Final deliverables submission (by May 2023)
Topic submission form (by 13 Jan 2023)
Formulate any smart city initiative or deliverable based on the 6 areas of Smart City Blue Print 2.0 of Hong Kong. It could be an improvement of existing deliverables or a brand new idea falling into any one of these 6 categories:
- Smart Mobility;
- Smart Living;
- Smart Environment;
- Smart People;
- Smart Government; and
- Smart Economy.
A seminar from the Government Representatives will be held on 17 Dec 2022 at TU103, PolyU for interested applicants to understand more about smart city deliverables/systems developed in Hong Kong.
- F.4-6 secondary school students (or equivalent)
- 3-4 students in a group
- with a supervising school teacher
- A power point presentation of no more than 10 slides introducing background, innovation, feasibility, data and technology required, expected users and degree of acceptance or popularity; and
- A video within 5 minutes to demonstrate the proposed smart city deliverable.
*The Champion Group and Teacher Supervisor are awarded an overseas smart city visit in Singapore during summer of 2023.
- 1st Runner Up award (top 10%)
- 2nd Runner Up award (top 11-20%)
- Each group will receive a medal and all awardees will receive individual certificate.
- Awardees may be invited for interviews if they choose the PolyU’s relevant BSc programme in the Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics as their Band A choice AND record the award properly in the “Other Experiences and Achievements (OEA)” section of the application form for Joint University Programmes Admissions System (JUPAS).
Judging Panel:
Representatives from:
- Office of Government Chief Information Officer, HKSAR Government
- Transport Department, HKSAR Government
- Lands Department, HKSAR Government
- Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Seminar registration
13th Dec 2022
Seminar on “Smart City Development in Hong Kong”
- by Government Representatives
17th Dec 2022
9:30am – 12:00nn
Topic submission for competition
13th Jan 2023
Comments from judging panel |
28th Feb 2023 |
Final submission of deliverables for competition
31st May 2023 |
Announcement of list of finalists
- Finalists will be invited for demonstration in early July 2023
June 2023 |
Announcement of list of awardees |
mid June 2023 |
Presentation of finalists and Award Presentation Ceremony
@ Chieng Chen Studio Theatre |
7th July 2023 |
2:30-4:30pm |

Seminar on “Smart City Developments in Hong Kong”
Date: 17th Dec 2022 (Sat)
Time: 9:30am -12:00nn
Venue: TU103 (Updated), PolyU
Speakers: Representatives from the HKSAR Government and PolyU
- Overview of Smart City Blueprint 2.0
by Ms. Cari WU
Chief Systems Manager (Smart City), Office of the Government Chief Information Officer, HKSAR Government
- Smart Mobility Development in Hong Kong
by Ir Mr. Clarence CHENG
Chief Engineer/Smart Mobility, Transport Department, HKSAR Government
- 3D Digital Map for Smart City Development
by Mr. CHEUNG Wing-kai, Alvin
Senior Land Surveyor, Survey and Mapping Office, Lands Department, HKSAR Government
- Towards Future Smart Cities
by Professor John Wen-zhong SHI
Chair Professor, Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics,
Director, Otto Poon C. F. Smart Cities Research Institute, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- Briefing of Innovation for Smart Cities Competition
Registration deadline: 5th Dec 2022 (Mon)
Register now! (P.S. Registration is required.)
Topic Submission for Competition:
Deadline: 13th Jan 2023 (Fri)
Topics submitted will be reviewed by the panel and submission link for deliverable will be provided later.
Note: medium of submission can be in Chinese or English.
<<Competition Leaflet>> \ <<Poster>>
Ms Anna Choi (LSGI)
Tel: 852 - 3400 8158
Award Type
School Name
Team Members
Project Topic
Overall Champion
Ying Wa Girls' School
MAK Cheuk Hei Emily, SHIH Maan Chi Gigi, KO Man Yee Sonia and LIU Ue Tung Heather
1st Runner Up
Diocesan Girls' School
LAU Yan Yu, SO Hei Tung, AU Cheuk Yi and CHAN Hoi Chi Galie
Smart Medical System
1st Runner Up
QESOSA Tong Kwok Wah Secondary School
YIP Tsz Yeung, KENG Kam Ying, CHAU Cheuk Yin and LAU Kin Yuen
iStop for Minibuses 智能小巴站
2nd Runner Up
Sheng Kung Hui Chan Young Secondary School
CHAN Tsz San, YU Lap King and CHEN Yan Tai
Way to Goal (奇·跡)
2nd Runner Up
Ying Wa Girls' School
LEUNG Tsoi Lam Phoebe, LAM Hiu Ching and CHUNG Janice
We Are Trailblazers - hiking app using3D mapping technology
CNEC Lau Wing Sang Secondary School
WONG Ching Pong, CHEUNG Hoi Ching and LAM Ho Lun
Lok Sin Tong Ku Chiu Man Secondary School
ZHEN Ching Ho, FONG Yu Ki,
SIT Sing Kit and CHAN Yu On
Maryknoll Convent School (Secondary Section)
CHENG Nga Lam Claudia,
CHAN Wing Lam Alice and
LAW Sum Yu Cloris
App that promotes healthy lifestyle
Queen's College Old Boys' Association Secondary School
鍾曜蔚, 李汝森,
劉憲滔, 鄭耀宗
利用人工智能 及 大數據分析及預測未來急症室的輪候情況
Ying Wa Girls' School
WONG Tsz Wing, WONG Sum Yi Frances, CAO Yan Tung and
YIM Yan Tsai
Promoting Healthy Food
Wong Shiu Chi Secondary School
CHEUNG Kin Lam, CHENG Paak Ting, CHEN Chui Mei, and
HO Ka Leong
Plastic Bottle Recycling for 3D Printing Usage