Prof. RUAN Haihui 阮海輝
Associate Professor
Area of Specialization: Solid Mechanics; Plasticity; Constitutive modeling; Amorphous Materials; Nanomaterials; Impact; Collision and Crashworthiness
- FG608
- 2766-6648
- haihui.ruan@polyu.edu.hk
- Personal Website
Short Description
Selected Publications
- Liu WD, Ruan HH, Zhang LC, 2013 Atomic rearrangements in metallic glass: their nucleation and self-organization, Acta Materialia, 61: 6050–6060.
- Moridi A, Ruan HH, Zhang LC, Liu M, 2013, Residual stresses in thin film systems: effects of lattice mismatch, thermal mismatch and interface dislocations, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 50: 3562–3569.
- Ruan HH, Zhang LC, 2013, Modeling of random relaxation paths of amorphous material, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 96 (6): 1772–1778.
- Rahaman ML, Zhang LC and Ruan HH, 2013, Understanding the friction and wear mechanisms of bulk metallic glass under contact sliding, Wear, 304 (1-2): 43–48.
- Liu, M; Ruan, HH; Zhang, LC, 2013, Variation of crystal quality and residual stresses in epitaxially grown thin film systems induced by ion implantation and annealing, Journal of Materials Research, 28 (11): 1413-1419.
- Liu WD, Ruan HH, Zhang LC, 2013, Understanding the low temperature plasticity in metallic glass, Philosophical Magazine Letters, 93 (3): 158-165.
- Ruan HH, Zhang LC, 2013, Viscosity of Amorphous Materials during Glass-Forming: More from the Adam-Gibbs Law, Key Engineering Materials 535: 223-226.
- Liu WD, Ruan HH, Zhang LC, 2013, Plastic Deformation Clusters with High Kinetic Energy in Metallic Glass, Key Engineering Materials 535: 152-155.
- Liu M, Ruan HH, Zhang LC, 2012, A New Method for Measuring the Residual Stresses in Multi-Layered Thin Film Systems, Advanced Materials Research 591: 884-890.
- Liu M, Ruan HH, Zhang LC, and Moridi A, 2012, Effects of misfit dislocation and film-thickness on the residual stresses in epitaxial thin film systems.Journal of Materials Research, 27(21): 2737-2745.
- Ruan HH, Zhang LC, 2011, A Monte-Carlo approach for modelling glass transition. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 94(10): 3350–3358.
- Ruan HH, Zhang LC, Lu J, 2011, A new constitutive model for shear bending instability in metallic glass International Journal of Solids and Structures, 48: 3112-3127.
- Ruan HH, Zhang LC, 2011, Implementation of glass transition physics in glass molding simulation. Advanced Materials Research 325: 707-712.
- Chen AY, Ruan HH, Zhang JB, Liu XR, Lu J, 2011, Introducing a hierarchical structure for fabrication of a high performance steel, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 129: 1096-1103.
- Zhu LL, Ruan HH, Li XY, Dao M, Gao HJ, Lu J, 2011, Grain size controlled optimal twin spacing for achieving ultimate high strength and high ductility in nanotwinned metals, Acta Materialia, 59 (14): 5544-5557.
- Chen AY, Ruan HH, Wang J, Chan HL, Wang Q, Li Q, Lu J, 2011, The influence of strain rate on the microstructure transition of 304 stainless steel, Acta Materialia, 59(9): 3697-3709.
- Chan HL, Ruan HH, Chen AY, Lu J, 2010, Optimization of the strain rate to achieve exceptional mechanical properties of 304 stainless steel using high speed ultrasonic surface mechanical attrition treatment, ActaMaterialia, 58(15):5086-5096.
- Ruan HH, Chen AY, Lu J, 2010, Characterization of plastically graded nanostructured material: Part I the theories and the reverse algorithm of nanoindentation. Mechanics of Materials, 42(5):559-569.
- Ruan HH, Chen AY, Chan HL, Lu J, 2010, Characterization of plastically graded nanostructured material: Part II the experiment validation on nanostructured material. Mechanics of Materials, 42(7):698-708.
- Guo X, Leung AYT, Chen AY, Ruan HH, Lu J, 2010, Investigation of non-local cracking in layered stainless steel with nanostructured interface. Scripta Materialia, 63(4): 403-406.
- Yang Y, Ruan HH, Lu J, Yao N, Shan WL, Soboyejo W.O., 2009, Development of a micro-beam method to investigate the fatigue crack growth mechanisms of submicron-scale cracks. Experimental Mechanics, 49: 731-742.
- Ruan HH, Gao ZY, Yu TX, 2006, Crushing of thin-walled spheres and sphere arrays. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 48: 117-133.
- Ruan HH, Yu TX, 2005, Experimental study of collision between a free-free beam and a simply supported beam. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 32: 416-443.
- Ruan HH, Yu TX, 2005, Collision between mass-spring systems. International Journal of impact Engineering. 31:267-288.
- Ruan HH, Yu TX, 2004,Collision between a ring and a beam. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 45: 1751-1780.
- Ruan HH, Yu TX, 2003, Local deformation models in analyzing beam-on-beam collisions. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 45(3): 397-423.
- Ruan HH, Yu TX, Hua YL, 2003, Plastic modal approximations in analyzing beam-on-beam collision, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 40(12): 2937-295.
- Ruan HH, Yu TX, 2003, Deformation mechanism and defect sensitivity of notched free-free beam and cantilever beam under impact, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 28: 33-63.
- Hui TYJ, Ruan HH, Yu TX, 2003, Dynamic characteristics of scaled-down W-beams under impact. International Journal of Automotive Technology, 4(1): 31-40.
- Yu TX, Ruan HH, 2002, Modeling collision between two beams, Key Engineering Materials. 233-236: 1-12.
Conference Presentations
- Ruan HH, Zhang LC, A new plasticity theory of solids based on the rugged free energy landscape, Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Plasticity and Impact, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, 8-11 December 2011.
- Ruan HH,Zhang LC, Implementation of glass transition physics in glass molding simulation, Proc 14th International Symposium on Advances in Abrasive Technology, Stuttgart, Germany. 18-21 Sept 2011.
- Moridi A, Ruan HH, Zhang LC, Liu M, A Finite Element Simulation of Residual Stresses Induced by Thermal and Lattice Mismatch in Thin Films, AES-ATEMA‘2011 Seventh International Conference, Milan, Italy: July, 2011.
- Liu M, Ruan HH, Zhang LC, Investigation of Lattice Mismatch Stress in SoS Thin Film Systems by the Raman Scattering and XRD Techniques, AES-ATEMA‘2011 Seventh International Conference, Milan, Italy: July, 2011.
- Ruan HH, Chen AY, Lu J, 2010, Characterization of Plastically Graded Nanostructured Material, 3rd IEEE International Nanoelectronics Conference (INEC3), City University, Hong Kong, Jan 2010.
- Ruan HH, Yu TX, 2004, Experimental Study of Beam-on-Beam Collision. Fifth International Symposium on Impact Engineering (ISIE5), University of Cambridge, UK, July 2004.
- Ruan HH, Yu TX, Deformation mechanism and defect sensitive of notched free-free beam and cantilever beam under impact. The 14th United States National Committee on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (USNCTAM14). Blacksburg, USA, June 2002.
- Yu TX, Ruan HH, Modeling collision between two deformable structures (Key-note paper). National Conference on Solid Mechanics, Dalian, China, August 2002.
- Yu TX, Ruan HH, Modeling collision between two beams (Key-note paper). The 5th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Advances in Engineering Plasticity and Its Applications(AEPA’2002), Sydney, Australia, December 2002.
- Yu TX, Ruan HH, Collision between a ring and a beam. International Workshop on Impact and Crashworthiness (IWIC), Bourne, Australia, December 2002.