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Dr Kathy Leng Kai awarded Asian Young Scientist Fellowship 2024

16 Aug 2024

Congratulations to Dr Kathy Leng Kai, Assistant Professor of the Department of Applied Physics, for being awarded a prestigious 2024 Asian Young Scientist Fellowship (AYSF), in recognition of her groundbreaking work in molecularly thin two-dimensional hybrid perovskites.

The AYSF aims to encourage and support talented young scientists in Asia to carry out creative and transformative research in three fields: “Life Science,” “Physical Science,” and “Mathematics and Computer Science.” The Fellowship is awarded annually to 12 recipients selected from Asia after a rigorous selection process. A total grant of USD100,000 is disbursed to each Fellow’s home institution over two consecutive years to support their research endeavors.

Our warmest congratulations again to Dr Leng!

Press Release: English | 中文

Online coverage:

Hong Kong Economic Times
理大學者冷凱 膺亞洲青年科學家 16 August 2024



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