul, 2024



Launch of documentary "Unfolding the lost WWII heritage: A new chapter of geo-spatial and geophysical technologies in Hong Kong" at National Geographic Magazine

Led by Ir Prof. Wallace LAI, Associate Head of LSGI, the project titled "Unfolding the Lost WWII Heritage: Promotion of Geo-spatial and Geophysical Technologies" (funded by ITF-GSP and matching fund by FCE and RILS) continues to make strides in uncovering Hong Kong's hidden remnants from the Battle of Hong Kong in 1941. Recently together with Dr. Kwong Chi-Man of Department of History at the Hong Kong Baptist University, we released a compelling 42-minute documentary on youtube1. Our works are also featured by National Geographic Magazine in an insightful article titled "揭示失落的香港二戰遺產-地理空間和地球物理科技的新篇章" 2. Through continual public engagement activities such as seminar talks, workshops, Art-Tech exhibition in the HiVE in Industrial Centre, and field trips to HK's WWII remnants, we have actively shared our findings and outreached to over 1200 audience since mid-2023, such as the recent seminar talk at the Poi Oi Hospital 80th Anniversary Tang Ying Hei College. The engaging session saw active participation from 180 students from Secondary 4 and 5. Stay updated on our progress through our official social media channels on Instagram (@geoproject_battleofhk1941), Facebook and LinkedIn (Geo-Project: Battle of Hong Kong 1941).   Click here to explore more on this project.   1 Documentary "Unfolding the Lost WWII Heritage: Promotion of Geo-spatial and Geophysical Technologies" at YouTube  2 Article in National Geographic Magazine: Previous news related:  LSGI STEAM Talks for Secondary School 2024 - Poi Oi Hospital 80th Anniversary Tang Ying Hei College (4 July) Secondary School participates the Project “Unfolding the Lost WWII Heritage: Promotion of Geo-spatial and Geophysical Technologies” A Soft Launch of Geo-Project 1941 LSGI funded by ITF for technology promotion on unfolding the lost WWII heritage in HK    

5 Jul, 2024



LSGI STEAM Talks for Secondary School 2024 - Poi Oi Hospital 80th Anniversary Tang Ying Hei College (4 July)

We are delighted to share the exciting moments from our recent STEAM talk, where Mr. Sahib Singh SANDHU, representing the Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics (LSGI) at PolyU, delivered a seminar for the secondary school - Poi Oi Hospital 80th Anniversary Tang Ying Hei College on 4 July 2024. Approximately 200 students from Secondary 4 and 5 participated in the seminar held in the school hall, eager to learn how geo-spatial technology is used to uncover Hong Kong's hidden remnants from the Battle of Hong Kong in 1941.   Mr. Sandhu, a land surveyor and drone pilot in the project titled "Unfolding the Lost WWII Heritage: Promotion of Geo-Spatial and Geophysical Technologies," led by Ir Prof. Wallace LAI, Associate Head (Teaching) and Professor of LSGI, represented the multi-disciplinary Geo-project team. He presented an innovative approach that has revolutionized our understanding of WWII in Hong Kong. The talk covered advanced methodologies, including desktop research, aerial LiDAR technology, and field surveys, to uncover hidden stories and heritage features of the era.   During the talk, the secondary school students actively engaged, sharing their insights and participating in interactive discussions. They all enjoyed the visit and found the talk to be fruitful and beneficial. Know more about the project - "Unfolding the Lost WWII Heritage: Promotion of Geo-spatial and Geophysical Technologies": Official Website of the Project Project documentary at Youtube   Know more about the LSGI STEAM talk series for secondary school: STEAM Talk Series Topics Smart City and 3D Mapping in HK (智慧城巿及三維地圖的應用) Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) and Smart City Applications (全球導航衛星系統與智慧城市應用) Unfolding HK Lost WWII Heritage with Geo-spatial Science (尋找隱世二戰遺跡:地理空間科學篇) Problem Solving by Digital Maps and Geographic Information System (GIS) (以數字地圖和地理訊息系統解難) Seeing and Unseen Underground Utilities in 3D (三維地下管線測量) Observing and Measuring the Earth from Space (從太空觀測地球) IoT and Remote Sensing for Tree Monitoring (如何利用IoT及遙感技術監測城市樹木)

4 Jul, 2024



LSGI scholars contribute to Nation’s Chang’e-6 historic lunar far-side sampling mission, marking a magnificent chapter in the Nation’s aerospace history

Prof. WU Bo, Fiona Cheung Professor in Spatial Science, Associate Head of the Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics (LSGI), and Associate Director of the Research Centre for Deep Space Explorations (RCDSE), and his research team have been instrumental in the successful completion of the world’s first lunar far-side sampling for the Chang’e-6 lunar exploration mission from the Lunar Sample Management Office under the China National Space Administration’s Lunar Exploration and Space Engineering Centre. A press event sharing this achievement was held on 3 July at the PolyU.   Prof. Wu and his research team including Dr Wang Xing, Postdoctoral Fellow of LSGI, and Dr Sergey Krasilnikov, Research Assistant Professor of LSGI are actively engaged in the lunar exploration mission. They will delve into groundbreaking research on "Finding Water in Lunar Soil" through microstructural analysis of the lunar regolith, shedding insights into soil formation on the Moon's surface and the lunar water resources. The PolyU research team has successfully obtained two distinct lunar soil samples: a surface soil sample weighing 400 milligrams, collected by PolyU’s Surface Sampling and Packing System; and a subsurface soil sample totaling 42.6 milligrams. Leveraging their extensive expertise in photogrammetry and related geospatial technologies, the research team has made invaluable contributions to this historic achievement.   Prof. Wu Bo highlighted that the PolyU research team successfully obtained lunar soil samples from the National Astronomical Observatories in Beijing, which they have brought back to the PolyU campus for further analysis. He expressed the team's delight in securing these valuable samples, which will provide important scientific insights. Prof. Wu stated that the interdisciplinary PolyU team has extensive experience in space missions, with research embracing areas such as lunar geological research, topographic and geomorphological analysis of landing sites, development and manufacturing of space payloads, in-depth analysis of lunar soil samples, and space resource utilization. Prof. Wu emphasized the team's eagerness to leverage their research strengths to deliver additional impactful contributions to innovation and technological advancement in Hong Kong and the Nation.   The achievements of the PolyU LSGI scholars in the Chang’e-6 lunar far-side sampling mission have not only marked a significant milestone in the nation’s aerospace history but also paved the way for future advancements in space resource utilization and lunar research. As the nation continues to prioritize manned lunar landing and the return of Mars samples, the PolyU team stands ready to make further valuable contributions to the nation's ambitious space exploration endeavours.   More information can be found in the Media Release (PolyU contributes to Nation’s Chang’e-6 historic lunar far-side sampling mission and acquires Chang’e-5 lunar soil samples; Leading deep space exploration research) of PolyU. Media Coverage  

4 Jul, 2024


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