Exhibition: "Form the Insight" by Communication Design Students
04 - 25 Mar 2024
PolyU Design
10:00 - 19:00
6/F, Block V, PolyU Map
School of Design 2766 5454 sdweb@polyu.edu.hk
In the world of design, there is a misconception that designers are driven solely by subjectivity. However, this exhibition challenges that notion by showcasing the outcome of a collaborative design process involving insights of both designers and users. Designers observe problems, analyze data, prototype, conduct user testing, and refine their designs. This collaborative process with users results in designs that are more usable, accessible, and understandable.
This exhibition is dedicated to applying a user-centered design approach to develop specific design solutions. Students embark on a comprehensive design journey, beginning with a deep understanding of the needs, preferences, and challenges of the target users. Through various research methods such as user journeys, personas, interviews, focus groups, observations, site visits, and user tests, students gain invaluable insights into the difficulties faced by their users. With these insights, students develop prototypes that embody their design solutions. These prototypes undergo rigorous testing and iterative improvements based on user feedback. This design process ensures that the final solutions effectively meet the needs and expectations of the users. Additionally, the exhibition highlights the importance of visual design and effective communication throughout the projects.
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