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PolyU Design student shines in 43rd Hong Kong Film Awards Students Poster Design Competition

We are thrilled to announce that our year 4 student Mok Dick Ka, from Advertising Design, has been awarded the 1st runner-up in the 43rd Hong Kong Film Awards Students Poster Design Competition.   The Hong Kong Film Awards, renowned as one of Asia's premier film award ceremonies, annually invites students in Hong Kong to showcase their creativity and talent through the poster design competition. This year, submissions were assessed by esteemed industry experts, including the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson of the Hong Kong Designers Association, along with the Vice President and Executive Committee members of the Hong Kong Film Art Association. It is worth noting that Mok Dick Ka was the champion of last year's Design Competition, making this year's recognition even more impressive. Additionally, our student has achieved all three top awards in the previous year's competition. The continuous achievement is a testament to our students' remarkable creativity and skill in the field. About the previous year of Hong Kong Film Awards Students Poster Design Competition.   About the winning design: Brief: Stars 繁星 1st Runner Up: Mok Dick Ka (Advertising Design) 我利用一年的時投身於將金像獎獎座化為立體的藝術素材。透過不同的視角,展現出獎座的獨特之美,並與當屆的主題交相輝映,宛如星辰與夜空的交融。 長時間曝光攝影(Long exposure photography),將繁星劃破長夜的瞬間捕捉在鏡頭之中,形成一道道璀璨的星軌。這些光影,彷彿映照出電影人在業界中的每一份心血,所有台前幕後,對電影業界的熱誠與追求,成就了香港電影的輝煌篇章。 夜空漫漫,定焦漆黑,尚有繁星閃爍。

28 Feb, 2025

PolyU Design Teaching and Learning School of Design

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PolyU Develops Ground-breaking Social Robot to Alleviate Community Mental Health Support Pressure

(中文版在此頁底)   The Hong Kong Polytechnic University officially launched a Theme-based Research Scheme project funded by the University Grants Committee (UGC) to address the increasingly severe mental health issues in Hong Kong. The project, led by Professor Johan F. HOORN from the School of Design and the Department of Computing, has received HK$40.89 million in funding from the UGC and aims to develop a new paradigm for mental health support through the integration of robot technology and artificial intelligence. The UGC's "Theme-based Research Scheme" focuses on leveraging the academic research strengths of UGC-funded universities to investigate themes of strategic importance for Hong Kong's long-term development.   In recent years, the Hong Kong community has faced significant mental health challenges due to social unrest and the pandemic. Research indicates that approximately 12.8% of the population suffers from Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome, while 61% are experiencing stress, anxiety, and depression. This has not only overwhelmed the mental health care system but has also resulted in billions of dollars in economic losses each year, highlighting the urgent need for innovative solutions.   The project, titled “Social Robots with Embedded Large Language Models Releasing Stress among the Hong Kong Population (T43-518/24-N),” will run for four years until the end of 2029. It aims to utilise localised, cultural, and personal data to train social robots equipped with large language models (LLMs) to provide services to those in need of mental support, particularly vulnerable local communities. These potential users might lack someone to confide in or suitable community support services due to social environment, personal issues, or economic reasons.   The project will employ human-like social robots as natural interaction partners, capable of assisting users with information searches, improving mental and physical health, and supporting educational tasks. The AI system will monitor and utilise topics of concern to citizens to enhance localised and humanised dialogue capabilities. Additionally, it will refine LLMs by strengthening logic, norms, and values to prevent inappropriate behaviour and misinformation. Professor HOORN noted that the team will engage with local communities for field research to assess performance and effectiveness, "we will consult various groups and citizens to inform our robots about cultural considerations and taboos relevant to Cantonese culture, as well as to oversee medical ethics."   These social robots will connect to the award-winning Hong Kong AI hub, HK CityNet, a 2020/21 Theme-based Research Scheme project, while also providing a new software architecture characterised by distributed computing, scalability, and privacy protection. On the hardware side, the team aims to develop affordable, small high-performance computers to run the robots' software at home; the robots will appear as virtual avatars on users' mobile phones, allowing continued communication even when they are out.   The project was announced at an event officiated by Professor Kun-pyo Lee, Dean of the PolyU School of Design, and Professor Qing Li, Head of the PolyU Department of Computing, on 28 February. During the event, Project Leader Professor Hoorn provided an overview of the project to the guests. Co-leaders and collaborators, including Professor Jiannong Cao (PolyU), Professor Sek Ying Chair (CUHK), Professor Song Guo (HKUST), Dr Paul Lo representing Professor Michael Siu (PolyU), Professor Maggie Li (PolyU), Dr Xiaojuan Ma (HKUST), and Professor Chris Webster (HKU) shared their respective approaches to this collaborative initiative. Official collaborators are Professor Bin Xiao (PolyU), Dr Jiayan Pan (Social Work), and Dr Ivy Yan Zhao (PolyU).         香港理工大學正式啟動一項獲大學教育資助委員會(教資會)資助的主題研究計劃,以緩解日益嚴峻的香港心理健康問題。該項目由設計學院及電子計算學系的洪約翰教授(Professor Johan F. HOORN)領導,獲教資會四千零八十九萬港元資助,旨在通過先進技術及人工智能的整合,開展心理健康支援的新格局。教資會的「主題研究計劃」旨在集中本港資助大學的學術研究力量,對香港長遠發展具策略重要性的主題進行研究。 香港社區過去數年經歷過社會事件及疫情,正面臨重大的心理健康挑戰。據研究*顯示,約百分之十二點八的人口患有創傷後壓力症候群,而百分之六十一的人正面對壓力、焦慮和抑鬱,除了導致精神護理系統負荷過重,亦造成每年數十億的經濟損失,因此突顯了創新解決方案的迫切需要。 該名為「香港社區壓力緩解:大型語言模型賦能社交機器人的戰略性研究(T43-518/24-N)」的項目為期四年,直至2029年底,將致力利用本地化、文化和個人數據,對嵌入大型語言模型(LLMs)的社交機械人進行訓練,以向本地有精神支援需要的人士,特別是本地弱勢社群提供服務。此類潛在用戶或受社交環境、個人問題、經濟原因等限制,而缺乏可傾訴的對象或合適的社區支援服務。 項目透過人性化的社交機械人扮演自然的互動夥伴,能夠協助用戶信息搜索、改善身心健康,亦可支援教育工作;其人工智能系統將監測並善用市民關心的話題,以增強本地化和人性化對話能力,同時通過強化邏輯、規範和價值觀來完善大型語言模型,以防止不當行為和虛構「事實」。洪約翰教授指出其團隊將走入本地社區,進行實地研究來評估性能和效果:「我們將諮詢不同的團體及市民,讓他們告訴我們的機械人與廣東文化有關的注意事項和禁忌,亦負責查核有關醫學倫理方面的工作。」 該社交機械人將連接到2020/21年度主題研究計劃項目獲獎的香港人工智能樞紐HK CityNet,同時提供一種新的軟件架構,具備分佈式計算、可擴展性及隱私保護的特點。硬件方面,團隊目標開發價格實惠的小型高性能電腦,用於在家運行機器人的軟件;而該機器人將以虛擬形象出現在用戶手機上,使他們即使外出也能繼續進行溝通。 該項目於2月28日的活動中啟動,由香港理工大學設計學院院長李健杓教授及電子計算學系系主任李青教授主持,而項目負責人洪約翰教授則向與會嘉賓介紹項目概況。出席者包括項目共同負責人包括曹建農教授(香港理工大學)、車錫英教授(香港中文大學)、郭嵩教授(香港科技大學)、盧智恒博士(代表邵健偉教授)(香港理工大學)、李文捷教授(香港理工大學)、麻曉娟博士(香港科技大學)及偉仕達教授(香港大學)。其他參與項目的成員包括肖斌教授(香港理工大學)、趙妍博士(香港理工大學),以及潘佳雁博士(社會工作)。  

28 Feb, 2025

PolyU Design Research School of Design


PolyU Design Impact Report 2024: 60 Years Designing Time

Welcome to the 2024 Impact Report of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Design, where we celebrate a year of creativity, innovation, and transformative design education and research. This report, themed "60 Years Designing Time", highlights our achievements, initiatives, and the profound impact our students and faculty have made in shaping the future of design. From groundbreaking projects to collaborations and community engagement, we are proud to share stories that reflect our commitment to excellence and social responsibility. We invite you to explore this report and discover how PolyU Design is not only fostering talent but also contributing to a better world through design. Your support and engagement are vital to our mission, and we look forward to sharing our journey with you.   READ ONLINE Download PDF version

19 Feb, 2025

Books & Articles School of Design

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MDes Innovative Business Design collaborates with German fastening technology brand and universities in Australia and Thailand on design contest

Explore the collaborative project of MDes Innovative Business Design (IBD) involving SD5131 Interdisciplinary Project, SD5115 Design Project Management, and SD5114 Design Method (Advanced) which brings together talents from different disciplines to participate in an internal design contest, fostering a rich environment for creative exploration. In partnership with the University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Australia, and Thammasat University (TU), Thailand, and with FIDLOCK GmbH, Germany, and Lee Ing Global Ltd, Hong Kong, as project clients, our students are not only empowered to address real-world challenges with ingenuity and precision but also engage in interdisciplinary collaboration. Working alongside Product Design students from UTS and Design, Business & Technology Management (DBTM) students from TU, our students gain valuable experience, honing their design thinking skills through exposure to diverse perspectives. In this multifaceted project, students are required to devise relevant strategies and plans to conduct research from the perspectives of design, business, and technology. They also help tackle FIDLOCK's business challenges and expand its markets and business in Asia Pacific. This immersive experience enables students to work with real clients, exploring important societal issues and developing innovative solutions for positive change. The IBD project highlights the MDes programme's global, interdisciplinary approach and the School of Design's commitment to excellence in design education and industry partnerships. Congratulations to the award-winning teams: GROUP 8: Boot-Fit Fins (Bruce, Ely, Hammond (UTS), Tuwakhum (TU)) GROUP 3: Car Rack System (Yves, Joelle, Chilin, Hensel (UTS), Pisalchaiyong (TU)) GROUP 10: ‘PETMOD’ - Modular Dog Harness System (Moka, Vera, Wilson (UTS), Virakpong (TU)) GROUP 7: Silver Moment (Keya, Joshua, Rainbow, Sehgal (UTS), Harnvorrayothin (TU)) Learn more about the MDes Innovative Business Design (IBD)

5 Feb, 2025

PolyU Design Programmes School of Design

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Dr Jeffrey Ho and cross-disciplinary team shine at QS Global Teaching Innovation Awards with "Virtual Assistant TIMS"

As AI technology becomes more prevalent in recent years, its applications in education have also begun to emerge. PolyU Design is committed to fostering innovation for a brighter future. Our Associate Professor, Dr Jeffrey Ho, collaborated with members from BEEE, EEE, and EDC, led by Dr Rodney Chu from APSS, to develop the generative AI chatbot "Virtual Assistant TIMS."    This chatbot responds to student queries anytime, anywhere through instant messaging applications in text, voice, or video formats. The latest development, the "AI Conversational Podcast System," uses advanced natural language processing to transform complex academic content into lively podcasts, enhancing learning efficiency. Additionally, the project has established the intelligent assessment grading platform "AIReAS," offering feedback and guidance on students' uploaded written assignments, improving teaching quality while helping students understand and master the curriculum.   This project recently received recognition at the QS Reimagine Education Awards 2024, where it was awarded both the Gold Award (Omnichannel -Smart Campus) and the Global Education Award. Often referred to as the "Oscars" of the education sector, these awards are co-organized by Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), a leading international university ranking agency, and the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. They honour higher education institutions that have developed and implemented outstanding and innovative teaching methods. Additionally, the project got nominated for the 2024 UGC Teaching Award in the Collaborative Teams category and received a merit in the Exemplary Teaching and Learning Award in the eLearning Forum Asia. The annual UGC Teaching Award organised by the University Grants Committee is highly prestigious in Hong Kong that honours those who excel in teaching in the UGC sector.   These achievements highlight PolyU's commitment to driving innovation in education and showcase the effectiveness of cross-disciplinary collaboration. Experts from various academic units at PolyU, including Dr Ho from PolyU Design, who specialises in virtual reality and interaction design, have come together to create unique solutions for real-world challenges. The PolyU’s cross-unit team is formed by: Dr Rodney Wai Chi CHU, Team Leader, Department of Applied Social Sciences (APSS) (In Alphabetical order)  Dr Hilda Hiu Dan CHEUNG, Department of Building Environment and Energy Engineering (BEEE) Dr Jeffrey Chun Fai HO, School of Design (PolyU Design) Dr Pauli Po Yan LAI, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) Dr Kai Pan MARK, Educational Development Centre (EDC) About the "Virtual Assistant TIMS”

4 Feb, 2025

PolyU Design Research School of Design

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PolyU Design Showcases Design and AI Innovations at The Global AI Forum

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Design extended a warm welcome to the guests from THE Global AI Forum hosted by the university. The Forum, bringing together academics, researchers, and thought leaders worldwide, focused on sharing and discussing the latest AI ethics developments on 29 November 2024.   During their stay in PolyU, the Forum’s attendees joined a guided tour of School of Design.  Our Associate Dean Prof. Yan Tina Luximon introduced the art tech and AI related design research projects of PolyU Design to the guests. These included a social robot embedded with a large language model designed to alleviate stress among the Hong Kong population by Prof. Johan H. Hoorn, AI-enhanced 3D head scanning technology and related product development by Prof. Luximon, and an empathetic navigation system design based on driver's emotion inference from traffic contextual data by Prof. Stephen Wang. The guests also had the opportunity to appreciate the works of this year's graduating students. In addition, Ms Margaret Lam, Associate Director of Campus Development also introduced the amazing architecture of Jockey Club Innovation Tower to the visitors.   Through this event, PolyU Design engaged in an in-depth exchange with AI experts from around the world, once again showcasing its forward-looking and significant position in design and Art tech research within the design field. We all look forward to receiving more academic peers and collaborators in the future.

18 Dec, 2024

PolyU Design Research School of Design

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Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Architecture: Training Architectural Talent with the Latest Smart Building Technologies

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University introduces the Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Architectural Studies, a collaborative programme between the Department of Building and Real Estate (BRE) (host) and School of Design (co-host). This programme extends the School of Design's legacy in spatial design education, focusing on human-centred principles and integrating design practices with advanced technology. About the programme: Innovative Design Practices: Students use design materialisation to blend creative thinking with technological advancements. Studio Environment: PolyU Design provides a collaborative studio workspace for architecture students. The studio allows students to work on real-world projects and receive industry and academic expert's mentorship. Capstone Design Project: Before graduation, students undertake a capstone project, led by PolyU Design, demonstrating their ability to tackle comprehensive real-world challenges through research, design, and problem-solving. Programme Highlights: Practical Learning: The School of Design’s studios offer practical experiences that foster creativity and collaboration with industry experts. Capstone Project: Through the capstone project, students showcase their skills in addressing complex architectural issues, reflecting their readiness for professional practice.Incorporating advanced technologies such as Building Information Modeling (BIM), Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality (AR/VR), PolyU Design emphasises sustainable architectural solutions that balance environmental considerations with community development. This initiative marks a significant step in redefining architectural education at PolyU Design, together with its partner BRE. For more information, please click here. If you are interested in the PolyU Design Environmental Design or Interior Design  programme, please click the links below. Environmental design Interior design

18 Dec, 2024

PolyU Design Programmes School of Design

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Designing Time: Leadership Forum 2024 Recap

The "Leadership Forum 2024 Designing Time," part of the Business of Design Week (BODW) organised by PolyU Design, supported by the Hong Kong Design Centre, concluded successfully on November 29th. This forum was dedicated to creating experiences and interactions that engage our senses across various design disciplines. It emphasised the idea of designing time within diverse spaces such as homes, structures, or public areas like campus squares to foster immersive experiences and meaningful interactions that resonate with all senses, contributing to diverse cultures over time.   The event featured distinguished guests, including Prof. Kun Pyo Lee, Mr Benny Leong, Mr King Chung, Mr Yanta Lam, and Mr Patrick Bruce, alongside former PolyU Design Deans Prof. Lorraine Justice and Prof. Cees De Bont. These are all influential figures who have contributed to the development of PolyU Design and the design industry in Hong Kong over the past decades.   This Leadership Forum encouraged participants to reflect on PolyU Design's significant role in Hong Kong's design history and witness its development and contributions over time.  Prof. Kun Pyo Lee shared the opening remarks. Mr Patrick Bruce, Director, The Oval Partnership Mr Yanta Lam, CEO & Founder, ChinaDesign Research Work Group Prof. Cees De Bont, Head, Division of Industrial Design, National University of Singapore Prof. Lorraine Justice, Dean Emeritus, School of Design, Rochester Institute of Technology Mr King Chung Siu, Former Associate Dean & SD History Project Curator, School of Design, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Mr Benny Leong, Professor of Practice, School of Design, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University   2024 Leadership Forum – Designing Time, Opening Remarks: Prof. Kun Pyo Lee 2024 Leadership Forum – Designing Time, Mr Yanta Lam 2024 Leadership Forum – Designing Time, Mr Patrick BRUCE 2024 Leadership Forum – Designing Time, Prof. Cees De Bont 2024 Leadership Forum – Designing Time, Prof. Lorraine Justice 2024 Leadership Forum – Designing Time, Mr Benny Leong 2024 Leadership Forum – Designing Time, Mr King Chung Siu

12 Dec, 2024

PolyU Design Knowledge Transfer School of Design


Creative Exploration at Education Corner Workshop 2024 Concludes Successfully

Education Corner Creative Workshop 2024, a 3-day workshop series, has officially concluded on 7 December 2024. Making a comeback to the DesignInspire Expo at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre after a few editions, it has not only successfully attracted secondary school students but also primary school kids and the public to flex their creative muscles at the three creative workshops offered by the PolyU School of Design, teaming up with school alumni and workshop tutors. Workshop A: Plastic Fantastic - Collective Art Installation by Kuk Po Get Together (重聚谷埔團隊) Learning more about the current recycling plastic industry, Participants rediscover the little details of the ubiquitous plastic bags found in everyday life, patch them together into a collage artwork that will be displayed in a collective lights installation of the upcoming Kuk Po Get Together Art Festival (谷埔豐年節)in January 2025. Workshop B: Traditional Paper Crafting Workshop - Kite Making by Zaat Hap Laa (紮合啦) Through creating their own unique kite design, participants learned foundational skills in traditional paper craftmanship and the benefits of using bamboo and other natural materials, guided through intricate processes of the heritage. Workshop C: 'Local Material to Local Needs' Workshop by Recoso Design Studio In the two-hour hands-on tinkering workshop, participants were introduced to the “Local Resources to Local Needs” concept, shedding a different light on the wisdom of the neighbors adapting ordinary hardware materials into useful daily tools with function or as self-expression. Thank you all who have participated in the 2024 edition and we look forward to seeing you again! ABOUT EDUCATION CORNEREducation Corner is a concurrent event of the Business of Design Week. This series of creative workshops aimed at increasing secondary school students' interest and participation in design and creativity. The teams from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Design and Hong Kong Design Institute have teamed up to present the workshops.

11 Dec, 2024

PolyU Design Knowledge Transfer School of Design

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