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Leaders and experts share insights on green and innovative community at Green Deck forum

The forum “The Green Deck – Into the Green and Innovative Community”, co-organised by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) Policy Research Centre for Innovation and Technology (PReCIT) and the Green Deck Project Management Office, was held on the PolyU campus in a hybrid format on 15 March. In order to promote exchanges and collaboration across different sectors of society in building a green community, Mr Alex LUI, PolyU Green Deck Project Director; the Hon. Mr CHAN Han-pan, Legislative Council Member; Prof. LI Yuguo, Chair Professor of Building Environment of the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Hong Kong; Prof. Edward NG, Professor of Architecture of the School of Architecture of the Chinese University of Hong Kong; and Dr William YU, Chief Executive Officer of World Green Organisation, were invited to share their views and insights on the Green Deck and on topics related to green living and green cities. The Green Deck is an innovative, community-based project to enhance the area around the Cross Harbour Tunnel Toll Plaza at Hung Hom. The forum aimed at deepening public understanding of the Green Deck and how the project can help to address the current environmental issues and revitalise the neighbourhood with a view to promoting green living. In his welcoming remarks, Prof. Christopher CHAO, PolyU Vice President (Research and Innovation) and Director of PReCIT said, “The HKSAR Government has always devoted tremendous efforts as well as investment into developing Hong Kong into a more liveable city. Active community participation also plays a very important role in this. A liveable and comfortable living environment benefits Hong Kong in attracting more global talents to work and settle in our city, and encourages international enterprises to start their businesses here.” Mr Alex Lui said the Green Deck is an innovative social project which will bring long-term benefits to the neighbouring communities. It exemplifies how precious urban land can be used in a smart and sustainable way by revitalising an unremarkable urban district into a green and vibrant community area. To achieve a smart environment, the Green Deck as well as similar social projects require the support and participation of a smart community and a smart government. Mr Chan Han-pan suggested that a community network directly affects residents’ quality of life and economic development, and that sometimes a small step can bring major changes to a community. The two successful initiatives of Sai Lau Kok Garden in Tsuen Wan and Central Market demonstrated ways to inject new impetus into a community. Because of the Cross-Harbour Tunnel Toll Plaza separating the two districts, Hung Hom and Tsim Sha Tsui East face the problem of a disconnected community network, which has led to the two districts lagging behind others in relative terms. It is believed that the Green Deck will benefit the enhancement of community connectivity, which in turn will further foster the economic development of Hong Kong and bring positive impacts on the local traffic in the districts. Prof. Li Yuguo said, according to the Hong Kong Observatory, since 1993, at 0.28°C per decade, Kowloon has warmed faster than before, while at the same time Kowloon air has become more humid. This trend has accelerated over the last 20-30 years, a trend for which city-wide efforts are needed to stop or reverse. City-scale challenges can only be tackled by the concerted efforts of everyone involved. Prof. Edward Ng said that, due to more intense, frequent and longer heat waves resulting from climate change, the number of very hot days in Hong Kong is expected to increase to over 100 days a year. Prolonged heat waves not only bring higher heat-related mortality, but also can affect a person’s psychological well-being. Creating green-blue space in the urban living environment of a high-density city is a necessary mitigation measure. Dr William Yu said that the Green Deck would not only enhance climate resilience and improve the quality of life for city dwellers through the provisioning of recreational benefits and ecosystem services as an added value, but also provides a linkage with ecosystem-based adaptation into climate change. Not limited to universities, Hong Kong needs to consider how to make good use of green finance instruments (resilience investment) to speed up the transformation from grey to green infrastructure, thus mitigating the impact of extreme weather events, and so decreasing the need for the insurability of biodiversity and climate risks.   *****END*****

16 Mar, 2023

Events Policy Research Centre for Innovation and Technology

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PolyU research shows mHealth mobile app with interactive nursing support enhances elderly health management

Primary healthcare is an integral part of the entire healthcare system. The Government put forward the Primary Healthcare Blueprint (the Blueprint) at the end of last year, which proposed prevention-oriented and community-based strategies to improve the overall health of the general public. The School of Nursing of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) has launched a pilot mHealth health management mobile app with interactive nursing support. Research data shows the app empowers the elderly to monitor their chronic diseases and mental health conditions. An interdisciplinary team formed by healthcare professionals and social workers offer support to the elderly, such as providing timely medical referrals, thereby reducing the unplanned use of health services and enhancing elderly health management. The mHealth app is jointly developed by The School of Nursing of PolyU and a local telecommunications company to help monitor the health condition of the elderly. When an abnormal vital sign (such as blood pressure, or blood glucose level) is detected, a registered nurse will be notified via the app and will contact the elderly person to understand their health condition. Another highlight of the mHealth app is the 24-hour nurse interaction function. By tapping one button in the app, the elderly can make a video call to a registered nurse to support and evaluate their health and mental condition. The research team, led by Dr Arkers WONG, Assistant Professor of The School of Nursing of PolyU, recruited participants from five elderly service centres of the Hong Kong Lutheran Social Service. A total of 221 elderly aged 60 or above with at least one chronic condition(s) (including hypertension, pain or diabetes) participated in the study. The study found that there was a significant increase in self-efficacy, a significant decrease in the level of depression, a reduction in the use of medical services, and an improvement in the quality of life* in physical aspects, after the elderly used the app for three to six months. Hong Kong has one of the most rapidly ageing populations in the world. The number of Hospital Authority patients with chronic diseases is projected to reach three million in the coming decade by 2039, which will bring a heavy burden to the public healthcare system. Dr Arkers Wong said, “There was a significant reduction in the unplanned use of health services and unplanned visits to general practitioners by 76% and 72% respectively, after the elderly used the mHealth app with nursing support for three months. This illustrates that the approach of combining nursing support and digital technology can relieve the pressure brought about by the rising demand for public medical services, helping to achieve the goals set out in the Blueprint to improve the overall health condition of the elderly.” The research team recommends promoting the use of digital technology for health management among the elderly, and strengthening health-social collaboration on digital platforms. The research and development team will enhance the app, adding functions such as artificial intelligence, and incorporating content that is more suitable for the needs and preferences of the elderly so that they will continue to use the app, which will contribute to the goal of reducing public medical expenses. *Physical component summary of quality of life includes four domains, which are general health, physical functioning (e.g., climbing several floors, moderate activities), role activities (limited kinds of activities), and bodily pain. *****END*****

10 Mar, 2023

Research & Innovation School of Nursing


PolyU and MCMIA co-organise university-industry collaboration forum to drive Chinese medicine innovation in the GBA

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) and The Modernized Chinese Medicine International Association (MCMIA) co-organised the “University-Industry Collaboration on Chinese Medicine Innovation Forum”, bringing together over a hundred academic and industry leaders from the Greater Bay Area (GBA) to share insights on how to promote the development of Chinese medicine (CM) under the latest national plan and policies. Prof. Wing-tak WONG, Deputy President and Provost of PolyU, said, “The HKSAR Government has always been supporting the research and development of Chinese medicine. The additional funding added to the Chinese Medicine Development Fund in the 2023-24 Budget and the expected opening of the first Chinese medicine hospital in the year 2025 will promote CM as an increasingly integral part in Hong Kong’s healthcare system. Furthermore, the GBA’s development brings invaluable opportunities for the local CM industry. The Government, industry and academics shall work closely to seize these opportunities and develop a long-term plan for improving the ecosystem of the local industry.” Mr Harry Kwok Chun YEUNG, Chairman of the MCMIA Foundation, shared insights on talent nurturing initiatives for Chinese medicine innovation, explaining how the industry renders support to outstanding talents who want to pursue research in CM. Mr Yeung emphasised that innovative CM research is vital for the industry’s development and he thanked the Vincent and Lily Woo Foundation for establishing a fellowship scheme to nurture young talents in the GBA. The forum explored how stakeholders including governments and research institutions in Hong Kong, Macao, and Mainland China could deepen collaboration to promote CM development and grasp the research and business opportunities in the GBA. Topics discussed included university-industry collaboration on Chinese medicine development in the GBA, talent nurturing initiatives for Chinese medicine innovation, and universities’ initiatives in CM innovation. Moderated by Prof. Eric CHUI, Head of the Department of Applied Social Sciences and Co-director of the Policy Research Centre for Innovation and Technology (PReCIT) of PolyU, the panel discussion presented long-term measures to drive CM innovation in Hong Kong from business, technology and policy perspectives. These recommendations will be submitted to the Government during the 2023 Policy Address public consultation. Other experts shared their insights on CM innovations at the forum and discussed how universities in the region can integrate the advantages of artificial intelligence and other advanced technology into CM research, and explored interdisciplinary collaboration among institutions in the field of CM.   *****END*****   About the Co-organisers The Research Centre for Chinese Medicine Innovation (RCMI) was established under the PolyU Academy for Interdisciplinary Research (PAIR) in October 2021. Led by Prof. Man-sau WONG, Professor in the Department of Food Science and Nutrition and Director of RCMI of PolyU, the Centre aims to foster interdisciplinary and translational research for developing novel drugs, new treatment protocols and programmes based on CM practices for application in clinical settings or the community, thereby bringing CM innovations into clinical practice and informing relevant policy. The Policy Research Centre for Innovation and Technology (PReCIT) was founded in 2022 as a university-level interdisciplinary policy research centre. Led by Prof. Christopher CHAO, Vice President (Research and Innovation) of PolyU and Director of PReCIT, and Prof. Eric Chui, Head of the Department of Applied Social Sciences and Co-Director of PReCIT of PolyU, the Centre aims to support Hong Kong’s innovation and technology (I&T) development in the GBA via interdisciplinary collaborative research including but not limited to carbon-neutral cities, I&T development in the GBA, and the Belt and Road Initiative’s development in Southeast Asia. The Modernized Chinese Medicine International Association (MCMIA) was established in 2000 as a non-profit trade organisation by a group of Chinese medicine (CM) business professionals, scientists and academics. It is currently under the chairmanship of Mr Lawrence LO. The goal of the association is to foster Hong Kong as an international centre of CM through its modernisation, popularisation and the enhancement of the professionalism of the CM industry.  

7 Mar, 2023

Events PolyU Academy for Interdisciplinary Research


PolyU’s PReCIT presents Consul General Talk Series

The “Consul General Talk Series” organised by the Policy Research Centre for Innovation and Technology (PReCIT) and supported by the Department of Applied Social Sciences and the Global Engagement Office of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) successfully kicked off this month. Mr PHAM Binh Dam, Consul-General of Vietnam in Hong Kong, was invited to speak at the debut of the Series about the opportunities and prospects for partnership between Vietnam and Hong Kong, including synergies on talent pool development. A PolyU student from Vietnam also shared insights into her student life in Hong Kong. Prof. Christopher CHAO, Vice President (Research and Innovation) of PolyU and Director of PReCIT, said that young people are the future of the city and a key driver of Hong Kong’s continuing success. Nurturing local youth and seeking global talents are equally important, and PReCIT is committed to contributing to the Government’s policy deliberation in this regard. Mr Pham talked about Vietnam’s prospects to become the 20th largest economy in the world, offering immense potential for cooperation with Hong Kong, especially in financial services, innovation and technology, and human resources. He suggested Hong Kong should tap into the sizeable pool of talents from Vietnam. Through the sharing of perspectives by diplomats in town, the “Consul General Talk Series” aims to serve as a platform for the PolyU community and the general public to gain insights about the latest I&T developments and policies, as well as about the opportunities and prospects in the Belt and Road countries.   *****END*****

24 Feb, 2023

Events Policy Research Centre for Innovation and Technology


PolyU welcomes the initiatives of 2023-24 Budget that foster joint efforts in promoting research and innovation

Prof. Jin-Guang TENG, President of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), welcomes the initiatives on boosting the development of innovation and technology (I&T) and fostering collaboration among the Government, industry, academia and the research sector as announced in the Government's 2023-24 Budget. The relevant measures will help Hong Kong achieve high-quality development, support the city to develop into an international I&T hub, and contribute to the Nation’s technological advancement. PolyU is pleased to learn about the Government’s investment in the research of life and health technology, and in frontier technology fields such as AI and quantum technology. With the development of the Northern Metropolis in full swing, it will promote the advancement of I&T industries in Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area. Through PolyU’s State Key Laboratories, Chinese National Engineering Research Centres (Hong Kong Branches), and interdisciplinary research institutes and centres under the PolyU Academy for Interdisciplinary Research, the University will strengthen collaboration with industry to conduct impactful research and accelerate commercialisation in various domains including health technology, AI, advanced manufacturing and smart cities. These efforts will leverage Hong Kong’s unique advantages as a hub for international scientific research collaboration and make contributions to Hong Kong and the Nation. The Government’s staunch commitment to the “Green Tech Fund” is encouraging and has provided strong support for local institutions to foster research and applications. PolyU supports the Government’s endeavours in promoting green technology and green industry development. It has robust research teams and facilities in carbon neutrality. For instance, the Research Institute for Smart Energy, the Research Institute for Sustainable Urban Development, the Research Centre for Resources Engineering towards Carbon Neutrality, and the Policy Research Centre for Innovation and Technology will contribute technological innovations and policy research to help Hong Kong achieve its carbon neutrality goals. PolyU continues to reform its curriculum and launch new research initiatives to support the Government in promoting I&T development and nurturing talents. PolyU has introduced Hong Kong’s first Master of Science in Blockchain Technology programme this academic year, and will offer new Master’s degree programmes in the next academic year, covering microelectronics technology and materials, intelligent construction, metaverse technology, and sustainable technology for carbon neutrality, to enrich the talent pool in Hong Kong. To promote the development of the digital economy in Hong Kong, PolyU has partnered with Cybaverse to set up Hong Kong’s first research laboratory on law and Web3. Ranked as the number one university for blockchain in the world by CoinDesk, PolyU has established the Research Centre for Blockchain Technology, the first research centre in Hong Kong that covers full-stack study of blockchain technology. In addition, PolyU places a strong emphasis on knowledge transfer, supporting researchers in innovation and entrepreneurship that are conducive to the Government’s new industrialisation efforts. The PolyU Entrepreneurship Investment Fund supports the commercialisation of licensed PolyU technologies and high potential start-ups involving PolyU graduates and researchers. With the connection between the Mainland and Hong Kong deepening, PolyU will encourage scholars to visit and collaborate with different provinces and cities in the Mainland, and establish translational research institutes. These institutes will leverage PolyU’s research and translational capabilities to address local industry needs for transformation and upgrade, enhancing industrial innovation and promoting the integration of Hong Kong into the Nation’s development. PolyU is pleased about the additional funding to support the development of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The Research Centre for Chinese Medicine Innovation of PolyU conducts high-impact research with interdisciplinary expertise. To address the growing demand for healthcare professionals, the University is building a new academic facility in Ho Man Tin and plans to redevelop blocks VA and VS to expand healthcare-related teaching and research facilities.   *****END*****

22 Feb, 2023

Others Communications and Public Affairs Office


PolyU to roll out International Summer School 2023, offering students in-person experience of inspiring courses and cultural exchange activities

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) is rolling out its International Summer School 2023 from July to August this year. Participants will be able to experience face-to-face summer classes, local tours and enrichment activities. The five-week programme comprises credit-bearing courses from PolyU’s globally renowned disciplines including hotel and tourism management and, for the first time, optometry and rehabilitation sciences, enabling students to experience quality education at PolyU, which is ranked among the world's top 100 institutions. The credit-bearing courses offer an array of intellectually stimulating subjects in three thematic areas, namely “Chinese Language, Culture and Society”, “Design, Innovation and Technology”, and “Business, Entrepreneurship and Global Leadership”. PolyU’s School of Optometry and Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, both well-recognised in their respective industries, will offer courses providing elementary knowledge of the two disciplines and their related professions for the first time this year. Furthermore, the School of Hotel and Tourism Management, ranking first in Asia in the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2022, will also offer a course in the history and culture of the wine industry complete with a wine appreciation class. To provide a memorable experience of the vibrant and unqiue culture of Hong Kong, the programme features a series of local tours and enrichment activities. In parallel, a Buddy Programme to help overseas students blend into local life and culture will be in place matching incoming participants with their PolyU peers, thus encouraging intercultural communication between PolyU students and the global community. Since its launch in 2016, PolyU’s International Summer School has received positive feedback from participants. CHEN Meihui, an incoming student from Mainland China who joined the programme last year applauded the learning experience and said, “The teaching style at PolyU was very creative and encouraging. Overall my summer school experience has been awesome, both study and social life.” Meanwhile, FAISAL Rameen, an international student at PolyU also remarked, “The programme was an excellent opportunity to experience cultural exchange.” The International Summer School 2023 is now open for undergraduate student applications from overseas, Mainland China and Taiwan until 31 March 2023. For details and sharing from past participants on the programme, please visit:   ***** END *****

21 Feb, 2023

Events Global Engagement Office


Two PolyU Projects on Innovative Simulation Platforms for Driving Safety supported by Smart Traffic Fund

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) has received support for two innovative projects on improving driving safety by the Smart Traffic Fund. The two projects aim to improve driving performance and safety through the use of an intelligent simulation platform and extended reality to facilitate drivers’ training and skills enhancement. Details of the two awarded projects are below: Intelligent Driving Training and Evaluation System for Container Trucks Led by Prof. Xiaowen FU, Associate Dean (External Engagement) of the Faculty of Engineering and Professor of Engineering Management in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at PolyU, this project aims to develop a simulation system using extended reality technology. The proposed system is also designed to provide training to trainee drivers of container trucks, which is comparable to the actual driving environment, together with an evidence-based driver performance evaluation system to facilitate the design of individualised training. Driving Style-based Adaptive Virtual Training Platform: Build Safe Human Driving Habits in Autonomous Driving Led by Dr Fan LI of the Department of Aeronautical and Aviation Engineering at PolyU, this project aims to develop a virtual reality-based training platform. It is designed to improve driving habits in level 2 and level 3 autonomous driving, i.e. human-machine co-driving, with customised training for drivers with different driving styles. Prof. Christopher CHAO, Vice President (Research and Innovation) of PolyU, said, “We are striving to accelerate research for building a sustainable living environment. PolyU’s innovative research in traffic and transportation, which integrates interdisciplinary knowledge and cutting-edge technology for impactful applications, promotes smart mobility in Hong Kong to improve the community’s quality of life.” PolyU has long been committed to the research and application of vehicle-related innovation and technology, with a total of 11 projects currently receiving grants from the Smart Traffic Fund. More information on other approved projects is available at   *****END*****

20 Feb, 2023

Achievements Research and Innovation Office


Five PolyU projects supported by phase 2 of Mental Health Initiatives Funding Scheme to enhance psychosocial well-being of different community groups

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) has received support for five projects under Phase 2 of the Mental Health Initiatives Funding Scheme (the Funding Scheme) coordinated by the Advisory Committee on Mental Health, developing innovative social services programmes to benefit the mental well-being of people in the community. The five awarded projects devise sustainable solutions to address the mental health issues of different people, with the application of new technology such as virtual reality and electronic platforms, covering the needs of various stakeholders including caregivers, secondary school students, adolescents with special educational needs (SEN), carers of AD/HD children, and persons with disabilities. The Funding Scheme is being implemented in two phases (i.e. Phase 1 and Phase 2). Phase 1 was launched in 2021. The purpose of the Funding Scheme is to fund projects that could help provide better support to those in need in the community and to raise public awareness on mental health. PolyU researchers are devoted to creating solutions for the betterment of society with the integration of academic, scientific and pragmatic expertise. The five awarded projects are being conducted by the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, with a project duration of 15 to 24 months. Prof. Christopher CHAO, Vice President (Research and Innovation) of PolyU, said, “PolyU has been working closely with the community to provide impactful and innovative solutions to societal challenges. The funding support received from the Funding Scheme demonstrates the strengths of PolyU’s scholars in transforming research and innovation into social applications for the benefit of society. The awarded projects deliver mental health, social and community support programmes for different communities.” Prof. David SHUM, Dean of the Faulty of Health and Social Sciences, said, “Mental health is an imperative issue that we cannot ignore. Under the impact of the pandemic in recent years, different groups in the community are faced with urgent needs for mental health support. The Faculty of Health and Social Sciences has been committed to mental health research over the years. The funding support combined with our strengths in scientific research and practice will bring impactful solutions for the benefit of various community groups.”   PolyU-led projects awarded under Phase 2 of the Mental Health Initiatives Funding Scheme Project Title Project Summary Principal Investigator Reducing Social Avoidance and Enhancing Prosocial Behaviour among Adolescents with Special Educational Needs The project aims to foster prosocial behaviour of adolescents with SEN in transition with the use of virtual reality technology. It will implement social anxiety intervention based on a cognitive-behavioural approach with a virtual coach acting as the therapist and develop a gamified prosocial VR intervention for adolescents with SEN. This VR-assisted social avoidance and prosocial behaviour intervention would benefit individuals and society by cultivating psychological and socially healthy young people. Prof. Sylvia CHEN Professor of Department of Applied Social Sciences, Associate Dean in the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences Healing Together – Building Positive School Mental Health in Post-COVID Hong Kong The project aims to promote mental health and its awareness for stakeholders of secondary schools including students, teachers, administrative staff and management. Healing spaces will be constructed in the partnering schools. The programme will adopt a train-the-trainer approach to train students to become mental health ambassadors for programme sustainability and student empowerment. Baptist Oi Kwan Social Services is the collaborative partner of this project. Dr Angel LAI Assistant Professor of Department of Applied Social Sciences Enhancing the Mental Health of Carers of Persons with Disabilities with Support Services Delivered by Trained Carer Support Ambassadors The project aims to support carers of persons with disabilities. It will implement a short-term certificate programme for frontline workers such as occupational therapy assistants, rehabilitation assistants, patient care assistants and welfare workers to become Carer Support Ambassadors who will deliver mental health support to carers. This innovative approach is designed to address the shortage of manpower in mental health services and the growing support needs for carers. Prof. Hector TSANG Professor and Head of Department of Rehabilitation Sciences Increasing Mental Health Literacy and Peer Support among Caregivers: An Electronic Painting and Peer Supportive (EPPS) Platform The project will develop an Electronic Painting and Peer Supportive (EPPS) Platform to provide mental health support for caregivers. It aims to enhance mental health literacy and peer support among caregivers. This electronic interactive platform motivates caregivers to share their paintings with others and seek help from families and professionals when they are stressful. Prof. Angela LEUNG Professor and Associate Head (Research) of School of Nursing Peer Support Virtual Reality-based Intervention for AD/HD Carers - Stress Relieving and Empathy Improving Programme A novel peer support virtual reality-based therapy will be developed for AD/HD carers to reduce their stress and improve empathy in getting along with their AD/HD children. The project aims to provide stress management for the carers to sustain healthy living conditions and relationships with AD/HD children. Dr Harry QIN Associate Professor of School of Nursing   *****END*****

20 Feb, 2023

Achievements Faculty of Health and Social Sciences


PolyU and Jinjiang city to drive the development of joint research institute and commence research projects on industrial modernisation

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) and the city government of Jinjiang signed a framework agreement to drive the establishment of the PolyU-Jinjiang Research Institute with the aim to strengthen research collaboration among industry, academia and research organisations and foster development along the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. PolyU’s Policy Research Centre for Innovation and Technology (PReCIT) will collaborate with the Jinjiang Science and Technology Bureau to carry out research projects on leveraging Hong Kong’s resources and advantages in innovation and technology in response to Jinjiang’s industrial modernisation needs. The Jinjiang Science and Technology Bureau will provide funding support for the research. It is expected that the research findings will promote research collaboration between Hong Kong and Jinjiang and facilitate Jinjiang’s industrial modernisation. The signing ceremony of the agreement was held today at the PolyU campus. Witnessed by Dr LAM Tai-fai, Council Chairman of PolyU and Mr WANG Mingyuan, Mayor of Jinjiang, the five-year cooperation agreement was signed by Prof. Jin-Guang TENG, President of PolyU and Mr HUANG Tiankai, Member of the Standing Committee of Jinjiang Communist Party Committee and Head of Jinjiang United Front Work Department. Prof. Christopher CHAO, Vice President (Research and Innovation) and Director of PReCIT, and Mr CAI Wensi, Director of the Jinjiang Municipal People’s Government General Office, signed an agreement on research projects. Dr Lam Tai-fai delivered a speech at the ceremony, saying, “The Central Government strongly emphasises and offers staunch support to the development of innovation and technology in Hong Kong, providing tremendous opportunities for collaboration among the government, industry, academia and research organisations. I am confident that PolyU and Jinjiang will leverage their complementary strengths and forge an effective collaborative platform for the government, industry, academia and researchers, promoting technology and knowledge exchange, especially in the areas of textiles, smart manufacturing, integrated circuits, and green technology. The partnership will also foster Jinjiang’s industrial modernisation by utilising Hong Kong and PolyU’s I&T resources.” Mayor Wang said, “Jinjiang is in the midst of industrial transformation and modernisation. PolyU's strengths in talent development and research can be deeply integrated with Jinjiang's industry power and market advantages. We hope to leverage PolyU's research capability and educational excellence to cultivate Jinjiang’s talents in business management, manufacturing and administration. We will also draw upon PolyU’s support in innovation and technology to aid traditional industries such as shoe production, clothing, textiles, and equipment manufacturing. Lastly, PolyU's expertise in innovation and new technologies will support Jinjiang to develop high-tech sectors such as the integrated circuit industry.” The two parties will explore the establishment of the PolyU-Jinjiang Research Institute, which will be planned and managed by PolyU, and Jinjiang city will provide venues, funding, subsidies on research projects and industry-research collaboration, as well as support for talent attraction measures. In addition, PolyU scholars and experts will visit Jinjiang for academic exchange, participate in expert panels for entrepreneurial teams, and attend major planning meetings. Jinjiang city will actively promote the establishment of laboratories for joint projects between enterprises and PolyU, and deepen cooperation in talent nurturing, innovation and entrepreneurship, technological innovation, knowledge transfer, and more. Mayor Wang was accompanied by representatives from the Jinjiang government and executives from companies specialising in textiles and clothing, sports shoes and apparel, food, new materials and household products. They visited PolyU’s Research Institute for Intelligent Wearable Systems, Research Institute for Advanced Manufacturing, and Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence of Things to learn about the University’s achievements and developments in interdisciplinary research and industry-academia-research collaboration.   *****END*****

17 Feb, 2023

Events Research and Innovation Office


PolyU and EdUHK collaborate to establish Hong Kong’s first Research Centre for Immersive Learning and Metaverse in Education

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) and The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to establish the Centre for Immersive Learning and Metaverse in Education (CILME). This collaboration between PolyU and EdUHK aims to develop a collaborative infrastructure for conducting interdisciplinary research to impact education. CILME will also serve as a powerhouse in the study of technology-enhanced learning and teaching. The Centre will specifically focus on how immersive experiences, including those from virtual reality and the metaverse in general, can enhance students’ cognitive processing, attention, memory, brain function and ultimately learning outcomes. Combining the strengths and expertise of PolyU and EdUHK in cross-disciplinary research, learning sciences and pedagogical innovation, CILME will nurture researchers, incubate technology-based innovations in education, and facilitate knowledge transfer in teaching and curriculum design at both institutions and for the benefit of the community at large. Prof. Ping LI, CILME Co-Director, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Sin Wai Kin Professor in Humanities and Technology at PolyU said, “In recent years, the education sector has actively used digital technologies including virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR), and metaverse technologies to bring real-world experiences to learners and improve learning effectiveness. With CILME, researchers and educators will work closely together to develop technological applications and solutions for immersive and active learning. At PolyU, we have sophisticated interdisciplinary research capabilities, a centralised teaching facility in VR/AR, and an extensive connection with industry. Capitalising on our strengths and the collaboration with EdUHK, we are looking to push new frontiers in education and technology to benefit learners, educators and society.” Prof. Chetwyn CHAN Che-hin, CILME Co-Director, Vice President (Research and Development) and Peter T. C. Lee Professor in Psychology at EdUHK said, “Educational technology has been the University’s strategic area of development. At EdUHK we have a strong body of researchers and educators who specialise in learning sciences and pedagogical innovation in the school sector. They are at the forefront of the development of learning theories and the application of innovative technology-based pedagogies in kindergartens, primary schools and secondary schools. This collaboration synergises EdUHK’s educational technology expertise with PolyU’s strengths in interdisciplinary research. Together, our areas of expertise can make this technology instructive, relevant and interactive for learners, while being adaptable, effective and user-friendly for teachers.” Under this agreement, the two universities will conduct both basic and applied research in metaverse and immersive technologies, develop practical guidelines to shape the educational values of these technologies for students, and promote immersive learning among teachers and educators through regular workshops, seminars and conferences.   *****END*****

10 Feb, 2023

Events Faculty of Humanities

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