The entire symposium will be held in China Standard Time (HKT)

Day 2 - Sat, 11 November 2023

Session 3: Chaired by Prof. Yat LI (University of California Santa Cruz)

09:00 - 09:35  Organometallic-Enhanced Nanoelectronics and Solar Cells
Prof. Nicholas J. LONG, The Sir Edward Frankland BP Endowed Professor of Inorganic Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Imperial College London

09:35 - 10:00  A Sharing of My Research Journey: Towards Sustainable Environment and Future
Prof. Kelvin Sze-Yin LEUNG, Professor and Head, Department of Chemistry, Hong Kong Baptist University

10:00 - 10:25  Synthesis of Rare-earth/Zn(Mg) Heterometallic Complexes and their Application in CO2 Transformation
Prof. Yingming YAO, Professor, College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science (CCCEMS), Soochow University

10:25 - 10:45  Break

Session 4: Chaired by Prof. WONG Man-Kin (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)

10:45 - 11:10  Structural and Compositional Engineered Electrochemical Materials for Energy Storage and Catalysis
Prof. Yat LI, Professor, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of California Santa Cruz

11:10 - 11:35  Intra-operative Tissue Malignancy Identification via Intelligent Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectrometry System
Prof. Cong LI, Professor and Director, Department of Radiopharmacy, Fudan University

11:35 - 12:00  The Journey of CEST MRI From Preclinical Research to Clinical Applications
Prof. Kannie Wai-Yan CHAN, Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong

~~~ End of Day 2 Morning Session ~~~

Session 5: Chaired by Prof. Yang CHAI (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)

14:00 - 14:35  Rare Earth Luminescent Nanomaterials: Controlled Synthesis, Luminescence Modulation and Applications
Prof. Chunhua YAN (CAS Academician), President, Lanzhou University

14:35 - 15:00  Racing Chemistry for sustaining the integrity of equine sports
Dr Emmie Ngai-Man HO, Head and Chief Racing Chemist, Racing Laboratory of the Hong Kong Jockey Club

15:00 - 15:20  Break

Session 6: Chaired by Prof. Cong LI (Fudan University)

15:20 - 15:45  Beyond Boundaries: Efficient True-Blue and Near Infrared Phosphors
Prof. Yun CHI, Chair Professor, Department of Chemistry & Department of Materials Science and Engineering, City University of Hong Kong

15:45 - 16:10  Fabrication and Energy Storage Behaviors of Pseudocapacitive Electrodes
Prof. Xiao-Xia LIU, Professor, Department of Chemistry, Northeastern University (Shenyang, China)
16:10 - 16:35  A Sustainable Platform for Holistic Utilization of Microalgal Biomass
Prof. Joseph Ka-Fu YUNG, Associate Head and Professor, Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Closing Remarks

16:35 - 16:50 
Prof. Wai-Yeung WONG, Raymond,
Dean, Faculty of Science, Chair Professor of Chemical Technology,, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University  

~~~ End of Day 2 ~~~

Call To Action

You are welcome to join the PolyU FS Symposium
Chemistry for a Sustainable Future: Innovation and Challenges
Hosted by the Faculty of Science, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University