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Student WONG Ching Laam honoured Faculty Outstanding Student Award

12 Mar 2021

Group photo taken at the Outstanding Student Award Ceremony 2020. (from left) Dr Andrew Lam, Associate Professor and Associate Head of School of Optometry, Prof. David Shum, Dean of Health and Social Sciences, Ms Eunice Wong and Dr Bin Lin, Associate Professor of School of Optometry.

Eunice performed vision screening test during a vision screening service-learning trip in Hangzhou, China.

Eunice participated in a service trip to Northern Thailand.

Optometry final year student Ms Wong Ching Laam, Eunice has been awarded as the Outstanding Student of the School of Optometry and the Outstanding Student of the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences (FHSS) under the PolyU Outstanding Students Award Scheme 2020. The University organized the Outstanding Student Awards Presentation Ceremony 2020 on 12 March. This is the third consecutive year that an optometry student being selected as the FHSS Outstanding Student.

Eunice is a high achiever academically, exemplified by her receiving the HKSAR Government Scholarship 2019/20. In addition to the academic strength, Eunice has actively participated in extra-curricular activities, demonstrating her leadership ability, including the organization of a sharing about a Northern Thailand trip in July 2018, the involvement as the Promotion Secretary in Campus YMCA of PolyU from 2017 to 2018. Apart from the above. Eunice has actively participated in volunteer services and organized vision screening activities to promote eye care awareness.

“It is my pleasure to be selected as the FHSS Outstanding Student since it gives recognition to both my academic performance and my personal development throughout these five years. For me, learning is more than scoring. It is important to broaden the horizon and drill deeply into the knowledge. Apart from studying hard and obtaining knowledge in the professional fields, it is also important to use what we have learned to contribute to society and serve people in need.” Eunice shared.

Read the sharing by Eunice at:

The Outstanding Student Awards are given annually to full-time final-year students in recognition of their outstanding academic achievement, strong leadership ability, active involvement in extra-curricular activities, substantial community service experience and exposure, and exemplary personal qualities. The department selects student with exceptional performances to receive the “Outstanding Student Award of Department”. These outstanding students of departments under the same faculty purview will then compete with each other for the “Outstanding Student Award of Faculty”.

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