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Creativity, Compassion and Passion – the winning formula for start-ups

Read the inspiring story of setting up a start-up company Spaceship shared by co-founders Chilam Lam and Stanley Wong on this month’s PolyU InnoHub enewsletter (December Updates by PolyU InnoHub). Among these passionate young alumni of PolyU, Stanley is graduate of our MSc in Multimedia and Entertainment Technology programme in 2009. Full story>>

30 Dec, 2021

PolyU Design Heritage


TCL Award 2021 winning projects on show

Winning works of TCL Award 2021 are being exhibited at the Jockey Club Innovation Tower. The Award is part of the collaboration between PolyU Design and the global leading consumer electronics company TCL.

29 Dec, 2021

PolyU Design Collaborates


Education Corner led secondary school students into hands-on design experience

The Education Corner Workshop 2021 has come to an end early this month. We are happy to have worked with more than 150 student participants from 20 different secondary schools. PolyU Design organised two amazing workshops for Education Corner, with the first one being a workshop on the classic photo printing method, Cyanotype. All you need is sunlight, and beautiful patterns can be formed on sensitizer liquid! Led by tutor Sky Hui, the participants got to create their very unique art on towels and canvas of different textures. It was also a great pleasure to have dp2 sponsoring our BEIS Leather Workshop with denim bags to give our participants an opportunity to weave awesome patterns with upcycled denim-and-leather. Apart from that, they got to fasten snap buttons, buff and emboss on leather. Education Corner Workshop is held every year in December. If you've missed your chance or are interested in other upcoming activities for secondary school students, don’t forget to follow us on social media or send an email to us at to subscribe for our email promotions!   View more photos  

22 Dec, 2021

PolyU Design Knowledge Transfer


Collective for Recognizing Impact and Transformations by Students

Ample entry and post-entry scholarships exist with PolyU Design for both local and non-local students.  For these opportunities, we express our heartfelt appreciation to our generous donors who have donated scholarships to help students focus on personal and professional growth.  We call them members of our CRITS:  Collective for Recognizing Impact and Transformations by Students. In this video series, our donors tell us why they chose to donate  scholarships to our students. The value of design has been shown through the Design Value Index.  Companies take corporate scholarships in design as part of their HR strategy to enhance business growth.  Contact us for details: Learn more about supporting design students at all levels of undergrad, postgrad, and PhD HERE.  

16 Dec, 2021

PolyU Design Collaborates


New Book: Hong Kong Neon Sign Artworks — Vol. 1 Restaurant by Brian Kwok

We are proud to announce that our Associate Professor Brian Kwok has recently published his fourth publication Hong Kong Neon Sign Artworks — Vol. 1 Restaurant. This bilingual book in Chinese and English acts as an introduction to the initial findings on vernacular aesthetics and visual communication design from Brian and his team of Information Design Lab’s observation and analysis on 218 food and restaurants neon sign artworks.   This book is one of the on-going neon sign artworks research projects funded by the Lord Wilson Heritage Trust in 2019, one of the competitive funds supported by the Hong Kong Government for preserving cultural heritage in Hong Kong. The research project has gone through 2.5 years from photo-documentation of more than 700 artworks to visual culture analysis.   The artefacts archived in the book might not be definitive enough to represent the local culture and history, but give us clues and useful references to the narratives of vernacular design and aesthetics, craftsmanship, colour theories, popular cultures, as well as the livelihoods and economies of Hong Kong from the 1950s to 1970s.    Special features: A 282-page book in Chinese and English with 4 + 1 spot vivid green colour printing and special ink printing effect. Coming along with a small UV torch enables shining on the specific artworks to reveal a fluorescent effect that resembles the neon light effect.   FREE COPIES! We are now offering 50 copies to the general public for free. Please sign up and read the Terms and Conditions at Registration deadline: 31 December 2021, 11:59PM.

14 Dec, 2021

Books & Articles


A fruitful closing of IASDR 2021 and conference highlights

We are grateful to all who participated in and contributed to the success of IASDR 2021 which has just had a perfect closing on 9 December. The conference brought together scholars, researchers and students from all around the world, and made a good start for extended discussions on various topics in design and design research.   The next IASDR will be held in Italy in 2023.    See you in our next research events!     View photo album  

14 Dec, 2021

PolyU Design Research


Opening of authentic design market at Central Market

We are excited to announce the opening of Urban Market today. On this special day, it is our great honour to have Mr Edward Yau Tang-wah, GBS, JP, Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development of HKSARG coming to visit the Market and show support to the creative industry and young entrepreneurs.    The Urban Market under Designing Central is held from 9 December to 12 December 2021 at the newly revitalised Central Market in the CBD of Hong Kong. Unlike any other markets, the Urban Market features more than 50 design and innovative products. It is no doubt a unique market that aims to provoke creative inspirations in addition to providing special shopping experiences to the general public.    If you want to widen your horizon or explore designer products that may suit you, don't miss it!

9 Dec, 2021

PolyU Design Collaborates


Call for Nomination: PolyU Design Outstanding Alumni Awards 2022

  Nomination and Selection Schedule | Eligibility | Award Categories and Selection Criteria | Panel of Judges | Submission of Nomination | Enquiries  The PolyU Design Outstanding Alumni Awards aims to give public recognition to outstanding graduates of the School of Design for their professional achievements and significant contributions to the community and their alma mater.  The year of 2022 marks the 85th Anniversary of PolyU. It is also taken as the best time to introduce the awards to recognise our distinguished alumni’s diverse accomplishments and contributions through: Four award categories Professional achievement Entrepreneurial achievement Scholarly achievement Community service achievement   Special recognition to young alumni Newly introduced is the Outstanding PolyU Young Alumni Award.  Nominees under 40* will be eligible for this category. (* Any nominees aged 40 or below on 31 December 2022.) All awardees may be further nominated by the School for the Outstanding PolyU Alumni Awards in May 2022, an overall selection of nominees among all other PolyU faculties/schools.   Nomination and Selection Schedule  Nomination Period: 1 December 2021 to 31 December 2021 (Deadline: 31 December 2021 11:59PM HKT) Judging: late January 2022 Announcement of Results: 28 January 2022 Awards Presentation: To be announced in January 2022 Eligibility The nominated candidate must be a bona fide graduate who has successfully completed full-time or part-time programme offered by the PolyU School of Design (or the design department of its forerunners: Hong Kong Government Trade School, Hong Kong Technical College, Hong Kong Polytechnic; and its constituent units: School of Professional Education & Executive Development and Hong Kong Community College) which led to academic award accredited by the respective Institution.  The proposer can be a PolyU graduate, Honorary Graduate, University Fellow, PolyU staff, current PolyU Council and Court member and current Advisory Committee member.  There is no limit to the number of nominations to be submitted by each proposer.  However, the proposer cannot be the candidate himself/ herself. Award Categories and Selection Criteria  There are four award categories, namely “Professional Achievement”, “Entrepreneurial Achievement”, “Scholarly Achievement” and “Community Service Achievement”.  Selection criteria for each category are listed below.  Selection is based on the nominee’s accomplishments in his/her personal achievements in the field, contributions to the community, and support and contributions to PolyU. Award Category  Description  Professional Achievement This category recognises alumni who have attained distinguished achievements, demonstrated exemplary leadership and made a strong impact on their profession/ industry.  Entrepreneurial Achievement  This category recognises alumni who have demonstrated outstanding innovation and entrepreneurship, founded and advanced business or technology ventures with social impact.   Scholarly Achievement  This category recognises alumni scholars who have made notable scholarly or research contributions in their disciplines, with proven track record and excellent reputation in the field.  Community Service Achievement  This category recognises alumni who have made impactful contributions to the communities, or demonstrated an extraordinary level of commitment, volunteerism and/or philanthropy for promoting the wellbeing of the communities. Special recognition to young alumni awardees in the award category is added.  Candidate who is aged under 40 by the end of the award year can be considered under the Outstanding PolyU Young Alumni stream.  Notes: The bestowal of the award shall subject to individual merits of the nomination.  There may be no awardee for a category if no candidate is found suitable.  Panel of Judges  Panel of Judges will be formed to examine the nominations and assess candidates’ qualifications and performance for the awards.   Submission of Nomination  Please submit the nomination via the online form at  To assist you in preparing for materials for the nomination, here lists the items to be required for the form. Candidate’s Personal Particulars (Educational Background, Professional Qualifications, Honour(s) and Award(s), Career History) Proposer’s Particulars Nomination for Award Categories (Choose either Professional Achievement, Entrepreneurial Achievement, Scholarly Achievement, Community Service Achievement) Candidate’s Achievements/ Accomplishments in profession and industry/ entrepreneurship and technology venture/ scholarly research and impact/ community service, in written format Candidate’s Support and Contribution to PolyU in written format Submission of download links of these files: - Candidate’s Professional Portfolio that best illustrates the outstanding achievement of his/her profession. Please upload a A3 portfolio of 30 pages, not exceeding 1GB in PDF format to a cloud drive and share the download link here. Be reminded to set the access right of the link as public. - A passport photo of the candidate, and photocopy of certificate(s), award(s), a portfolio and other supplementary documents, if any, with this form.    Enquiries  School of Design Email: Tel: +852 2766 4925

30 Nov, 2021

PolyU Design Heritage


Fresh Graduate of Environment and Interior Design shines on local and international stages

Congratulations to our Environment and Interior Design fresh graduate, Fong Yam Wing Winston on winning the Landscape Category of 2021 LOOP Design Awards! Winston’s project, ‘Reimagine the Forgotten Dynasty’ is the only concept design and the only student work in this category, which was chosen by an international jury. The work was created under the supervision of Anneli Giencke, Instructor of PolyU Design. In ‘Reimagine the Forgotten Dynasty’, the projective geometry of Chinese paintings was studied and transformed into plan view. By manipulating the boundaries between exterior and interior, between public and private, between natural and man-made, different configurations are generated in plan view as well as transforming it back into the Chinese painting frame of reference creating different compositions resulting in a change of narrative.  The LOOP Design Awards launched the second edition of its prize in March 2021. It is an open platform to creativity and talent, where all the participants may showcase their best works, giving them great visibility around the world.  Recognition to Winston’s talent did not stop there. Winston is winner of SDAAL Jane Li Scholarship 2021, and he also won the 2nd Runner Up Prize in the Building Information Modelling (BIM) Competition 2021 with his teammates from Chu Hai College of Higher Education. The team, named ‘Team Assorted’ was challenged to use BIM software to calculate wind direction and sun emission to design a sustainable building for social and art programmes. Their outstanding performance has brought them the prize. Click here to learn about Team Assorted’s Work.

30 Nov, 2021

PolyU Design Teaching and Learning


Paralympics: Designed to Transform Social Values

An article by Mr Chan Kam Fai on how he sees design in the Paralympics from a social design perspective.   Author: Chan Kam Fai, Instructor, School of Design, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University    There has been a buzz in Hong Kong over this year’s Olympic Games. Even the Paralympic Games have garnered more attention this year than in the past. In addition to the sporting competition itself, the design of each Olympics raises a number of aesthetic considerations, such as the design of the Olympic emblem, the pictograms, the medals and trophies, and the architecture of the venue. All of these elements are inseparable from the overall design.  But what about the Paralympics? What is the relationship between the Paralympics and design?   1. Designing the Parts The Paralympics certainly has its own design items such as its emblem, pictograms, medals and more. However, when it comes to designs that are more closely related to the physical attributes of the athletes, the first things that may come to mind are the various prosthetics and competition-specific equipment.  It isn’t difficult to find the relevant information on the Internet. For example, by inputting the search term “Paralympic design” into the online design magazine Dezeen, one can find information on 3D printed prostheses, biomorphic prostheses, a variety of specially designed wheelchairs for different sports (such as racing, basketball, and rugby), discus throwing frames and rowing equipment. These designs are clean, without frills, and seemingly simple. However, their design requires that designers and engineers possess a deep understanding of the psychology and physiology of the athletes, and employ the use of both ergonomics and materials technology. The design process also involves a number of detailed adjustments, which makes it more complex than that of many ordinary designs.  In other words, we can see one or more complex equipment designs at each Paralympic event. We can even make the claim that due to the physical characteristics of the athletes, and the special needs of the competition, the design of the Paralympic Games is more elaborate than that of the Olympics. But does the design of the Paralympics stop there? Is it solely concerned with the sporting equipment – or at most, the addition of a few signs or images? Are there deeper considerations? The answer to these questions actually depends on our understanding of design. Let’s take our imagination a step further: in designing such sophisticated wheelchairs and prostheses, do the specifications of the competition venue (e.g., the courts and the track) also need to be adjusted accordingly? And will the latter in turn affect the design of the former?  Furthermore, since the wheelchairs used in competition are of varying shapes and sizes, and if we also factor in the wheelchairs normally used outdoors, what are the needs of the athletes for entering and exiting the venue? Are the passageways sufficiently wide? How should the lifts in the venue be redesigned? What facilities are required in the locker rooms? Is there sufficient space in the arena (including the auditorium) to accommodate these wheelchairs? The Paralympics have shared venues and facilities with the Olympics since the 1988 Seoul Games, and the venue and equipment requirements for the Paralympics are much greater than those of the Olympics. Thinking beyond the competition venues, we can also consider the athletes’ village, city transportation and street design: are there sufficient accessible facilities? Will athletes be able to get to and from the airport, dormitories, venues, and restaurants, and make use of the city's services in a dignified manner?  In addition, the design of wayfinding systems is indispensable to every venue and the main facilities of the city. “Wayfinding system” is often translated into Chinese as "visual guidance system (導視系統)"; this translation underscores the bias in our understanding. The first thing that always comes to mind when we think of wayfinding is a set of visually oriented markers and instructions. However, many of the athletes participating in the Paralympic Games are visually impaired, for whom a visually oriented wayfinding system is clearly inadequate. And there are other information delivery systems in addition to this; for instance, what kind of broadcasting system is needed to deliver information to hearing impaired athletes, both on and off the field? 2. Designing the System In his classic book Design for the Real World, designer Victor Papanek discusses the design of Japanese tatami mats. According to Papanak, the rush grass covered surface and straw-filled design of tatami allows them to regulate their temperature with the floor, filter out and store dust, and adapt over the years with their own sort of metabolism, which make them worthy of consideration as a work of craft.  However, Papanak also emphasizes that tatami are in fact the module of the entire Japanese room structure, and are closely linked to the whole set of architectural and domestic habits, such as the tabi socks and wooden clogs traditionally worn by Japanese people. In other words, tatami flooring is only one part of the overall Japanese domestic ecosystem. If we take tatami out of this system and treat them as independent creations, we cannot truly grasp the excellence of their design. Perhaps we can draw upon Papanak’s remarks to reconsider the relationship between the Paralympics and design – transitioning from focusing on the individual designs of the Paralympics, to considering the entire Paralympics itself as a series of complex "system designs". Just as tatami are only one part of the overall Japanese domestic cultural system, rather than focusing solely on a novel piece of equipment or a famous architect’s design, we need to examine how these designs integrate with the Paralympics as a whole, and how they relate to other essential invisible designs such as service or user experience design. Once we think of design in this holistic manner, we can see that design is ubiquitous in the Paralympics: the height of the counter at the reception desk of a venue; the operation of public telephones, drinking fountains, and kiosks; simple designs such as automatic doors, toilets and lockers to complex suspension systems in swimming venues ; lifts and unobstructed passageways designed for wheelchair users; hearing loop systems for the hearing impaired; training received by field workers and volunteers; competition officiating methods; and even the emergency response and evacuation equipment for venue personnel in the event of an accident. 3. From Designing the Paralympics to Redesigning Values Among the many designs, one is so critical to the continued operation of the Paralympic "system" that it forms the unseen backbone of the Paralympics, and about which most Paralympic spectators know little: the rigorous and complex Paralympic Classification System.  The formulation of the Paralympic Classification System was itself a co-design process involving the participation of various stakeholders, including athletes and medical professionals. According to the International Paralympic Committee, the classification system was designed "to minimize the impact of impairments on sport performance and to ensure the success of an athlete is determined by skill, fitness, power, endurance, tactical ability and mental focus."  We recognize that Paralympic athletes carry diverse and unequal degrees of physical and mental impairment. Without appropriate adjustments to the sporting format, competition between athletes would not be possible. However, we can also say that with careful design via the setup, operation, and adjustment of the Paralympic Classification System, athletes with physical or mental limitations will not be hindered from participating in sports, competing and sharing with others, demonstrating their abilities, or engaging in team building. Although the Paralympic Classification System may be intangible, the emergence of the idea of the system and its subsequent continuous refinement has made possible a greater variety of sports, and even given rise to other tangible designs in the Paralympics. Under the current classification system, there are a total of ten types of physical and intellectual impairment included within the scope of eligible impairments, among which various "sport classes" are designed according to the type and degree of impairment. The definitions of sport classes are very detailed and flexible, and different physical impairments may be coded into the same class as long as they have similar limitations and effects on the athlete. This classification system provides a common basis for all competitions. Some competitions only permit athletes to compete while in wheelchairs, while others must compete while standing. Athletes with varying degrees of visual impairment sometimes compete separately using visual aids, and sometimes compete against each other in one class irrespective of their impairment level (e.g. judo, gateball and futsal). Some sports are extremely carefully classified (e.g. athletics, swimming, table tennis), while others allow open competition regardless of impairment level (e.g., powerlifting). In team competitions (e.g., sitting volleyball and wheelchair basketball), athletes from different sport classes must even be on the same team, and there are clear rules limiting the number of players on a team from different classes. These designs allow for greater variety and diversity in competition. We see that the unique feature of the Paralympic Classification System is that it does not categorize athletes solely by their disabilities, but rather flexibly distinguishes them by differences in their abilities. We want to stop focusing on disability, which does not help us to better understand others; rather, we need to see the potential in both individuals and groups. The human body and mind may become damaged, but we also have within us the potential to overcome the limitations imposed by these injuries. Some design scholars have pointed out that the publicity and image promotion of the Paralympics often do not touch on the details of the Paralympic Classification System, and fail to educate its audience about its progressive spirit. Many spectators still watch the Paralympics with an air of arrogance, prejudice, or – at best – pity for those whom they deem unfortunate. For these spectators, the Paralympics are merely an auxiliary to the Olympics - a spectacle sporting event, perhaps. We generally lack the proper information and knowledge to understand the relationship between physical disability and sports; more needs to be done by designers in this area. For example, this year’s Olympics includes 33 different sports, from which 339 events have been created. In contrast, the Paralympics only has 22 types of sport, but from these a total of 539 events have been born. Perhaps disability does not reduce the possibility of physical and mental exercise, but rather allows us to see more potential and variation in athletics through these limitations. In addition to designing pictograms for these 22 sports, how else can visual and media designers express the immense diversity that the Paralympics has spawned? The Japan Broadcasting Association (NHK) and a group of animators have produced a total of twelve 5-minute shorts for this year's Paralympics, showcasing the fun and charm of a variety of Paralympic competitions through different emotional storytelling devices such as passion, youth, love and even comedy. In addition to moving anime fans, the Paralympics were shown in a new bright and positive light. The Paralympics are more than merely a sporting event; they were originally designed with the intention to transform public values. In the Chinese-speaking world (including Hong Kong), the Paralympics are often translated into Chinese as the “disabled games(殘疾人奧運會)” or “handicapped games (傷殘奧運)”, both of which reflect our prejudices and misconceptions toward the Paralympics.  The Paralympics were designed to shift focus away from human “disability” and toward human “ability”. As the prefix “-para” connotates, the Paralympics are “parallel” to the Olympic Games. This idea of parallelism is bound to overturn our narrow views of body, disability and sports. This is the vision and the responsibility assumed in the design of the Paralympics.       ____________________________ The article was first published on BODW+ in three language versions.  (English) Paralympics: Designed to Transform Social Values (Traditional Chinese 繁體中文) Paralympics:轉化社會價值的設計 (Simplified Chinese 简体中文) Paralympics:转化社会价值的设计

19 Nov, 2021

Books & Articles

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