
Intranet for FSN Visitor
Please complete the following in order to fulfil the requirement of safety training as requested by our University and our Department. Otherwise, your application will be rejected.
- Read through the FSN Departmental Safety Induction Powerpoint
> Password: (852)34008762
- Complete the FSN Departmental Safety Induction Quiz (Please note that you have to get ALL answers correct, otherwise you have to do it again.)
- Complete the University online safety training and tests provided by HSO. Make sure you completed the modules of General Laboratory Safety and Chemical Safety. Other modules are optional and it depends on your own need. If you need to do biological experiments, handling biological samples or using biological laboratory, such as U506, it is necessary for you to complete the module of Biological Safety.
- Complete the FSN Safety Induction Checklist
> i. Please use PolyU network to access the link.
> ii. Make sure you understand whether you require "Risk Assessment for Display Screen Equipment User" before you decide to choose it.
- Send the softcopy of your staff/student/visitor ID card to Dr Stanley Cheung ( for record.
For accessing functional and research labs, please contact the room-in-charge of the lab for arranging lab safety briefing.
For accessing lab in the department of ABCT, please read the link below and follow step 6-8 in the workflow.
For visitors of FSN, who needs to access lab in the department of ABCT, please read the link below.
Functional Laboratory
Research Laboratory
- TU309, TU310 (in charged by Prof. Simon Li)
- U504, U505, U507 (in charged by Prof. Chen Sheng)
- U514 [Connie Group] (in charged by Prof. Connie Hui)
- U514 [Kenneth Group] (in charged by Prof. Kenneth Lo)
- W706 (in charged by Prof. Daniel Mok)
- Y702 [KH Wong Group] (in charged by Prof. KH Wong)
- Y702 [Kelvin Group] (in charged by Prof. Kevin Kwok)
- Y710 (in charged by Prof. James Fang)
- Y1123 (in charged by Prof. Amber Chiou)
- Y1201 [Daisy Group] (in charged by Prof. Daisy Zhao)
- Y1201 [YY Zhu Group] (in charged by Prof. YY Zhu)
- Y1204 (in charged by Dr HK Kong)
- Y1207 and Y1209 (in charged by Prof. MS Wong)
- Y1210 (in charged by Prof. JY Wu)
- Y1307b [MK Wong Group] (in charged by Prof. MK Wong)
Access right transfer (Old card to New card)
This function is only available for academic staff members, scientific officers, general office staff member and technical staff members.
Booking Procedure
- To verify the availability of the Demonstration Kitchen, please refer to the booking calendar.
- Submit the online booking application form by signing in using your <netid> email address and NetPassword.
- The application is sent to the Endorser (Prof. Kenneth Lo / Dr Christine Li) for endorsement or rejection. It typically takes around 3 working days.
- The application is sent to the Approver (Prof. Amber Chiou) for approval or rejection. It typically takes around 3 working days.
- If the application is rejected, you will receive an email notification.
If the application is approved, the technical team will provide assistance for booking and arrangements.
The Demonstration Kitchen will not be rented for use by external parties at the current stage, unless there being special approval from Head.