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AI in Marketing Symposium — “AI and Common Sense: Revitalizing Marketing Strategies”

Celebrating the synergy of artificial intelligence and marketing innovation, the AI in Marketing Symposium, hosted by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University's Department of Management and Marketing and the Asian Centre for Branding & Marketing, concluded with resounding success. Centered around the theme "AI and Common Sense: Revitalizing Marketing Strategies," the symposium brought together distinguished scholars, industry leaders, and marketing professionals to explore the evolving role of AI in strategic decision-making. Our esteemed speakers delivered thought-provoking insights on the intersection of AI and marketing, highlighting its ethical applications, transformative potential, and impact on business and society. The event featured engaging panel discussions and keynote presentations, fostering a vibrant exchange of ideas between academia and industry. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our speakers, attendees, and supporters for contributing to this enlightening and collaborative dialogue. Your participation made this symposium a hub of inspiration, shaping the future of AI-driven marketing strategies.

3 Mar, 2025


CLI Decision Making Symposium - “Decision Making in an Uncertain Environment”

In today's rapidly changing world, the ability to make informed decisions amidst uncertainty is more crucial than ever for businesses striving to thrive and remain competitive. As global markets fluctuate and technological advancements accelerate, understanding the effects of high variability on business operations has become essential. The Centre for Leadership and Innovation at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University invites you to our symposium on "Decision Making in an Uncertain Environment" to address this timely and vital topic. This symposium offers insights into managing risks during global expansion and examines how uncertainty about CEOs' future employment influences corporate social responsibility. With AI increasingly shaping company operations, we explore its impact and the ethical dimensions of AI appraisers in the workplace. Our expert speakers include PolyU professors and industry leaders, including the Chief Operating Officer of Lalamove, the Chief Talent Officer of Deloitte China, and the Chief Strategy and Corporate Development Officer of Swire Coca-Cola. Join us to gain valuable strategies, enhance your decision-making capabilities, and connect with industry leaders who are navigating these complexities. This event is relevant for all business professionals seeking to adapt and succeed in an unpredictable environment. Date: 2 April 2025 (Wednesday) Time: 1:30pm – 5:00pm Venue: Grand Ballroom, 2/F, New World Millennium Hong Kong Hotel, Tsim Sha Tsui Due to the limited seating, we encourage you to confirm your attendance at the earliest. Please complete your registration here or scan the QR code below by 26 March 2025. Please refer to the event rundown for details.

27 Feb, 2025

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AI in Marketing Symposium — “AI and Common Sense: Revitalizing Marketing Strategies”

Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing the marketing landscape, offering powerful tools for automation, data analysis, and customer engagement. Yet, while AI has become a dominant force in the industry, great marketing is more than just technology—it requires strategic thinking, creativity, and a deep understanding of customer needs. Many companies today have access to cutting-edge AI, yet effective marketing remains a challenge. In an era where AI facilitates and disrupts marketing strategies simultaneously, the key question is: How can businesses create long-term customer value while integrating AI-driven innovations? On February 26, 2025, join us for a thought-provoking symposium where leading academics and industry experts will explore how AI can enhance marketing without losing the human touch and strategic depth that define truly great brands. Hear from distinguished speakers from Google, The South China Morning Post, and Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce, as they share insights on balancing AI-powered efficiency with enduring marketing principles. Date & Time: 26 February 2025 (Wednesday) | 14:00 – 17:30 (Registration starts at 13:30) Venue: Grand Ballroom, New World Millennium Hong Kong Hotel Supported By (Listed in alphabetical order): Hong Kong Advertisers Association (HK2A) Hong Kong Association of Interactive Marketing (HKAIM) Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce (HKGCC) Interactive Advertising Bureau Hong Kong (IAB HK) Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management (HKIHRM) We sincerely appreciate the generous support of our partnering organizations in making this symposium possible. This event is free of charge. Due to limited seating capacity, we encourage you to confirm your attendance as soon as possible. Kindly register here by 21 February 2025. Don’t miss the chance to explore how AI is shaping the future of marketing! Join us as we redefine marketing in the AI era—leveraging technology while staying true to the fundamental principles that drive customer trust and long-term brand success. Please refer to the event rundown for details.          

14 Jan, 2025

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Call for Papers: Personnel Psychology Paper Development Workshop

Call for Papers: Personnel Psychology Paper Development Workshop   12 May 2025 Department of Management and Marketing, Faculty of Business The Hong Kong Polytechnic University   Personnel Psychology Paper Development Workshop   Date: Monday, May 12, 2025, 09:00 – 17:00 Location: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (in-person only)   We invite researchers in the field of management and applied psychology to join Personnel Psychology's 2025 Paper Development Workshop, hosted by the Department of Management and Marketing, Faculty of Business, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Although we welcome all scholars, we especially encourage early-career researchers to join us while they develop their work. We plan to have around 25 to 30 participants to discuss their research projects and receive developmental feedback from the Editor and Associate Editors of the journal (including Zhen Zhang, Beth Campbell, Hong Deng, Kaifeng Jiang, and Dave Welsh).   Personnel Psychology is among the eight premier journals in the Texas A&M/University of Georgia Rankings of Management Department Research Productivity. It is rated as 4* in the UK CABS AJG list and A* in the Australian Business Deans' Council list of journals. We welcome submissions spanning the full range of human resource management and organizational behavior topics. Articles may employ different research methods including quantitative and qualitative research, theory development, meta-analytic reviews, and narrative literature reviews.   If you are interested, please submit an extended abstract (up to 1000 words) including the following sections: a) Purpose, b) Design/methodology/approach, c) Findings, and d) Originality/Contributions. References do not count toward the word limit. Participants will be selected based on the quality of the submission.   For abstract submission and commitment to attend (if accepted), please click here: Submit Your Abstract   Abstract submission deadline: February 10, 2025, by 17:00 Hong Kong Time Decisions will be informed by: March 10, 2025   There is no participation fee. Complimentary refreshments and lunch will be provided. Participants will need to cover their own travel and hotel accommodation. For inquiries about the abstract submission and selection, please contact Professor Zhen Zhang ( For any questions about the workshop local arrangement, please contact Professor Melody Zhang ( or Professor Man-nok Wong (    

9 Jan, 2025


The 7th IACMR "Philosophy of Management Research" Teacher Training Workshop (PMR) Concludes Successfully

The 7th PMR, organized by the International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR) and the Department of Marketing and Management, Facalty of Business, Hong Kong Polytechnic University was successfully held from December 5–9, 2024 in Hong Kong. The workshop brought together 38 faculty members from 28 universities. Professor Liu Wu, Head of the Department of Marketing and Management, remarked: “The 2024 PMR was a memorable experience. As a facilitator and host, I am so glad that every participant was highly committed and open-minded to all the components of PMR. It sets a high bar for the PMRs in the future!” The trainees and facilitators were highly engaged throughout the workshop. Below are some reflections shared by facilitators and participants.  

18 Dec, 2024

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CB Got Talent: PhD Students Shine with Innovative Ideas

On December 4, 2024, the Consumer Behavior area in the Department of Management and Marketing at Hong Kong Polytechnic University brought the semester and year to a memorable close with "CB Got Talent 2024." Designed to showcase the creativity and independent thinking of research students and research assistants, the event was also a platform for fostering collaboration and exchanging insights among research students, alumni, faculty members, and scholars from other Hong Kong universities. Nine research students and research assistants presented their research ideas, followed by feedback and discussion with the judges, including all the CB faculty members in the home institution and Professor Xianchi Dai from CUHK, Professor Michael Jia from HKU, and Professor SangKyu Park from HKUST. Zipeng Cheng won the Best Idea Award. Tianze Zhang and He Zou received honorable mentions. Events like “CB Got Talent” continue to reinforce the department’s mission to cultivate innovation, collaboration, and excellence in research.

11 Dec, 2024


Call for Proposals: Workshop on the Frontiers of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Theme: “Where is Entrepreneurship and Innovation Research Heading?”

To promote research on entrepreneurship and innovation, the Department of Management and Marketing at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University will host a Workshop on the Frontiers of Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Hong Kong on Tuesday & Wednesday, April 8-9, 2025. The theme of this workshop is “Where is Entrepreneurship and Innovation Research Heading?” The two-day workshop will include keynote sessions focused on the grand challenges to and emerging trends of research on entrepreneurship and innovation, panel presentations of well-developed research articles, editors’ forum, and an engaging meeting with local entrepreneurs in Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area. Confirmed keynote speakers and journal editors include David B. Audretsch (Indiana University, Editor-in-Chief of Small Business Economics), Peter G. Klein (Baylor University, Co-editor of Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal), and Siri A. Terjesen (FAU, Associate Editor of Academy of Management Perspective). Prospective participants are invited to submit their research proposals (extended abstracts) to Cindy Gao ( with the subject “PolyU Workshop Proposal” by February 15, 2025. Each participant may submit only one proposal to the workshop.  Please include in a single PDF file (1) a cover letter with all authors’ names, e-mails, and affiliations, as well as the status of the research paper (we accept only completed and unpublished manuscripts); and (2) the research proposal (extended abstract only, including research question, intended contribution, and the preliminary findings, etc. No more than 4 pages, double-spaced, excluding tables, figures, and references). Due to a limited number of slots available, applying for the workshop does not guarantee acceptance. Authors will be notified about the status of their submissions by February 25, 2025. More details about the registration and local arrangements will be provided in the acceptance letter. The workshop will be free for participants with accepted research proposals. Coffee, pastries, and lunches will be included as part of the registration. Registered participants are responsible for their own travel and accommodation arrangements and costs. For questions about the event, please contact Cindy Gao ( About the host. The Faculty of Business of PolyU, popularly known as PolyU Business School (PBS), is a world-class business school that offers high-quality academic programs and leads cutting-edge research in business and related disciplines. This workshop is organized and funded by the Department of Management and Marketing, Faculty of Business, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Members of the organizing committee include Hang Jun Cho, Nicolai J. Foss (Co-chair), Qinyu Ryan Wang, Xueyong Zhan (Co-chair), and Qi (Thomas) Zhu.

3 Dec, 2024

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Mr Canquan LI and Dr Shuping LI's paper has been awarded the Runner-Up Paper Award

Mr Canquan Li and Dr Shuping Li’s paper, titled “Be Open or Overwhelmed? CEOs’ Exposure to Plural Orientations of Shareholder Activists and Firms’ Responses to Subsequent Activism,” has been awarded the Runner-Up Paper Award at the 10th International Corporate Governance Society (ICGS) Annual Conference 2024 held at Arizona State University. This award recognizes an outstanding paper that makes a significant empirical and/or theoretical contribution to the corporate governance literature. Candidates for the ICGS Award are nominated by reviewers of the ICGS conference, and those nominations are then reviewed by the Awards Committee.  

12 Nov, 2024


Interdisciplinary Symposium on Institutions, Governance, and Innovation (24-25 Oct 2024)

MM successfully hosted the Interdisciplinary Symposium on "Institutions, Governance, and Innovation" on October 24 and 25, 2024. The event attracted around 100 participants, both online and in-person, including scholars, policymakers, and industry leaders from Hong Kong, the Greater Bay Area, and beyond. The symposium opened with an inspiring welcome address from Prof. Wu Liu, Head and Professor of MM. It featured two keynote speeches: one by Professor Ruth Aguilera from Northeastern University and another by Professor Rodolphe Durand from HEC Paris. Additionally, eight engaging presentations were delivered by leading scholars from around the world. A highlight of the symposium was the Innovation Policy Forum, co-organized by MM and PolyU's Policy Research Centre for Innovation and Technology. Five internationally renowned scholars in strategic management and public policy shared their insights on the development of the innovation and technology industries in Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area. The symposium concluded with remarks from Prof. Chi Nien Chung, Chair Professor of Strategic and Organization Management and Associate Dean for Research and Postgraduate Studies. We hope this marks the start of an intellectual journey for the PolyU Business School (PBS) community, focusing on the crucial roles of institutional contexts and governance structures in fostering innovation and development. Thank you to everyone who participated in this Symposium. For a detailed schedule of the event, please refer to:

31 Oct, 2024

Top 2 Scientists 2022

World’s Top 2% Scientists by Citation

Prof. Wai Ting Eric NGAI, Prof. Michael Harris BOND and Dr Wing Sing Vincent CHO are ranked among the world's top 100,000 scientists by citation (with and without self-citations) or a percentile rank of 2% or above in their disciplines. Prof. Eric W.T. Ngai, Prof and Michael Harris Bond have been listed as the world’s top 2% for five consecutive years. Tracking millions of scientists worldwide, the study has identified about 217,100 scientists across 22 scientific fields and 174 sub-fields, among whom 232 are PolyU academics. Rank in PolyU Business School* Name Discipline Total Citations 2 (11) Prof. Wai Ting Eric NGAI Information Systems 17,378 3 (12) Prof. Michael Harris BOND Social Psychology 18,246 8 (108) Dr Wing Sing Vincent CHO Education 3,177 *The ranks are based on a composite score with self-citations excluded. The numbers in the brackets represent the ranks of the staff among the 232 PolyU scientists listed in the study.   Dr Chi Hong Simon CHAN ranks among the world’s top 2% of scientists in his main discipline for single year impact (Ioannidis, 2024). The study has identified about 210,000 top 2% of scientists, among whom 306 are PolyU academics. Rank in PolyU Name Discipline Total Citations (2023 Single Year) 113 Dr Chi Hong Simon CHAN Business & Management 223   Ioannidis, J.P.A. (2024) August 2024 data-update for “Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators”. Elsevier Data Repository, V7. Available at:

30 Sep, 2024

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