Postgraduate Studentship and Scholarship

For the 2023/24 academic year, each successful candidate will receive a one-off grant of HK$50,000.
Nomination Procedure
Heads of institutions will be invited to make nominations in September each year. Candidates will be invited to attend an interview normally in December. Candidates who have not heard from the Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fund Council by the end of December should consider themselves not being selected.
For more information, please visit
Two scholarships each valued at $8,000 stipulated to PolyU
Nomination Procedure
Nomination invited via Graduate School
The awardees are not allowed to concurrently hold other scholarship(s)administered by PolyU
Each HKAUW Postgraduate Scholarship recipient will receive a scholarship certificate and an award of HK$20,000.
Nomination Procedure
Nomination invited via Graduate School
For more information, please visit
Value of the award
A Croucher Scholarship normally comprises the following:
- an annual maintenance allowance which is set at USD30,300 per annum;
- a one-way economy class air fare at both the beginning and end of tenure;
- tuition fees and college fees (where applicable);
- a one-off arrival allowance of USD1,000 to cover the costs of arriving in a new country during the first year of tenure;
- an academic development allowance of up to USD2,000 per annum to allow Croucher Scholarship recipients to attend conferences, workshops or courses during the tenure of their awards;
- a medical insurance allowance of up to USD2,000 per annum to cover medical insurance costs;
- a family allowance of up to USD16,000 per annum for the first child and up to USD6,800 per annum for every additional child who resides with the scholar during the entire duration of the award;
- a commencement award of USD7,575 to be offered towards the end of doctoral studies to cover the cost of thesis preparation and travel expenses for scholars and their family members for attending their graduation ceremonies; and
- a science education allowance to offer support to those Croucher award recipients particularly interested in science education through well-designed activities and projects in schools and in the wider community. Interested scholars are invited to submit proposals to the Foundation for consideration of a programme of activities designed to involve school students, teachers, families and/or other non-specialist audiences in dialogue and debate, within the tenure of their awards.
For more information, please visit
Value of the award
Each award winner will receive a cash prize of $10,000 while honorable mention $5,000 and a certificate of recognition
The Awards are open to all postgraduate research students who are pursuing M.Phil. or Ph.D. degree in any of the tertiary institutions in Hong Kong. Those who have graduated recently (within 2 years of graduation) are also eligible.
All applicants should join HKIS as Student or Ordinary Members as applicable and enjoy free membership by completing the Membership Application Form.
Application Method
Open application For more information, please visit
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University International Postgraduate Scholarships for PhD Studies will be awarded to academically strong applicants who can contribute to the internationalisation of PolyU and bring cultural diversity to the University.
Subject to satisfactory progress in students' studies, the scholarship granting period will coincide with that of the tuition fee charging period. Scholarships are not for offsetting fee for extension of registration.
Value of the award
Each successful candidate will receive for a maximum of nine months at a monthly scholarship of €1,050 for conducting research in Austria in the fields of natural sciences, technical sciences, human medicine, health sciences, agricultural sciences, social sciences, humanities and arts.
Application Method
Nomination invited via Graduate School For more details, please visit
Support to PolyU International Students
- Campus Facility & Student Life:
- University Accommodation:
- Counselling Service:
- Career Advisor:
- Non-local Student Association:
PolyU Research Excellence
- Science Research Story:
- Research Centre at ABCT:
Apply NOW!
- More about HKPFS:
- Application key dates:
- Application system - PolyU e-admissions system:
- Application system - RGC HKPFS application system: