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Book Title

The Druid and the Elephant

Andy MORRALL (English Language Centre)


Earnshaw Books

Year of Publication



9789888843336 / (ebook) 9789888843602



The Roman empire has occupied the island of Britannia with its war elephants and legions, suppressing the local tribes. In response, a young boy is sent to Rome to infiltrate the occupying army and learn its ways to help the Britons get their revenge. The boy rises fast in the ranks and learns well, seemingly becoming a perfect Roman soldier. But when news comes of a rebellion back home, led by warrior queen Boudicca, he has a choice to make. Will he be able to fulfil the duty he was originally given, or has Roman civilisation seduced him? Whose side is he really on: the homeland that bore him or the Empire that adopted him?



History of the Roman invasion of Britain, and Rome in the time of Emperors Claudius and Nero.


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