Research Staff

- Data processing , 3D Reconstruction

Research Assistant
- Remote Sensing; geospatial technologies; RADAR based land subsidence detection; climate change impacts; machine learning; Hazard Vulnerability; environmental study; earth observation datasets and their processing; open-source datasets and Mapping
- Remote sensing

Postdoctoral Fellow
- Urban remote sensing; Urban climates

Research Assistant
- Image Understanding, 3D Reconstruction

Research Assistant
- Infrared Thermography, NDT
- Satellite Navigation; GNSS Meteorology
- Remote sensing for urban vegetation phenology
- GIS, Human Geography
- Robotic Vision, Remote Sensing, Edge Computing
- Radar Remote Sensing, Planetary Surface Processes

Research Assistant
- Ground Penetrating Radar, Non-destructive Testing

Postdoctoral Fellow
- Geomorphometry; DEM Error Modeling; Geospatial Similarity
Research Assistant
- Laser scanning and point cloud processing
- Landslide identification, monitoring and susceptibility assessment based on InSAR and machine learning methods

Research Assistant
- Planetary Remote Sensing and Mapping

Postdoctoral Fellow
- Satellite Remote Sensing

Research Assistant
- Photogrammetry
- Agent-Based Modelling; Energy Consumption
- Soil organic carbon, vegetation productivity in mangrove areas
- GNSS; Ionospheric modeling; Ionospheric disturbance
- Land use / cover change and its effects

Postdoctoral Fellow
- Ground-based Remote Sensing Technology, GIS-based Epidemic Analysis, Location-based Services, Indoor Navigation
- Intelligent interpretation of remote sensing and medical images, artificial intelligence
Postdoctoral Fellow
- Remote Sensing, Urban Heat Island, Urban Climate, LULC Change Modeling

Research Assistant
- Spaital Lifecourse Epidemiology
- Historical geography; Economic geograpyh

Postdoctoral Fellow
- Multi-sensor Integration, Precise Positioning, Structural Health Monitoring

Postdoctoral Fellow
- Nighttime Light Remote Sensing
- Digimat Image Processing, Computational Mechanics, Non-destrutive Evaluation
Postdoctoral Fellow
- Carbon cycle, remote sensing, mangroves and deep learning
- Lunar and Planetary Science

Research Assistant
- Algorithm Development for Water Vapor Retrieval, Algorithm Validation for Space-sensed Precipitable Products

Research Associate
- Remote Sensing

Research Assistant
- Underground Utility Survey

Postdoctoral Fellow
- Remote Sensing

Research Assistant
- Remte Sensing, Navigation, Positioning
- Traffic Geography, Transportation electrification

Research Assistant
- Hydroclimate compound extreme events

Research Assistant
- GPR, Remote Sensing

Research Assistant
- Remote Sensing