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Public Lecture by Prof. C. Nathan DEWALL– “The Pain of Rejection: Breaking and Restoring Social Bonds”

MM held a Public Lecture on the topic "The Pain of Rejection: Breaking and Restoring Social Bonds" presented by Prof. C. Nathan DeWall, Professor of Psychology and Director of the Social Psychology Lab, University of Kentucky & Visiting Chair Professor in Department of Management and Marketing, PolyU on 23 May 2018 in M1603, Li Ka Shing Tower. Abstract: Most people crave social acceptance. Like a sweet snack, social acceptance is pleasant, rewarding, and, in moderate amounts, associated with good health. Social rejection thwarts the fundamental need for positive and lasting relationships, which strikes at the core of well-being. The current talk presents a program of research on the power of social rejection in shaping cognition, emotion, and behavior. The first section demonstrates how social rejection influences a variety of inner responses, including self-regulation. The second section discusses how responses to social rejection share common overlap with physical pain processes. The final section illustrates how people cope with social rejection. I conclude by addressing how social exclusion affects cognition, emotion and behavior within consumer and organizational contexts.     MORE DETAILS

23 May, 2018

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7th Symposium of the Centre for Leadership & Innovation “New Forms of Team and Organizational Membership”

MM Research Centre "Centre for Leadership & Innovation" organized its 7th annual symposium, themed "New Forms of Team and Organizational Membership" on 2 March 2018 in Multi-function Hall, Alumni Atrium, Chung Sze Yuen Building. The event attracted more than 80 researchers, students and business executives from different universities, professional organizations and companies. This year, it has invited Prof. Gilad Chen, Robert H. Smith Chair in Organization Behavior, University of Maryland & Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Applied Psychology, to be our keynote speakers. The keynote topic is "Multiple team membership and empowerment spillover effects: Can empowerment processes cross team boundaries?"     MORE DETAILS

2 Mar, 2018

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Public Lecture by Prof. Peter BAMBERGER – “Pay Secrecy, Signaling and Employee Turnover at the Individual and Firm Levels: The Moderating Role of Distributive Justice Climate”

MM held a Public Lecture on the topic "Pay Secrecy, Signaling and Employee Turnover at the Individual and Firm Levels: The Moderating Role of Distributive Justice Climate" presented by Prof. Peter Bamberger, Professor of Management and Organizations School of Business Administration, Tel Aviv University & Research Director, Smithers Institute, Cornell University on 26 February 2018 in M802, Li Ka Shing Tower. Abstract: The relationship between pay and human capital resources is well established, with pay mix, level and structure serving as important levers by which employers may attract, develop, retain and leverage the individual and unit-level capacities associated with organizational effectiveness. However, we know little about the impact of pay communication practices such as pay secrecy (PS), on these same outcomes. This is problematic in that the motivational and sorting effects of compensation are largely contingent upon employee pay perceptions, with pay communication practices serving as a key mechanism by which employers may influence such perceptions. We address this gap in pay communication research by examining the association between individual and firm-level PS perceptions/practices and both individual-level turnover intentions, and enterprise-level turnover rates. Building on signaling theory, we argue that a key pay-related facet of the organizational climate, namely the distributive justice climate (DJC) or employees' shared fairness perceptions of the allocation of organizational rewards colors how employees frame PS, and thus plays a key role in determining the impact of PS on turnover. More specifically, we argue that PS may be interpreted as indicative of "sinister" intentions on the part of the employer, thus generally motivating employees to consider alternative employment opportunities and take advantage of opportunities available to them. However, we also expect that DJC may be used to help interpret the uncertain, weak signals associated with PS with the generally positive effect of PS (relative to transparency) on turnover intentions and rates amplified under conditions of high DJC. This is because while transparency facilitates the validation of low distributive justice perceptions (thus eliciting higher turnover intentions and rates), the certainty effect elicited by PS dampens any tendency towards action that might otherwise be primed by low DJC. We use data collected from management and workers (n=1,784) in 88 Chinese firms to test our hypotheses.     MORE DETAILS

26 Feb, 2018

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Professional Mentorship Programme – Guest Lecture by Dr. Thomas Leung & Dr. Thomas Man

Date: 5 Feb 2018 (Mon) Time: 19:00 – 21:00 Venue: Staff Club, PolyU     MORE DETAILS

5 Feb, 2018

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Alumni Gathering – Beer Brewing Workshop

Date: 27 Jan 2018 (Sat) Time: 14:00 – 17:00 Venue: Staff Club, PolyU This is a reunion event for MM alumni to catch up with each other's lives, share personal anecdotes, reacquaint themselves with all that is developing at MM, as well as to have the fun of bottling their own beer.     MORE DETAILS

27 Jan, 2018

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Public Lecture by Prof. Sabine SONNENTAG – “Conducting daily-survey studies”

MM held a Public Lecture on the topic "Conducting daily-survey studies" presented by Prof. Sabine Sonnentag, Professor for Work & Organizational Psychology, University of Mannheim, 25 January 2018 in M1603, Li Ka Shing Tower. Abstract: Quantitative diary methods and similar approaches (e.g., experience-sampling methods) receive increasing attention within management research. In essence, diary methods allow for "capturing life as it is lived" (Bolger, Davis, Rafaeli, 2003, p. 579) and thereby they overcome retrospective bias and other limitations of other survey methods. Importantly, multiple assessments allow for modeling changes in affect, attitude, and behavior over time. In this 3-hour workshop, I will provide an overview of research questions to be addressed with quantitative diary methods, study designs as well as approaches to data collection and data analysis. No prior experience with quantitative diary methods is required.     MORE DETAILS

25 Jan, 2018

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Happy Hour for MM Master’s students & graduates

Date: 19 January 2018 (Friday) Time: 6 – 8 pm Venue: Theatre Lounge, PolyU campus Networking event for MM Master's students, graduates and professors was held on 19 January 2018 at Theatre Lounge of PolyU.     MORE DETAILS      

19 Jan, 2018

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2017 Marketing Research Camp of the Asian Centre for Branding & Marketing

Date: 13 – 14 December 2017 (Wed-Thu) MM Research Centre "Asian Centre for Branding & Marketing" organized its 2017 Marketing Research Camp on 13 & 14 December 2017 in Multi-function Hall, Alumni Atrium, Chung Sze Yuen Building. It has invited 4 keynote speakers Prof. Barbara Kahn, Patty and Jay H. Baker Professor, University of Pennsylvania, Prof. Oleg Urminsky, Professor of Marketing, University of Chicago, Prof. Subramanian Balachander, Professor of Marketing Disipline, Albert O. Steffey Chair, University of California & Prof. Stephan Wuyus, Professor of Marketing, Koç University this year to share their research insights.

14 Dec, 2017

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Professional Mentorship Programme Opening Ceremony

Date: 21 Sep 2017 (Thu) Time: 18:30 – 21:00 Venue: Staff Club, PolyU     MORE DETAILS

27 Sep, 2017

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Academic Advising Tea Gathering

Date: 8 Sep 2017 (Fri) Time: 14:30 – 17:30 Venue: Chinese Garden, PolyU     MORE DETAILS

8 Sep, 2017

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