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PolyU Science in the News

WhatsApp Image 20230103 at 121022 PM

The establishment of the Department of Food Science and Nutrition

The Faculty of Science is pleased to announce the inauguration of the Department of Food Science and Nutrition (FSN) established on 1 January 2023. Based on the key pillars in Food Safety, Food Technology, Human Nutrition, and Chinese Medicine, FSN aims to meet the requirements of the growing public awareness of food sustainability and safety. To know more about FSN:

3 Jan, 2023

AP Lab - standing wave and superconductor

Dr Albert Choy shared tips on layering beds in winter on Mingpao News

Dr Albert Choy Siu-hong of PolyU Department of Applied Physics shared tips on creating a cosy, layered bed for winter comfort on Mingpao News. Dr Choy explained in the interview that the "sandwich cover method” can enhance warmth by sleeping in between the quilt and duvet / thermal blanket while using air as a thermal insulator to reduce heat conduction.   明報 三文治蓋被法更保暖?物理系導師:「上被下氈」減熱量流失 加被留意次序先蓋羽絨被 15 December 2022

15 Dec, 2022


PolyU research finds breastfeeding moms need more fruits and veggies

A study conducted by the Research Institute for Future Food (RiFood) of PolyU has revealed that only 4% of lactating women had dietary habits that met the recommendation from the Department of Health to consume at least two servings of fruits and three servings of vegetables per day, or the recommended intake of vitamin A, according to the “Chinese Dietary Reference Intake” which was established by the Chinese Nutrition Society. Prof. Wong Man-sau, Steering Committee Member of RiFood and Professor of the Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology of PolyU said that apart from commonly known nutrients, breast milk also contains phytonutrients such as carotenoids and polyphenols. These phytonutrients are important in the physical development of infants. Lacking one or more nutrients may weaken the immune system of infants, and may also increase their risk of getting chronic diseases in the future.   Press release: English / 中文   RTHK (English) Only 4 percent of new mums eat enough fruit and veg (中文) 理大研究:香港哺乳媽媽蔬果攝取量普遍少於建議水平 13 December 2022 The Standard Breastfeeding moms need more fruits and veggies 14 December 2022 Mirage News Breast Milk Nutrition Boosted by Fruits, Veggies: Study 13 December 2022 東方日報 哺乳媽媽吃蔬果 有助BB健康成長 14 December 2022 明報 理大研究指逾九成受訪哺乳母親未達足夠蔬果攝取量 或影響嬰幼兒免疫力 13 December 2022 am730 僅4%哺乳媽媽蔬果攝取量達標 理大:高營養母乳減嬰孩患慢性病 14 December 2022 文匯報 理大研究:香港哺乳期媽媽蔬果攝取量較少 或影響嬰兒健康 13 December 2022 HK01 理大研究指逾九成哺乳母親蔬果攝取量不足 或影響嬰幼兒身體發展 13 December 2022 巴士的報 理大研究:香港哺乳媽媽蔬果攝取量普遍少於建議水平 13 December 2022 點新聞 理大研究:本港哺乳期媽媽蔬果攝取量較少 或影響嬰兒健康 13 December 2022 世界新聞網 理大研究:香港哺乳媽媽蔬果攝取 普遍少於建議水平 13 December 2022

14 Dec, 2022

20221122_Dr Albert Choy

Media interview with Dr Albert Choy about different types of luggage material

Dr Albert Choy Siu-hong of PolyU’s Department of Applied Physics was being interviewed by Mingpao News. Dr Choy shed some light on the various factors to take into consideration when selecting suitcases, as well as to introduce the pros and cons of different types of luggage materials including metal, plastic and fabric.   明報 雙膠轆不及單鋼芯轆好 高CP值行李箱攻略 22 November 2022

22 Nov, 2022

Dr Albert Choy

Dr Albert Choy interviewed on Media about Static Electricity

Dr Albert Choy Siu-hong of PolyU’s Department of Applied Physics, received an interview with Mingpao News to introduce the cause of static electricity in autumn and winter, and the four ways to reduce it including turning on the humidifier indoors, applying more body lotion for moisturizing, adding fabric softener when washing clothes, as well as touching walls or using keys to touch the handles to release static electricity.   明報 秋冬唔想「電親」 理大物理系導師提醒要保濕 27 October 2022

7 Nov, 2022

FS Congregation 01

28th Congregation of the Faculty of Science

The 28th Congregation of the Faculty of Science has been concluded successfully on Nov 4! Class of 2022 graduates celebrated their precious moments at the ceremonies. They have completed their academic programmes and are now ready to enter a new stage of life to pursue new dreams. Dear graduates, we wish you the courage and wisdom to rise to future challenges and succeed in your endeavours!

4 Nov, 2022


PolyU Undergraduate Info Day 2022

The PolyU Undergraduate Info Day 2022 was successfully held on 8 October. The Faculty of Science and its three constituent departments organized various activities, including information seminars, lab tours, admission consultations and exhibitions for our visitors to get a taste of what it’s like to study science at PolyU. The Info Day provided an excellent platform for prospective students, parents, and teachers to hear first-hand from our current students and teaching staff about our undergraduate programmes, admission requirements and career prospects. We hope you enjoyed your visit, and we look forward to having you join PolyU in the near future! If you couldn’t make it to our Info Day, you can visit the virtual platform for event playbacks. Link to PolyU UG Admissions Info Platform:

8 Oct, 2022


CareCoatex – a germ killing coating with wide range of uses

Prof. Li Pei of PolyU’s Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology and Mr. Tenny Lam, a PolyU Doctor of Business Administration candidate, introduced their prize-winning product CareCoatex antimicrobial coating.   The co-founders of the PolyU-nurtured startup, Grand Rise Technology, said the non-toxic and eco-friendly antimicrobial spray coating was made of food-grade chitosan from crustacean shells and encapsulated thymol from the culinary herb thyme, combined with Prof. Li’s core-shell particle technology.   The coating offers not only contact killing, but also time-release action for as long as six months.  Besides high-touch surfaces like doorknobs, elevator buttons, and medical devices, it can be sprayed on fabric and clothing items, or even used in antiseptic wipes. The product could also be applied to industrial use like air purification.    Apart from the local market, the coating has entered Asian markets like mainland China, Singapore and Malaysia. The company is also working on other products like the FruitCoatex which helps fruit last longer.   明報 甲殼素百里香製安全長效消毒劑 25 July 2022

25 Jul, 2022


Faculty of Applied Science and Textiles gets new name and new position

An opening ceremony was held yesterday (4 July) to mark the renaming of the Faculty of Applied Science and Textiles as the Faculty of Science (FS).   FS is comprised of three constituent departments, namely Applied Biology and Chemical Technology, Applied Mathematics, and Applied Physics. The repositioning of the Faculty will not only sustain its growth and reputation, but also take its development to the next level.   Besides, the Institute of Textiles and Clothing has been upgraded to the new School of Fashion and Textiles in recognition of its recent development and the growing reputation as a world-class fashion school. (Sing Tao Daily A15)   Press release The Faculty of Applied Science and Textiles renamed as the Faculty of Science Living up to the motto of “PolyU Science Creates Impact” 理大應用科學及紡織學院易名為理學院 實踐「理大科學 探理創新」願景 (Chinese)    Hong Kong Economic Times  【大學發展】理大應用科學及紡織學院改名為理學院 轄下紡織系升格為獨立學院  4 July 2022  am730  理大應用科學及紡織學院易名理學院-紡織及服裝學系升格時裝及紡織學院   4 July 2022  HK01  理大應用科學及紡織學院改名為理學院 實踐「學系為本」組合課程   4 July 2022

5 Jul, 2022


PolyU develops ultrasensitive and portable detection sensor for rapid, easy and low-cost COVID-19 antibody test

A research team from the Department of Applied Physics at PolyU has successfully developed an ultrasensitive and portable COVID-19 antibody detection sensor based on organic electrochemical transistor (OECT) technology. Fast and easy-to-use, the sensor is designed for testing the antibody levels of people who have either received vaccination or have been infected with the virus.   The whole detection process, which uses saliva sample instead of only blood, takes less than six minutes and the cost per test is only about HK$10. The antibody detection sensor can test the concentration of antibodies from lower than 10fM to higher than 100nM. The detection limit satisfies the needs of exquisite analytical sensitivity for saliva.   Principal Investigator of the study, Professor Feng Yan, Professor of the Department of Applied Physics at PolyU, said that since the detection process is non-invasive, self-sampling is highly possible. Moreover, the operation and result reading are very simple with the use of a smartphone, and hence the sensor is suitable for instant detection and large-scale screening scenarios.   The next plan of the research team is to apply for funding for clinical studies in collaboration with different medical and testing institutions. They expect that the novel device can be commercialised as soon as practicable and applied for antibody detection of other viruses.   Press release PolyU develops ultrasensitive and portable detection sensor for rapid, easy and low-cost COVID-19 antibody test 理大研發超靈敏便攜式新冠病毒抗體檢測儀 具備快速、操作簡易及低成本的優點 (Chinese) NowTV 26 May 2022 RTHK PolyU develops new portable Covid antibody test kit 26 May 2022 香港電台 理大團隊研發出新冠抗體便攜式檢測方法 26 May 2022 商業電台 理大研發超靈敏便攜式新冠病毒抗體檢測儀 26 May 2022 東方日報 理大研製便攜新冠抗體檢測儀 27 May 2022 經濟日報 【大學科研】理大研超靈敏便攜式新冠病毒抗體檢測儀 檢測過程只須6分鐘 27 May 2022 星島日報 理大研發便攜新冠抗體檢測儀 27 May 2022 am730 理大研發便攜式抗體檢測儀 6分鐘內知結果成本僅十元 27 May 2022 晴報 理大研便攜儀器 6分鐘速測新冠抗體 27 May 2022 頭條日報 理大研超靈敏便攜式新冠病毒檢測儀 6分鐘內知結果每次成本僅10蚊 26 May 2022 文滙報 理大研便攜式新冠抗體檢測儀 26 May 2022 香港商報 理大研發新冠病毒抗體檢測儀 整個檢測過程少於6分鐘 26 May 2022 HK01 理大研便攜式新冠抗體檢測儀 過程6分鐘成本10元 最快2年面世 26 May 2022 紫荊雜誌 理大研發超靈敏便攜式新冠病毒抗體檢測儀 具備快速、操作簡易及低成本的優點 26 May 2022 橙新聞 理大研發便攜新冠病毒抗體檢測儀 約五分鐘有結果 26 May 2022 巴士的報 理大團隊研發出新冠抗體便攜式檢測方法 26 May 2022 香港新聞網 港理大研發便攜新冠病毒抗體檢測儀 次成本僅10港元 26 May 2022 中國新聞網 香港理工大学研发出便携式新冠病毒抗体检测仪 26 May 2022 Viet Nam News PolyU develops ultrasensitive and portable detection sensor for rapid, easy and low-cost COVID-19 antibody test 26 May 2022 BizWire Express PolyU develops ultrasensitive and portable detection sensor for rapid, easy and low-cost COVID-19 antibody test 26 May 2022

27 May, 2022

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