Prof. CHOY Yat Sze 蔡逸思
Associate Professor
Area of Specialization: Sound induced vibration; Duct noise control; Building and room acoustics; Environmental noise measurement and control; Aeroacoustics; Sound Sources identification; Sound quality of product and its assessment; Soundscape study, planning and design
- FG639
- 2766-7813
- yatsze.choy@polyu.edu.hk
Short Description
Honors and Awards
- Faculty Research Grant Achievement Award, 2023
- Faculty Merit Award in Teaching, 2021
- Faculty Research Grant Achievement Award, 2013
- The Appreciation of Research Achievement by the Committee of Science and Technology Innovation of Shenzhen (深圳市科技創新委員會), 2012
- Faculty Award in Industrial and Engineering Services Grant Achievement, 2011
- Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers Prize, 1996
- ME534 Engineering Acoustics
- ME574 Product Noise Control
- ME41003 Principles of Sound and Vibration
- ME41005 Noise Control Engineering
- ENG 3004 Engineering Society
Selected Journal Publications
- Li Y., Choy Y. S. (2024) “Broadband and low-frequency sound absorption of compact meta-liner under grazing flow”, Appl. Acoustics. 224, 110146.
- Song, L. K., Li, X. Q., Zhu S.P., and Choy Y. S.(2024) “Cascade ensemble learning for multi-level reliability evaluation” , Aerospace Sci. and Tech. 148, 109101.
- Yang, W., Li, Y., and Choy, Y. S., (2024) “Sound radiation control of an unbaffled long enclosure using wavy micro-perforated panel absorbers”, J. Sound and Vib., 574, 118233.
- Kwong, T. C., Yuan, H. L., Mung W. Y., Chu K. H., Chan C. C. H, P. K. Lun, Cheng L., Choy Y. S. (2024) “Healthcare headset with tunable auditory characteristics control for children with autism spectrum disorder,” Applied Acoustics 218, 109876.
- Li Y., Choy Y. S. (2024) “Acoustic behaviour of micro-perforated panel backed by shallow cavity under fully developed grazing flow,” J. Sound and Vib 569, 117985.
- Fei CW, Han YJ, Wen JR, Li C, Han L, Choy Y. S, (2024). “Deep learning-based modeling method for probabilistic LCF life prediction of turbine blisk”, Propulsion and Power Research, 13(1), 12-25.
- Wei L., Choy Y. S., Cheung C. S., (2023) “The effect of braking conditions on the particular matter emissions and brake squeal noise,” Wear, 530-531, 205045
- Yang, W., Choy, Y. S., Li, Y. (2023) “Acoustical performance of a wavy micro-perforated panel absorber”, Mech. Syst. Signal. Process, 185, 109766.
- Kwong, T.C., Choy, Y. S., Mung, S.W.Y. (2023) “Remote-Control Sound Pattern Recognition for Auditory Assessment and Therapy in Smart Healthcare,” IEEE Access, 11, 41167–41174.
- Chen, L., Chen, G., Huang, L., Choy, Y. S., Sun, W. (2022) “Multiple Sound Source Localization, Separation, and Reconstruction by Microphone Array: A DNN-Based Approach,” Applied Sciences 12, 3428
- Yang, W., Choy, Y. S., Wang, Z., Li, Y. (2022) “Sound radiation and suppression of an unbaffled long enclosure using Helmholtz resonators,” Mech. Syst. Signal. Process, 165, 108408.
- Chan Y. N., Choy Y. S., To W. M. and Lai T. M. (2021) “Influence of Classroom Soundscape on Learning Attitude,” International Journal of Instruction 14, 341-358.
- Chen, L., Choy, Y. S., Tam, K. C., Fei, C. W. (2021) “Hybrid microphone array signal processing approach for faulty wheel identification and ground impedance estimation in wheel/rail system” App. Acoustics. , 172, 107633.
- Yang W. P., Choy Y. S., and Wang Z. B. (2021) “Prediction of sound radiation from an unbaffled long enclosure with the ground,” Mech. Syst. Signal. Process, 149, 107232.
- Wei L., Choy Y. S., Cheung C. S., Chu, H. K. (2021) “ Comparison of tribology performance, particle emissions and brake squeal noise between Cu-containing and Cu-free brake materials”, Wear 466-467, 203577.
- Wang Z. B., Choy Y. S. and Wang C. Q. (2020) “Vibro-acoustic analysis of parallel barriers integrated with flexible panels,” J. Sound and Vib., 489, 115653.
- Wei L., Choy Y. S., Cheung C. S., Jin D. (2020) “Tribology performance, airborne particle emissions and brake squeal noise of copper-free friction materials,” Wear. 448-449, 203215
- Chen L, Choy Y. S., Wang T. G. and Chiang Y. K. (2020) “Fault detection of wheel in wheel/rail system using kurtosis beamforming method,” Structural Health Monitoring, 19, 495-509.
- Wang Z. B., Choy Y. S. (2019) “Acoustical coupling and radiation control of open cavity using an array of Helmholtz resonators,” Mech. Syst. Signal. Process, 130, 632-648
- Wang Z. B., Choy Y. S.(2019) “Tunable parallel barriers using Helmholtz resonator,” J. Sound and Vib. 443: 109-123.
- Wang Z. B., Chiang Y. K., Choy Y. S., Wang C Q and Xi Q. (2019) “Noise control for a dipole sound source using micro-perforated panel housing integrated with a Herschel–Quincke tube,” Appl. Acoustics. 148: 202-211.
- Wei L., Choy Y. S., Cheung C. S. (2019). “A study of brake contact pairs under different friction conditions with respect to characteristics of brake pad surfaces.” Tribology International 138 99-110.
- Tian J., Ai Y. T. and Fei C. W. and Choy Y. S. (2019) “Dynamic modeling and simulation of inter-shaft bearings with localized defects excited by time-varying displacement,” J. Vib. Control. 25(8) 1436–1446.
- Chiang Y. K., Choy Y. S. (2018) “Acoustic behaviors of the microperforated panel absorber array in nonlinear regime under moderate acoustic pressure excitation,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 143 538-549.
- Fei CW., Choy Y. S., Bai G. C. and Tang W. Z. (2018) “Multi-feature entropy distance approach with vibration and acoustic emission signals for process feature recognition for rolling element bearing faults,” Structural health monitoring, 16(3) 1-13.
- Chiang Y. K., Choy Y. S. and Tang S. K. (2017) “Vortex sound radiation in a flow duct with a dipole source and a flexible wall of finite length,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 141 1999-2010.
- Xi Q., Choy Y. S., Tang S. K. and Cheng L. (2016) “Noise control of dipole source by using micro-perforated panel housing,” J. Sound and Vib. 362, 39-55.
- Fei C W., Choy Y S., Hu D Y., Bai G C., and Tang W Z. (2016) “Dynamic probabilistic design approach of high-pressure turbine blade-tip radial running clearance,” Nonlinear Dynamics. 86(1), 205-223.
- Wang C. Q. and Choy Y. S. (2015) “Investigation of a compound perforated panel absorber with backing cavities partially filled with polymer materials,” ASME J. Vib. Acoust. 137. 044501-1-6.
- Liu Y., Choy Y. S., Huang L., and Cheng L. (2014) “Reactive control of subsonic axial fan noise in a duct,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 136, 1619-1630.
- Choy Y. S., Chau C.K., Tsui W. K. and Tang S. K. (2014) “Urban Soundscape of Recreational area in high population area,” Acta Acustica united with Acustica. 100, 1044-1055.
- Liu Y., Choy Y. S., Huang L., and Cheng L. (2012) “Noise suppression of a dipole source by tensioned membrane with side-branch cavities,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 132, 1392-1401.
- Wang X. N., Choy Y.S and Cheng L. (2012) “Hybrid noise control in duct by using light micro-perforated plate,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 132, 3778-3787.
- Choy Y. S., Liu Y., Cheung H. Y. and Lau K. T. (2012) “Development of a composite plate for compact silencer design,” J. Sound and Vib. 331, 2348-2364.
- Tse M. S., Chau C.K., Choy Y. S., Tsui W. K., Chan C. N. and Tang S. K. (2012) “Sound Preferences and Acoustic Comfort for Urban Park Soundscape,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 131, 2762-2771.
- Choy Y. S., Zhen H. S., Leung C. W. and Li H. B. (2012) “Pollutant emission and noise radiation from open and impinging inverse diffusion flames.” Applied Energy 91, 82-89.
- Choy Y. S., “Low frequency noise absorption by helium-filled ductlining. (2012)” J. Noise Control Eng. 60(1) 10-21
- Zhen H. S., Choy Y. S., Leung C. W. and Cheung C. S. (2011) “Effects of nozzle length on flame and emission behaviours of multi-fuel-jet inverse diffusion flame burner” Applied Energy 88 2917-2924.
- Choy Y. S., Huang L. and Wang C. (2009). ”Sound propagation and low frequency noise absorption by helium-filled porous material,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 126, 3008-3019.
- Choy Y. S. and Huang L. (2009). “Multiple Drumlike Silencer for Low Frequency Duct Noise Reflection,” Appl. Acoustic
Patent Award
Selected Industrial Consultancy Projects
- Acoustics measurement of movable desk (Herman Miller Asia)
- Review on the Noise Control Ordinance in Macau (Institute for the development and Quality, Macau)
- Additional Work for Review on West Rail Line Noise Impact for Increase of Train Frequency (MTR)
- Applicability of tonal penalty in railway business (MTR)
- Evaluation of the damper performance (Luen Ming Peng Shan Air conditioning Factory Ltd.)
- Acoustic Material Testing. (Ronstar Ironmongery & Security Supplies Ltd.).
- Noise Emitted from an Expansion Joint in the Car Park of Realty Gardens in 2006. (Savills Property Management Ltd.)