FSN Start-ups

Bo InnoHealth Biotechnology Company Limited
Bo InnoHealth Biotechnology Company Limited develops a novel microencapsulation technology, with mushroom cells as wall material, to make probiotics microcapsules and artificial spores. Inspired by the use of mushroom cells as furniture and packaging materials in the US as well as NASA's research on potential fungi-based habitats on the Moon and Mars, the technology was developed to protect probiotics against heat and pressure. The microcapsules can survive not only stomach acid, but also high-pressure compression and long-time storage under room temperature. With this micro-encapsulation technology, probiotics can be transported and stored without cold-chain, and can be applied in more application scenarios such as snacks, hot drinks and pet food.
More Akkermanisa, fewer risks of obesity, diabetes, fatty liver and leaky gut Beneficial bacteria Akkermansia is a very promising anti-obesity probiotic candidate. The genus and its main species Akkermansia muciniphila (Akk) inversely correlated with metabolic syndrome. A. muciniphila makes up 3 percent to 5 percent of the gut bacteria. The strain is linked with a fiber-rich diet. It's also associated with lower levels of blood sugar, insulin and fats, which help ward off obesity, diabetes and heart disease. |
AkkMore™ - A fungus and plant based supplement against obesity and prediabetes AkkMore™ boosts Akkermansia muciniphila (Akk) in human guts. It is a nutritional supplements formula drink designed to reduce metabolic disorders and lose body weight. It is safe even for postnatal moms to prevent obesity. It aims to improve users’ body conditions by building a healthy microbiome through feeding customers and their beneficial microbes with a safe, natural and wholesome supplement. |
- Silver Medal in Geneva Inventions 2022
- Gold Prize in the 6th China International College Students' "Internet+" Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition
- Silver Prize in the 12th "Challenge Cup" National College Student Business Plan Competition
- PolyU Tech Launchpad Fund (TLF)
Technology Start-up Support Scheme for Universities (TSSSU) - Incu-Tech programme by Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks
- Bronze Prize in Community Entrepreneurs Cup - Guangdong Entrepreneurship and Innovation Competition
- Outstanding Achievement Award in Shenzhen Innovation & Entrepreneurship Competition - Shenzhen Virtual University Park (SZVUP)
- the PolyU MicroFund and Lean Launchpad programme
Incu-Tech programme by Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks