Prof. CHENG Song 成松
Assistant Professor
Area of Specialization: Gas Phase Chemical Kinetics; Real-Fluid Oxidation Chemistry; Low-Carbon Oxidation Chemistry; Uncertainty Quantification and Optimization; Optimal Decision Making; Machine Learning.
- FG631
- 2766-6668
- songryan.cheng@polyu.edu.hk
- Personal Website
Short Description
Prof. Cheng’s current research interests include gas-phase chemical kinetics, trans-/super-critical combustion fundamentals, uncertainty quantification, and near real-time model optimization. He is particularly interested in integration of green fuels and propellants in heavy-duty engines, gas turbines and next generation space applications, via generating new understandings and knowledge of intermolecularly interactive chemical kinetics. He is also specifically interested in characterizing kinetics-governed phenomena under extreme conditions using both theoretical and experimental techniques, with a particular emphasis on trans-/super-critical pyrolysis, oxidation and combustion. He also has special focuses on developing machine learning assisted frameworks to implement near real-time optimization of high-dimensional models, as well as to enable detailed chemical kinetics in turbulent combustion modelling.
Applications with proven track record and strong commitment are kindly invited for Ph.D., RA and other research openings in Prof. Cheng’s group.