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Bless your generosity! We are so grateful for your support! Please check out news about activities and events in honour of our donors and supporters.

PolyU Fund-raising Dinner 2015/16 Raises Funds for Student Development

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) Fund-raising Dinner 2015/16 was held on 25 January 2016 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. With the theme of "A Legacy to Cherish • A Future to Build", the Dinner brought together over 600 distinguished guests, alumni, staff, friends and supporters of PolyU for a meaningful reunion. The Dinner was kicked off by PolyU Council Chairman Mr Chan Tze-ching, PolyU President Professor Timothy W. Tong, Chairman of the PolyU Foundation Dr Patrick S.C. Poon, Chairman of the PolyU Court and Treasurer of the PolyU Foundation Professor Roy Chung, and Chairman of the Dinner's Organizing Committee Ms Fiona Cheung Sum-yu. Highlights of the Dinner included a sharing session featuring PolyU alumnus and artiste Miss Gigi Leung and a variety of musical performances. They are singing by Ms Fiona Cheung Sum-yu, Guzheng performance by Dr Raymond Chan and Dr Lunlun Zou, Jingqu performance by Mrs Peggy Mak and Mr Hugh Wong, as well as the performance by the President's Band comprising Professor Timothy W. Tong, students and alumni, with immediate past Council Chairman Ms Marjorie Yang, Ir Professor Daniel M. Cheng, Dr Allen Shi and Mr Johnny Yeung Chi-hung. Among the climaxes of the Dinner was a live auction of exquisite artworks, high jewellery and premium wines and items sponsored by Ms Shirley Chan Suk-ling, Miss Cally Kwong, Mrs Nina Lam, Dr and Mrs Samuel Lam, Mr Louis Mak Law-mo, Prince Jewellery & Watch, Seventh Son Restaurant, Mr Irons Sze, Dr Henry Tang Ying-yen and Mrs Cindy Young. A mini exhibition themed "Embarking on a Journey of Innovation and Creativity" was also staged concurrently with the Dinner, which featured a selection of interesting projects, demonstrating how PolyU researchers, graduates and students innovate to build a better future for the world. With its proceeds designated to support student development, the Dinner owed its success to the generous support of sponsors. They were Premier Sponsors Mrs Shirley Chan Pau Shiu-yeng and FANCL, Diamond Sponsor Dr Patrick S.C. Poon and Mrs Wendy Poon, and Gold Sponsors Ms Fiona Cheung Sum-yu and Win Hanverky Holdings Limited, various Jade Sponsors and Pearl Sponsors, as well as the sponsors of Dinner tickets and gifts. The PolyU Foundation was officially established on 1 July 2014. It aims to support the University's endeavours in the improvement of facilities and related resources, promotion of research and development, and enhancement of the all-round development and competitiveness of students. It serves to connect and recognize supporters and friends of the University.

5 Feb, 2016


PolyU receives generous gift from a devoted alumnus Mr Wong Tit-shing for 5 consecutive years to support student development

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) Outstanding Alumnus and Chairman of Jetta Company Limited, Mr Wong Tit-shing, has made a generous donation of HK$2 million for the fifth consecutive year to support student development of the alma mater. A cheque presentation ceremony was held on 25 November 2015. PolyU President Professor Timothy W. Tong (right) and PolyU Foundation Chairman, Dr Patrick Poon Sun-cheong (left) received the cheque from Mr Wong Tit-shing on behalf of the University. President Tong expressed his heartfelt gratitude to Mr Wong for his keen concern for students’ holistic development. The donation will be used to support Service-Learning projects and to set up Wong Tit-shing Student Exchange Scholarship the same as last year.

25 Nov, 2015


PolyU holds Dr Ng Tat-lun Memorial Scholarship Presentation Ceremony 2015/16

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) has earlier held the Dr Ng Tat-lun Memorial Scholarship Presentation Ceremony 2015/16 to honour 16 students, two from each of the eight Faculties, for their outstanding academic achievement, and for the first time presented full-tuition scholarships to two outstanding overseas students admitted in the academic year 2015/16. "Dr Ng Tat-lun Memorial Scholarship" was set up in 2013 to pay tribute to the late Deputy Council Chairman and Distinguished Alumnus Ir Dr Ng Tat-lun, for his tremendous contributions to the development of the University as well as his passion for lifelong learning. Officiating at the Ceremony were Mrs Millen Ng and Ms Irene Ng, wife and daughter of Dr Ng, Professor Timothy W. Tong, PolyU President and Dr Patrick S.C. Poon, Chairman of the PolyU Foundation. Members of the Governing Committee of the PolyU Foundation, PolyU staff, students and parents also attended the event. Addressing the Ceremony, Professor Tong said, "Dr Ng had a long affiliation with our Institution over the past fifty years as a student, alumnus and Council member. Not only has he witnessed the growth of our University, but also made significant contribution to its advancement. His enthusiasm in pursuing knowledge, treating others with the utmost honesty and respect, and his determination to serve the community has set a good example for us." On the occasion, Ms Irene Ng thanked PolyU again for naming the Scholarship after her late father, and called on the scholarship recipients to remain steadfast in their pursuit of knowledge and make untiring efforts to achieve their goals.

23 Nov, 2015


PolyU held Service-Learning Scholarships Presentation Ceremony

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) held Service-Learning Scholarships Presentation Ceremony on 2 November at Chiang Chen Studio Theatre to award 100 students who demonstrated outstanding performance in Service-Learning subjects in the academic year 2014/15. PolyU is committed to nurturing students to become all-round global citizens with professional knowledge and a caring heart. With the launch of four-year undergraduate curriculum in 2012, the University introduced Service-Learning (SL) as a mandatory credit-bearing subject. Professor Daniel Shek, Associate Vice President (Undergraduate Programme) addressed the ceremony and said, “Since the inception of the Service-Learning programme, a total of 5,164 undergraduate students have completed the SL subject and they served more than 200,000 hours. The establishment of Service-Learning Scholarship is not only to commend students with distinguished performance in SL subject, but also to encourage students to keep on engaging in community services.” Professor Shek also expressed his heartfelt thanks to the benefactors for sharing the University’s belief on Service-Learning and their generous contributions in establishing the scholarships. Through a short drama at the ceremony, three scholarship recipients shared their Service-Learning experience with the guests. Chen Hanshen, from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, utilized his professional knowledge and imagination to develop a watering system for mentally-disabled persons. Sun Rui, from the Department of Building and Real Estate, travelled to Inner Mongolia to record the history and culture of Orochen tribe, enlightening his interest in anthropology and cultural conservation. Chow Kin Yee, from the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, installed solar panels and lightings for villagers in Cambodia, bringing them electricity and improving their living standard. Although students faced hardships in their Service-Learning projects, the fruitful results drove them forward to continue serving the community. The scholarships were presented by the donors and donating organizations; Professor Roy Chung Chi-ping, PolyU Court Chairman; Ir Dr Peter Wong Kwok-keung, PolyU Court member; Professor Angelina Yuen, PolyU Vice President (Institutional Advancement and Partnership); and Professor Daniel Shek, PolyU Associate Vice President (Undergraduate Programme). After the Ceremony, guests were invited to the 2014/15 Service-Learning Photo Exhibition, which showcased over 30 photos taken by PolyU students during their services in Hong Kong, the Chinese mainland and overseas. The exhibition aims to introduce the different Service-Learning projects conducted by PolyU staff and students to the general public. PolyU established the Service-Learning Scholarship Scheme in 2013 to reward students with outstanding performance in Service-Learning subjects. All the scholarship recipients are required to join a leadership training workshop offered by the Office of Service Learning and complete 20 hours of service in support of the implementation of the Service-Learning subjects/projects of PolyU.

2 Nov, 2015


PolyU - University Fellows Association inaugurated to support all-round development of students

Formed by over 80 University Fellows of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), "The PolyU University Fellows Association" (the Association) held its inauguration ceremony today (18 September). Since 2000, PolyU has conferred the title of University Fellowships upon a number of distinguished personages and leaders in Hong Kong and other parts of the world to record its appreciation and recognition of their significant contributions to PolyU and the community. To date, over 90 distinguished individuals have been conferred this prestigious title. The establishment of the Association is initiated by a group of University Fellows who are devoted to promote PolyU's mission in serving the community, in particular to support all-round development of students, through a strengthened network amongst the University Fellows. The Honourable John C Tsang, Acting Chief Executive of The Government of the Hong Kong SAR, was the Guest-of-Honour of the event. Over 200 guests, comprising the University Fellows, PolyU Court and Council members, PolyU senior management and student representatives, attended the event. Addressing the ceremony, Mr Tsang said, "Tapping on their diverse expertise and experiences, the University Fellows will make further contributions toward the university by fostering the all-rounded development of the young generation." Mr Tsang, accompanied by Prof. Timothy W. Tong, PolyU President and Honorary Patron of the Association, officiated at the inauguration ceremony of the Association and its first Management Committee and presented all members of the Association with membership certificates. Prof. Tong strongly believed that the University Fellows will offer their invaluable knowledge, expertise and insights to the University in support of its teaching, research and knowledge transfer for the benefit of the community. Delivering welcoming address at the ceremony, Prof. Tong said, "With the support of the Association, the University's efforts to fulfill its pledge of ‘Opening Minds • Shaping the Future' will be further strengthened." Prof. Roy Chung Chi-ping, and Mrs Katherine Ngan Ng Yu-ying, Co-Chairpersons of the Association stated that the University Fellows come from all walks of life, but they share the same vision and passion with PolyU to inspire students with all-round development to make contribution to the well-being of the society. The Association is organizing the "University Fellows Association Talk Series". Members of the Association will be speakers to share with PolyU students their invaluable knowledge and views on hot topics so as to widen students' horizons. The Association currently has 64 Founding Members and 18 Members from a wide range of industries, professions and disciplines. Members of the First Management Committee of the Association (2015-2017) include: Co-chairpersons:  Prof. Roy Chung Chi-ping, BBS, JP (2004/2005 Recipient) Mrs Katherine Ngan Ng Yu-ying, MH, JP (2006/2007 Recipient) Members (in order of year of conferment and English surnames): Dr Henry Tseng Chee (2000 Recipient) Dr Raymond Chan, JP (2002 Recipient) Dr York Chow Yat-ngok, GBS, JP (2004/2005 Recipient) Dr Yu Kwok-chun, GBS, SBS, JP (2006/2007 Recipient) Prof. Angel S.P. Chan Lau, BBS, JP (2009 Recipient) Ir Prof. Johnny Fan Siu-kay (2009 Recipient) Ms Fiona Cheung Sum-yu, MH (2010/2011 Recipient) Ms Katherine Hung Siu-lin (2010/2011 Recipient) Miss Cally Kwong Mei-wan (2011/2012 Recipient) Mr Wong Tit-shing (2012/2013 Recipient) Mr Johnny Yeung Chi-hung, MH (2013/2014 Recipient) Dr Dennis Ng Wang-pun, BBS, MH (2014/2015 Recipient)   For more details of the Association, please visit its official website at URL:

18 Sep, 2015


The Unveiling Ceremony of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Foundation Wall of Acknowledgement and Appreciation Lunch

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) held the Unveiling Ceremony of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Foundation (PolyU Foundation) Wall of Acknowledgement and Appreciation Lunch on 15 September 2015 to express sincere appreciation to members of the Foundation for their valuable contributions towards the development of the University. The PolyU Foundation, established on 1 July 2014, serves to furnish PolyU with more resources to enhance its teaching, learning and research, as well as to connect and recognize supporters and friends who have contributed to the development of the University and the betterment of the community. The Wall of Acknowledgement is a tribute to members of the Foundation who have made cumulative donations of HK$1 million or above to the University from November 1994, when the institution assumed full university status. The Wall on the day of the Ceremony displayed the names of members who reached the donation threshold as at June 2015. Members who reach the threshold afterwards will have their names displayed after the close of each financial year. The Ceremony was officiated at by Mr Chan Tze-ching, Deputy Chairman of the PolyU Council, Professor Timothy W. Tong, President of PolyU, Dr Patrick Poon, Chairman of the PolyU Foundation, Professor Roy Chung, Chairman of the University Court and Treasurer of the PolyU Foundation, Mrs Katherine Ngan, Deputy Chairman of the PolyU Foundation, Dr Lawrence Li, Treasurer of the University and Prof. Angelina Yuen, Vice President (Institutional Advancement and Partnership) of PolyU. The memorable occasion was attended by Governing Committee Members and Members of the PolyU Foundation, PolyU friends, staff and students.   Please click here for the photo album.

15 Sep, 2015


PolyU holds Lam Tai Fai Amphitheatre naming ceremony

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) has named an amphitheatre on its campus after The Hon. Lam Tai Fai, a member of the Legislative Council of the HKSAR and the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, in recognition of his significant contributions to education and community services, as well as his ardent support to the University. A naming ceremony held today (18 May) was graced by the presence of the Acting Chief Executive Mrs Carrie Lam as the Guest of Honour. The Acting Chief Executive officiated at the ribbon cutting and plaque unveiling ceremonies together with The Hon. Lam Tai Fai and Mrs Martha Lam; PolyU Council Deputy Chairman Mr Chan Tze-ching; Treasurer of the University Dr Lawrence Li; Court Chairman Professor Roy Chung; PolyU Foundation Chairman Dr Patrick Poon; and PolyU President Professor Timothy W. Tong. Mr Lam's family members and friends also attended the ceremony to witness this memorable moment. In his welcoming address, Professor Tong expressed sincere gratitude to Mr Lam for his generous contribution and commended on Mr Lam's staunch support to the University over the years. Professor Tong said that PolyU took pride in Mr Lam, a distinguished alumnus, adding, "Today's ceremony bears testimony to the University's gratitude to Mr Lam for his long-standing support and his contributions to Hong Kong." He served on the Council of PolyU as a member and is currently a member of the University Court, giving invaluable advice to the University concerning its development. Mr Lam Tai Fai graduated from the Institute of Textiles and Clothing of The Hong Kong Polytechnic, the forerunning institution of PolyU, in 1981. He was awarded the University Fellowship and the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Business Administration by PolyU in 2000 and 2004 respectively. In 2001, Mr Lam was elected an Outstanding PolyU Alumnus in recognition of his services for PolyU. Mr Lam has held leadership positions in numerous public bodies. His contributions have been instrumental in helping the Government formulate and implement measures in business and industrial development and public administration. The "Lam Tai Fai Amphitheatre" connects the Jockey Club Auditorium and the Choi Kai Yau Building (Block QR). The Amphitheatre, covering a sector-shaped area of approximately 1,100 square meters and a five-tier podium accommodating up to 200 spectators, offers a spacious environment ideal for outdoor performances, gatherings, displays and exhibitions.

18 May, 2015


PolyU receives donation from Tai Hung Fai Charitable Foundation to launch the Phase 3 Service Programme of the PolyU-Henry G. Leong Mobile Integrative Health Centre

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) received HK$11.31 million from Tai Hung Fai Charitable Foundation in support of the Phase 3 Service Programme of the PolyU-Henry G. Leong Mobile Integrative Health Centre (MIHC). The launching ceremony was held today (15 May) at PolyU campus with PolyU President Prof. Timothy W. Tong and Dr Edwin Leong, Chairman of Tai Hung Fai Charitable Foundation, as the officiating guests. With the generous donation from Tai Hung Fai Charitable Foundation, PolyU's School of Nursing (SN) set up the first-of-its-kind mobile integrative health centre on a modified truck in 2007. MIHC is well equipped with a variety of advanced health screening equipments, enabling healthcare professionals and students from SN to provide comprehensive health screening services and education to the elderly in need. Besides, MIHC also offers a platform for scientific research on elderly and provides PolyU students with placement opportunities. In 2010 and again this year, Dr Leong continued to support the second and third phase service. New equipments and facilities were added onto MIHC and its scope of service was also extended. In the past eight years, Tai Hung Fai Charitable Foundation fully supported the operation of MIHC, which has served more than 4,000 elderly in the community with a total number of visitors of 40,000. Addressing at the ceremony, Prof. Tong said, "MIHC combines three very important elements in one single entity, namely service, research and education. While SN staff and students strive to monitor the health of the elderly, the Centre also takes up the roles to facilitate scientific research in response to the ageing society, as well as to provide placement opportunities for PolyU students. It truly illustrates PolyU's new slogan 'Opening Minds • Shaping the Future'. I would like to thank Dr Leong for his continuous unfailing support to PolyU and MIHC." Dr Leong remarked, "Hong Kong is facing ageing problem. By 2041, there will be 2.6 million elderly aged 65 or above in the city. In line with government policy to promote 'ageing in place', MIHC will continue to upgrade its services to help more senior citizens while also provide opportunities for research and placement." The Phase 3 service programme of MIHC involves the addition of new equipment including a vision screener for basic vision checking. The Centre will collaborate with non-profit organizations to set up mini health check stations to provide health education and case screening. Elderly with special needs will be referred to MIHC for proper care and advice. Researchers will also make good use of the data collected at the MIHC in a hope to provide insights in dealing with the aspects related to elderly epidemiology, community health and screening of high risk groups. On the education side, the Centre will provide more service learning opportunities for PolyU students.

15 May, 2015


PolyU celebrates the Second Inauguration of Endowed Professorships

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) today (13 May) held the Second Inauguration of Endowed Professorships at the Jockey Club Auditorium on PolyU campus to pay tribute to distinguished scholars for their outstanding academic achievements and significant contributions to the community, as well as to demonstrate the support and recognition from the community to PolyU for its research excellence. Presided over by the Deputy Chairman of Council of the University, Mr Chan Tze-ching, the ceremony saw the presentation of a total of six Endowed Professorships, bringing the total number of Endowed Professorships established by PolyU to 14, alongside two named professorships by the then Hong Kong Polytechnic. Addressing the Ceremony, Professor Timothy W. Tong, PolyU President, said "Through the Endowed Professorships scheme, we have established the valuable partnership between our scholars and supporters, as we share the same goal of advancing the frontiers of knowledge and technology for the benefit of mankind. Building on our heritage, we are determined to challenge boundaries, uncover knowledge and strive for innovation, as manifested in our new brand promise 'Opening Minds. Shaping the Future'." The six Endowed Professorships are (in alphabetical order of discipline): (1) Fung Yiu King – Wing Hang Bank Endowed Professorship in Business Administration Endowed by the Fung Yiu King Charitable Foundation Professor T.C. Edwin Cheng, Faculty of Business (2) Cheng Yik Hung Endowed Professorship in Fashion Design Endowed by the Sau Ching Charity Foundation To be announced (3) Walter Kwok Foundation Endowed Professorship in International Hospitality Management Endowed by the Walter Kwok Foundation Professor Kaye Chon, School of Hotel and Tourism Management (4) Lo Ka Chung Charitable Foundation Endowed Professorship in Pharmaceutical Sciences Endowed by Lo Ka Chung Charitable Foundation Limited Professor Thomas Y.C. Leung, Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology (5) Alex Wong Siu Wah Gigi Wong Fook Chi Endowed Professorship in Product Design Engineering Endowed by King's Flair Development Limited Professor Alan K.T. Lau, Department of Mechanical Engineering (6) Vincent and Lily Woo Endowed Professorship in Textiles Technology Endowed by the Vincent and Lily Woo Trust Professor Tao Xiaoming, Institute of Textiles and Clothing The Endowed Professorship Scheme, established in 2012, provides philanthropists with the unique opportunity to partner with the University to advance research and academic activities of a discipline of their choice for the betterment of the society. PolyU will continue to nominate internationally acclaimed scholars for the prestigious title in future in order to advance research and academic activities for the benefits of the wider community.

13 May, 2015


PolyU establishes the “Fung Yiu King - Wing Hang Bank Endowed Professorship in Business Administration”

he Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) held a luncheon at Hotel ICON on 19 January 2015 to express its appreciation to Professor Patrick Fung Yuk-bun for the setting up of the “Fung Yiu King - Wing Hang Bank Endowed Professorship in Business Administration” through a donation made in the name of the Fung Yiu King Charitable Foundation Limited. It is the eleventh Endowed Professorship since the launch of the Endowed Professorship Scheme in 2012. Professor Fung is a long-standing supporter of PolyU and higher education. He was the University Treasurer of PolyU from 1993 to 1996, and was conferred an Honorary Doctorate of Business Administration by PolyU in 2001. Dedicated to the teaching and research of business administration, Professor Fung is currently an Honorary Life Vice President of the PolyU Foundation and Adjunct Professor of PolyU’s School of Accounting and Finance, a position which allows the beneficent banker to groom young talents for Hong Kong by drawing on his expertise in business and finance. The Endowed Professorship Scheme aims to provide a unique opportunity for members of the public to advance the research and academic activities of a specific discipline through donating to PolyU, as well as to honor distinguished scholars for their outstanding achievements. The establishment of this Endowed Professorship not only represents the community’s recognition of PolyU’s achievements in business administration, but facilitates further development of the discipline.

19 Jan, 2015

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