This programme allows students to take subjects in related technical fields, such as mechanical engineering, air pollution control, noise pollution control, product development and analysis, aerospace engineering, green energy, computers, marketing, management, etc. It also allows students to take a combination of subjects that lead to an award with a specialism.
Students have the flexibility to vary their studies from semester to semester according to their personal aspirations (except for non-local students, who are constrained by visa requirements). For example, a local student can study full-time in one semester and choose to switch to part-time study in the next semester, and vice versa. Students can manage their own pace of study, subject to certain registration and assessment regulations.
- A Bachelor’s degree with Honours in a relevant branch of engineering, or a related applied science discipline; OR
- Qualifications that satisfy the academic requirements for Corporate Membership in the mechanical discipline of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE), or the equivalent.
Consideration will also be given to candidates without Honours degrees who have other relevant qualifications and/or appropriate work experience.
If you are not a native speaker of English, and your Bachelor's degree or equivalent qualification is awarded by institutions where the medium of instruction is not English, you are expected to fulfil the University’s minimum English language requirement for admission purposes. Please refer to the "Admission Requirements" section for details.
Individual cases will be considered on their own merit. Applicants may be required to attend interviews or tests to further demonstrate their language proficiency.
The programme provides the option for students to engage either in the full-time study mode (taking 9 credits or more per semester) or the part-time study mode (taking fewer than 9 credits per semester). In general, each subject requires a 3-hour class per week over a 13-week semester. Full-time students normally take 3 to 5 subjects in a semester, and part-time students usually take 2 subjects. Subjects are offered in the evenings.
Students who enrol in the MSc in Mechanical Engineering programme have the option to select from a wide range of subjects offered by departments under the Faculty of Engineering and from other disciplines such as accounting, construction and environment, and logistics. They can also select combinations of subjects that allow them to graduate with a specialism award.
For the MSc in Mechanical Engineering
Students must complete:
- 7 taught subjects, including at least 4 Core Subjects, and a Dissertation; OR
- 10 taught subjects, including at least 6 Core Subjects.
For the MSc in Mechanical Engineering (Aerospace Engineering)
Students must complete:
- 7 taught subjects, including at least 4 Core Subjects (including 3 Compulsory Subjects) in the Aerospace Engineering stream, and a Dissertation pertaining to the Aerospace Engineering stream; OR
- 10 taught subjects, including at least 6 Core Subjects (including 3 Compulsory Subjects) in the Aerospace Engineering stream.
For the MSc in Mechanical Engineering (Air/Noise Pollution Management)
Students must complete:
- 7 taught subjects, including at least 4 Core Subjects in the Air/Noise Pollution Management stream, and a Dissertation pertaining to the Air/Noise Pollution Management stream; OR
- 10 taught subjects, including at least 6 Core Subjects in the Air/Noise Pollution Management stream.
For the MSc in Mechanical Engineering (Green Energy)
Students must complete:
- 7 taught subjects, including at least 4 Core Subjects in the Green Energy stream, and a Dissertation pertaining to the Green Energy stream; OR
- 10 taught subjects, including at least 6 Core Subjects in the Green Energy stream.
For the MSc in Mechanical Engineering (Product Development and Analysis)
Students must complete:
- 7 taught subjects, including at least 4 Core Subjects in the Product Development and Analysis stream, and a Dissertation pertaining to the Product Development and Analysis stream; OR
- 10 taught subjects, including at least 6 Core Subjects in the Product Development and Analysis stream.
Core Areas of Study
The following is a brief summary of the core areas of study. Students are provided with detailed information on the subjects and streams for selection upon registration.
- Mechanical Engineering
- Aerospace Engineering
- Air/Noise Pollution Management
- Green Energy
- Product Development & Analysis
Scheme Handbook
Targeted Taught Postgraduate Programmes Fellowships Scheme 指定研究院修課課程獎學金計劃

Amount of Fellowship
The fellowship students are required to pay a minimum tuition fee of HK$42,100, which is the prevailing rate of the UGC-funded programmes, and the differences will be subsidized by the fellowships subject to a cap of HK$120,000 (for the whole taught postgraduate programme, regardless of the actual study period) for the settlement of the tuition fee.
In addition to meeting PolyU’s admission requirements and the programme’s entrance requirements (if any), applicants should also fulfil the following criteria:
- LOCAL applicants only; and
- Not receiving other forms of government scholarship including the Continuing Education Fund (except student financial assistance).
Assessment Criteria
Assessment criteria may include, but are not limited to, applicants’ academic achievements, professional qualifications attained, work experience, interview results and the personal statement on their commitment and plan in serving the industry of the applied programme.
Application Procedures
Eligible local students can apply for this scholarship when submitting application for admission.
Hong Kong Aviation Scholarship Scheme 香港航空獎學金計劃
To encourage continuous professional enhancement for the aviation sector, The HKSAR Government provides full scholarships, capped at about HK$100,000 each to selected students to complete aviation-related degree or higher degree programmes. The exact scholarship amount to be offered will be subject to the tuition fees of the programmes identified for this initiative.
Eligibility and Conditions
To be eligible for the scholarship, applicants should
- be full-time students newly enrolled in MSc in Mechanical Engineering (Aerospace Engineering);
- have either right of abode, right to land or have entered Hong Kong on One-way Permits. Students entering on Student or Dependent Visa will not be eligible;
- attain a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or above throughout the study of the relevant Programme;
- attain a final Award GPA of 2.5 or above at the time of graduation from the relevant Programme;
- complete the eligible programme. Applicants may be required to fulfill other requirement(s) prescribed by the PolyU as it thinks fit under the HKASS, and
- undertake to work in the aviation sector in Hong Kong for a period of not less than twelve consecutive calendar months, within three calendar months upon successful completion of the eligible programme.
Selection Criteria
- Good academic performance, work experiences and/or performance in the admission process.
- Preference will be given to applicants who have worked in the aviation industry, or have great potential in the career development in the aviation sector in HK.
More detatils: The HKSAR Government > Hong Kong Aviation Scholarship Scheme
Around Nov every year, all newly enrolled students will be called for applications.
Maritime and Aviation Training Fund 海運及空運人才培訓基金
The Transport and Logistics Bureau (TLB) launched the Maritime and Aviation Training Fund (MATF) on 1 April 2014 to support the manpower training of the maritime and aviation industries. One of the initiatives under MATF is the Professional Training and Examination Refund Scheme (the Scheme). The objective of the Scheme is to incentivize those already working in the maritime and aviation sectors, including local vessel seafarers, to attend course(s) and sit for examinations(s) that are being offered by various education institutions, professional or trade bodies to raise their professionalism and competency, and encourage them to acquire relevant professional qualification(s).
Eligible applicants are refunded with 80% of the fees after completing approved courses or passing examinations, subject to a cap of HK$18,000.
The applicant must be -
- a Hong Kong resident and lawfully employable in Hong Kong; and
- in full-time employment in the aviation sector with an organization/company in Hong Kong at the time of application (with valid employment proof)
- The applicant has enrolled in or taken one of the pre-approved courses or examinations, and has completed the course to the satisfaction of the course provider or passed the examination; and
- The applicant has not been granted any other forms of subsidy or financial assistance for the relevant pre-approved course/examination.
Pre-approved Course
- Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering (Aerospace Engineering) (Part-time mode) offered by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- Application should be made by individuals.
- Applicants should submit the application forms directly by post to the Maritime and Aviation Training Fund.
- Application should be made within four months after completing the course/ passing the examination (i.e. made by each semester).
- Late application will not be accepted.
More Details & Application Form
Departmental MSc Dissertation Scholarship 學系理學碩士論文獎學金
The MSc Dissertation Scholarship is offered by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, to encourage engineering research and award outstanding students of MSc in Mechanical Engineering.
Amount of Scholarship
Each awardee will obtain a monthly stipend of around HK$5000 during second year study (about HK$60,000 in total).
Students studying in PolyU MSc in Mechanical Engineering who fulfil the following criteria:
- Full-time MSc students only (both local and non-local);
- must complete 7 taught subjects, including at least 4 Core Subjects, and a Dissertation;
- attain accumulative GPA for the first year not lower than 3.0
- duration of the study must be 2 years
Assessment Criteria
Assessment criteria may include, but not limited to, applicants’ academic achievements, professional qualifications attained, work experience and interview performance.
Application Procedures
The Department will send invitations to eligible students for interview around Sep/Oct in their second year of study. The offering of MSc dissertation scholarship is subject to funding and availability.