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PolyU and COMAC co-organise International Science and Technology Innovation Week and collaborate on advancing aviation research

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) and the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China, Ltd. (COMAC) co-organised for the first time an international innovation week and signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to collaborate on advancing civil aviation technology. With the theme of “Digital Aircraft: Industry Empowerment,” the 6th COMAC International Science and Technology Innovation Week was co-organised by COMAC, PolyU and Tongji University and held in Jiaxing, Zhejiang province to promote collaboration on innovations. Over 500 experts and scholars from government, academia, research institutions and industry attended the week-long event that ended today. They exchanged ideas on basic as well as frontier science and technology in areas such as aviation Big Data, artificial intelligence and advanced materials. PolyU and COMAC also signed an MoU to promote technological innovation in civil aviation. Both sides will collaborate on research, talent development and knowledge transfer in the areas of artificial intelligence, Big Data and new materials. The MoU was signed by Prof Christopher CHAO, Vice President (Research and Innovation) of PolyU, and Mr TAN Wangeng, Director and Deputy Party Secretary of COMAC. Prof Christopher Chao said, “This collaboration aims to inject new impetus into the development of civil aviation and related fields, while jointly promoting technological innovation and industrial development. PolyU will join hands with COMAC to create more opportunities for exchange between academia and industry.” Mr HE Dongfeng, Chairman and Party Secretary of COMAC, said at the event, “Promoting an ecosystem to foster collaboration among industry, academia, and research institutions is important for the development needs of commercial airliners and is demanded by technological trends. In light of the new wave of technological revolution, we need to establish an innovation chain for airliner development supported by talents, innovation, and partnerships between industry and academia.” At the event, leading PolyU scholars met with industry professionals and shared their insights on cutting-edge technologies and development trends in civil aviation. Among them were Prof H.C. MAN, Dean of Faculty of Engineering and Chair Professor of Materials Engineering; Prof Chih-Yung WEN, Head of Department of Aeronautical and Aviation Engineering and Chair Professor of Aeronautical Engineering; and Prof CAO Jiannong, Director of Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence of Things and Chair Professor of Distributed and Mobile Computing. Prof Wen also delivered a keynote speech at the opening of the event. COMAC, headquartered in Shanghai, is engaged in the research, manufacturing and flight testing of civil aircraft and related products, with the mission of implementing large-scale passenger aircraft programmes and realising the industrialisation of civil aircraft in China. PolyU’s Department of Aeronautical and Aviation Engineering is ranked number 1 in Hong Kong by ShanghaiRanking. It plays a crucial role in bridging research and industrial needs in the aviation and aeronautics field. In addition, the Aviation Services Research Centre (ASRC) is an applied research centre founded by PolyU and Boeing Company. It aims to develop new or improved aviation service technologies applicable to the Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO) industry and beyond.

31 Mar, 2023


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理大聯同中國商飛、同濟大學聯合主辦第六屆COMAC 國際科技創新周盛大開幕

Chinese Only 理大聯同中國商飛及同濟大學聯合主辦第六屆COMAC 國際科技創新周,於2023年3月27日至31日在浙江省中國商飛客戶服務訓練基地舉行。約500名來自政府、學術界、工業界等不同領域的參會人員親臨盛會。 理大副校長(研究及創新)趙汝恒教授為活動開幕式致辭︰「理大很榮幸能夠與中國商飛以及同濟大學共同主辦是次活動。理大一直以來積極回應國家發展規劃和參與國家科技項目,是香港唯一一個參加國家航天計畫的高校,深度參與了探測月球和火星的任務。」 趙教授表示,「理大將繼續在航天航空科技的不同方向展開深入研究,希望在不遠的未來看到更多突破性的科技創新,讓我們攜手並進,為中國的航天航空科技事業發展貢獻力量。」 第六屆COMAC 國際科技創新周按照「交流基礎科學、探索前沿科技、解決疑難問題、促進創新合作」的宗旨,圍繞「數字飛機 產業賦能」為主題,開展產、學、研深度對話。    

27 Mar, 2023



Smart City Technology Shown to Futian Government Delegation Visit

A delegation of Futian Government has visited PolyU for exchange and discussion on research and technology development.  Prof Wing-tak Wong, Deputy President and Provost of PolyU, welcomed the delegation and shared the university’s latest research excellence on textile, space and smart city. He has also made discussion with the delegate on academic - government collaboration and talent cultivation opportunity.  The delegate has toured PolyU’s research facilities including Laboratory for Smart City and Spatial Big Data Analytics, School of Fashion & Textiles, Planetary Remote Sensing Laboratory and Research Centre for Deep Space Explorations. PolyU researchers shared with the delegate for more understanding on industrial research and technology transformation.

24 Mar, 2023


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PolyU Scholar Integrates Innovative Technology into Music with Movement Therapy for People With Dementia to Reinforce Sustainable Adoption

Music with Movement intervention has proven to be a promising intervention to improve the well-being and enhance cognitive performance of old adults with cognitive impairment. Health outcomes are considerably affected by implementation strategies, in which technological innovations are essential to facilitate the delivery of intervention and communication in an effective way. Notwithstanding the evidence-based effects, Music with Movement intervention encounters barriers in implementation such as intervention fidelity, subjective assessment, unorganised music genres, inflexible training programme and time consuming in documentation. In addressing these challenges for application on traditional community services platform, a stand-alone therapeutic programme empowered by innovative technology is introduced by Dr Daphne Cheung, Associate Professor in School of Nursing at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and her team to improve adoption and enhance benefits. Sustainability Enhanced by Innovative Technology Innovation and technology (I&T) is creatively applied to provide customised solutions, with the design of a user-friendly system and interactive platform for the beneficiaries, caregivers and service providers. Smart technology such as AR (Augmented Reality) interactive game, motion sensor and cloud-based data system for analytics are incorporated into music intervention programme. With integration of I&T elements, the programme builds stronger connection and communication to train, engage and monitor music intervention for sustainability. Extensively, this portable music intervention programme could expand to broader community application for the benefit of people with dementia. Led by Dr Cheung, the project “A Stand-alone Therapeutic Music with Movement Programme for Elderly with Cognitive Impairment,” is supported by the Innovation and Technology Fund for Better Living (ITF-FBL) and Ho Cheung Shuk Yuen Charitable Foundation in November 2020 for a period of three years. The project is jointly collaborated with Nethersole School of Nursing of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. The ITF-FBL is a scheme for funding I&T projects which will make people's daily living more convenient, comfortable and safer; or address the needs of specific community groups. Optimising with information and communication technology, the project aims to expand programme adoption and sustainability with the development of a stand-alone system and service package for flexible training and support to caregivers and staffs, greater interactive and fun motivation to users and intelligent data management for assessment. The project was honoured in the ICT Award 2022 for Smart People Smart Aging Silver Award. The project has created a stand-alone tablet-based interactive programme, which comprises of training for caregivers on music intervention techniques, wireless music motion-sensing and AR games for users, data management and analytical system for health and engagement reports. Integration of innovative technology such as e-Book for training manual, Android Console Music with Movement system and RFID card for user identification creates substantial solutions for efficient implementation.

18 Mar, 2023

Research and Innovation

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PolyU Scientist Research Achievement in Most Water-repellent Surface Received Spark Award by HUAWEI

(Chinese Only) 香港理工大學(理大)協理副校長(研究及創新)、機械工程學系仿生工程講座教授王鑽開教授,獲電訊設備商華為(HUAWEI)頒發「難題揭榜」火花獎,以表揚他在「透明耐磨的超疏表面」方面的創新成就。 華為向全社會發佈兼顧產業挑戰和科學價值的難題,予探索,牽引,開放,思辨,百花齊放,百家爭鳴。王鑽開教授在軍團挑戰難題第二期難題「透明耐磨的超疏表面」中提出了新型的解決方案,所提出的技術方案新穎且具有使用價值,被授予華為火花獎。 華為設立「難題揭榜」火花獎以表彰才華斐然的老師、公司,以感謝這些獲獎者對於產業界及科學界做出的重大貢獻,並激發更多人才挑戰難題。 【更多】 「難題揭榜」火花獎專家座談會 王鑽開教授早前在理大刊物《勵學利民》裡分享他的研究歷程和心得 (PolyU Excel x Impact: A conversation with Associate Vice President (Research and Innovation) Professor Wang Zuankai)

18 Mar, 2023

Awards and Achievements

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PolyU x CSG Joint Institute for Green and Secure Power Grid First Management Committee Meeting

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) and China Southern Power Grid Co., Ltd. (CSG) signed an agreement to jointly establish the “Joint Institute for Green and Secure Power Grid” in September 2022. The management committee has officially held the first meeting on 16 March 2023. The collaboration aims to build up a highly competitive and interdisciplinary research team in the fields of green and secure management of power equipment and green and safe power supply for smart cities to foster the development of new power systems. For more, PolyU and China Southern Power Grid (CSG) jointly establish the “ Joint Institute for Green and Secure Power Grid” to Promote New Power Systems and Dual Carbon Goals

16 Mar, 2023



Leaders and experts share insights on green and innovative community at Green Deck forum

The forum “The Green Deck – Into the Green and Innovative Community”, co-organised by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) Policy Research Centre for Innovation and Technology (PReCIT) and the Green Deck Project Management Office, was held on the PolyU campus in a hybrid format on 15 March. In order to promote exchanges and collaboration across different sectors of society in building a green community, Mr Alex LUI, PolyU Green Deck Project Director; the Hon. Mr CHAN Han-pan, Legislative Council Member; Prof. LI Yuguo, Chair Professor of Building Environment of the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Hong Kong; Prof. Edward NG, Professor of Architecture of the School of Architecture of the Chinese University of Hong Kong; and Dr William YU, Chief Executive Officer of World Green Organisation, were invited to share their views and insights on the Green Deck and on topics related to green living and green cities. The Green Deck is an innovative, community-based project to enhance the area around the Cross Harbour Tunnel Toll Plaza at Hung Hom. The forum aimed at deepening public understanding of the Green Deck and how the project can help to address the current environmental issues and revitalise the neighbourhood with a view to promoting green living. In his welcoming remarks, Prof. Christopher CHAO, PolyU Vice President (Research and Innovation) and Director of PReCIT said, “The HKSAR Government has always devoted tremendous efforts as well as investment into developing Hong Kong into a more liveable city. Active community participation also plays a very important role in this. A liveable and comfortable living environment benefits Hong Kong in attracting more global talents to work and settle in our city, and encourages international enterprises to start their businesses here.” Mr Alex Lui said the Green Deck is an innovative social project which will bring long-term benefits to the neighbouring communities. It exemplifies how precious urban land can be used in a smart and sustainable way by revitalising an unremarkable urban district into a green and vibrant community area. To achieve a smart environment, the Green Deck as well as similar social projects require the support and participation of a smart community and a smart government. Mr Chan Han-pan suggested that a community network directly affects residents’ quality of life and economic development, and that sometimes a small step can bring major changes to a community. The two successful initiatives of Sai Lau Kok Garden in Tsuen Wan and Central Market demonstrated ways to inject new impetus into a community. Because of the Cross-Harbour Tunnel Toll Plaza separating the two districts, Hung Hom and Tsim Sha Tsui East face the problem of a disconnected community network, which has led to the two districts lagging behind others in relative terms. It is believed that the Green Deck will benefit the enhancement of community connectivity, which in turn will further foster the economic development of Hong Kong and bring positive impacts on the local traffic in the districts. Prof. Li Yuguo said, according to the Hong Kong Observatory, since 1993, at 0.28°C per decade, Kowloon has warmed faster than before, while at the same time Kowloon air has become more humid. This trend has accelerated over the last 20-30 years, a trend for which city-wide efforts are needed to stop or reverse. City-scale challenges can only be tackled by the concerted efforts of everyone involved. Prof. Edward Ng said that, due to more intense, frequent and longer heat waves resulting from climate change, the number of very hot days in Hong Kong is expected to increase to over 100 days a year. Prolonged heat waves not only bring higher heat-related mortality, but also can affect a person’s psychological well-being. Creating green-blue space in the urban living environment of a high-density city is a necessary mitigation measure. Dr William Yu said that the Green Deck would not only enhance climate resilience and improve the quality of life for city dwellers through the provisioning of recreational benefits and ecosystem services as an added value, but also provides a linkage with ecosystem-based adaptation into climate change. Not limited to universities, Hong Kong needs to consider how to make good use of green finance instruments (resilience investment) to speed up the transformation from grey to green infrastructure, thus mitigating the impact of extreme weather events, and so decreasing the need for the insurability of biodiversity and climate risks.

16 Mar, 2023

Research and Innovation


PolyU Five Projects Awarded Green Tech Fund to Support Environmental Protection in Hong Kong

Five projects of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) have been supported by the Green Tech Fund, with a total fund amount of HK$25.7 million in two rounds of applications. The five award-winning projects covered a wide range of research fields, including waste management and reduction, green transport, decarbonisation, and energy saving and efficiency. PolyU has made remarkable achievements in terms of number and amount of funding support.  The funded innovative projects are shown in the below table. Project Coordinator Project Title Grant Approved Ir Prof. Chi Sun POON, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Low-carbon transformation of construction materials using waste glass (For more, HK$5,292,875.00 Prof. Shun Cheng LEE, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Development of nanotechnology based hybrid air cleaning system towards green transport (For more, HK$5,561,400.00 Prof. Daniel C. W. TSANG, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Biochar-enhanced Construction Materials for Sustainable Waste Management and Decarbonisation (For more, HK$8,784,200.00 Dr. Guangping ZHENG, Department of Mechanical Engineering A safe, efficient and facile approach for hydrogen storage and generation: catalytic hydrolysis of solid-state hydrogen storage materials (For more, HK$3,305,100.00 Dr. Lawrence Yoon Suk LEE, Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology Recycling of waste lithium-ion batteries as highly active fuel cell catalysts (For more, HK$2,783,920.00 (Source: Green Tech Fund Approved Projects)

15 Mar, 2023

Awards and Achievements


PolyU Project on Carbon Dioxide Reduction Granted the 2023 Guangdong Natural Science Fund

Dr Bolong HUANG, Associate Professor in Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology (ABCT), and member of the Otto Poon Charitable Foundation Research Institute for Smart Energy (RISE) at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) has been awarded with the 2023 Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province-General Programme (2023年度廣東省基礎與應用基礎研究基金自然科學基金 - 面上項目).   The three-year project “Rational Design of Advanced Pd-based Electrocatalysts for Carbon Dioxide Reduction” (理性設計先進鈀基催化劑實現高效二氧化碳還原) led by Dr HUANG, has received a grant of RMB100,000 from the 2023 Guangdong Natural Science Fund (General Program) under the Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Fund of the Guangdong Provincial Department of Science and Technology (GDST).   The Fund encourages young researchers from Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau regions to conduct basic research with a view to facilitating the development of an international innovation and technology hub in the Greater Bay Area.   PolyU scholars have excelled in research and innovation for environmental protection. In February, PolyU organised the 1st Carbon-Strategic Catalysis International Conference cum Inauguration Ceremony of Research Centre for Carbon-Strategic Catalysis, with the participation of more than 350 scholars, researchers and professionals in-person and online. International renowned scholars joined the conference to share their research, strategic, conceptual and technical insights towards carbon neutrality goal.    For more: Reference:  

15 Mar, 2023

Awards and Achievements


PolyU Impactful High Strength S690 Steel Technology Wins HKIE Grand Award 2023 - Grand Prize on Innovative Application

On 9 March 2023, led by Prof. Kwok-fai Chung, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Director of Chinese National Engineering Research Centre for Steel Construction (Hong Kong Branch) (CNERC) at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), the research achievements regarding “Innovative construction technology and application of high strength S690 steel in construction”, has been awarded The HKIE Grand Award 2023 - Grand Prize on Innovative Application. PolyU CNERC aims to promote sustainable infrastructure development in Hong Kong and to promote advances in structural engineering on modern steel construction. The research team led by Prof. Kwok-fai Chung is dedicated to advancing the broad application of high strength S690 steels and its welding technology. The team examined that high strength S690 steels are highly efficient for heavily loaded structures. Typical applications include piles and columns in buildings and supporting members in bridges. Established by The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE), the HKIE Grand Award 2023 recognises engineering professionals' achievements and contributions to Hong Kong's development. For More: Impact Story: Effective Use of High Strength S690 Steel in Construction PolyU Project Honored with Grand Prize by 2022 CSCS Science and Technology Awards The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Grand Award Presentation

10 Mar, 2023

Awards and Achievements

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