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Entrance Year 2025

Programme Code 73035

Stream Code

IBD (Full-time)
IBP (Part-time)

Mode of Study Mixed Mode

Normal Duration

1 year (Full-time)
3 years (Part-time)

Fund Type Self-Financed

Credits Required for Graduation 37

Initial Registration Credits 6 for local students
12 for non-local students


Tuition Fees HK$6,670 per credit
(Tuition fees will not be charged for the 1-credit AIE subject.)

Programme Leader(s)

Dr Sylvia Xihui Liu

The Master of Design (Innovative Business Design) (IBD) is an interdisciplinary specialism designed to equip students with the necessary skills and competencies to become leaders of transformational changes in organisations and society. Students gain a comprehensive understanding of the complexities of today’s global market through the programme's interdisciplinary approach to design and business. The programme emphasises the importance of creativity, innovation and responsible business practices in driving sustainable growth in organisations. Students are encouraged to think critically, challenge traditional business models, and develop innovative solutions to complex problems.


Application Timeline - Sep 2025 Entry

  • Review deadlines: Early Round: Nov 19, 2024; Round 1: Jan 16, 2025; Round 2: Mar 13, 2025; Round 3: Apr 30, 2025

  • Programme application deadline: Apr 30, 2025 




The aims of this specialism are:

  • to foster transdisciplinary knowledge through systematic integration;
  • to impart an understanding of the essentials in design, business and technology;
  • to provide practice-based research opportunities and training in integrative business design thinking;
  • to cultivate talent to transform Hong Kong’s industries; and;
  • to identify opportunities and resources for improving lives and economies at the local, regional and global levels.

Also: Employers of MDes Graduates



Targeting meaning creation, IBD is the first postgraduate programme in the world to focus on design-centred entrepreneurship.

IBD follows on from the unique ID&BM (International Design and Business Management) programme, and it aims to foster transdisciplinary knowledge based on a systematic understanding of essentials in design, business and technology. IBD also aims to support practice-based research with the established history of SD and unique resources in Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area.

IBD acts as a hub of the innovation ecosystem by configuring resources and facilitating innovation for our students, alumni, industrial partners, government and other key stakeholders as a catalyst for change. Moreover, the programme provides opportunities for students to engage in research and development projects, collaborate with industry professionals, and participate in industry events and workshops. These experiences enable students to hone their skills, build their professional networks, and gain practical experience in applying design-driven innovation to real-world problems. IBD also offers exchange opportunities to students. Full-time IBD students may choose to study abroad at Thammasat University (Thailand) in Semester 2.




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