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PolyU to advance textiles technology through the ninth endowed professorship

Following the inauguration of the first batch of eight endowed professorships in May 2013, PolyU announced recently the set up of the ninth professorship - the “Vincent and Lily Woo Endowed Professorship in Textiles Technology” and the Endowed Professor-designate is Professor Tao Xiao-ming, Chair Professor of Textile Technology of the PolyU Institute of Textiles and Clothing (ITC). Endowed by the “Vincent and Lily Woo Trust (2007),” the new endowed professorship, which is the second professorship set up by PolyU at ITC, has given ITC a strong impetus to make further contributions to the development of the local fashion and textiles industry and education. PolyU President Professor Timothy Tong expresses his gratitude to Mr Alex Woo and Ms Alice Woo PolyU President Professor Timothy W. Tong expresses his gratitude to Mr Alex Woo (first from right) and Ms Alice Woo (middle), founders of the Vincent and Lily Woo Trust (2007) for their generous support for PolyU over the years, including the establishment of the “Vincent and Lily Woo Trust Scholarships” in 2012. Established in 2012, the Endowed Professorship Scheme aims to honour distinguished scholars for their outstanding academic and research achievements. It provides a unique opportunity for supporters to partner with PolyU to advance research and academic activities of a discipline of their choice for the benefits of the wider community. For more information of the Scheme, please visit the designated website here.

18 Nov, 2013


PolyU holds Henry Cheng Research Laboratory for Drug Development naming ceremony

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) has named a research laboratory on its campus after Dr Henry Cheng, Honorary Chairman of Chow Tai Fook Charity Foundation, to pay tribute for his significant contributions to education and community services, as well as his ardent support to the University’s drug research and development. At the naming ceremony held today (4 November), Dr Henry Cheng and Mr Peter Cheng, Chairman of Chow Tai Fook Charity Foundation, officiated at the plaque unveiling and ribbon cutting ceremony in company with Ms Marjorie Yang Mun-tak, Council Chairman of PolyU; Mr Chan Tze-ching, Deputy Council Chairman of PolyU; Dr Patrick Poon, Treasurer of PolyU cum Chairman of the Fund-raising Committee of PolyU Council, and Professor Timothy W. Tong, President of PolyU. Management of Chow Tai Fook Charity Foundation and New B Innovation also attended the ceremony to witness this memorable moment. Addressing the ceremony, Ms Marjorie Yang appreciated Dr Cheng and the Foundation for their generous donation of HK$10 million to PolyU for drug development. Speaking at the ceremony, Professor Tong said, "PolyU Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology (ABCT) has an excellent research team of chemistry and biology experts which is a perfect combination for drug development. This cross-disciplinary research collaboration has attained technological breakthrough in various research areas. The generous donation of Dr Cheng and Chow Tai Fook Charity Foundation carries a very special meaning as it is recognition of the tremendous effort of our research team. It also provides additional resources for the University to develop a sophisticated platform for drug development, bringing positive impact to the world." Dr Henry Cheng has played a prominent role in nurturing young talents. Through the Chow Tai Fook Charity Foundation, he has made substantial financial contribution to universities in support of campus, research and student development. Dr Cheng also demonstrates a profound concern towards children and young people who come from an underprivileged background by paying visits to these families and providing funding support to local social welfare agencies in their management of various community centres, where these youngsters can receive support for learning and personal growth. Located on the seventh floor of the Lee Shau Kee Building on the PolyU campus, the "Henry Cheng Research Laboratory for Drug Development" has a total floor area of 537 square metres with state-of-the-art equipment. The Laboratory will provide the platform for an excellent research team of chemistry and biology experts to work together towards the common goal of developing new drugs for the benefit of mankind.

5 Nov, 2013

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University “Those Were the Days @ Keswick Hall” Raffle Draw Result (Lottery Licence No.: 4357)

The raffle drawwas conducted during “PolyU Fund-raising Dinner 2013” on 29 Oct 2013 and the winning numbers are as follows:     Prize Ticket No. 1st 0424 2nd 0002 3rd 0404 4th 0461 5th 0391 6th 0188 7th 0261 8th 0314 9th 0094 10th 0456     Winners are requested to register for prize redemption by calling (852) 2766 5979 and to present their winning tickets upon redemption at Alumni Affairs and Development Office of PolyU (M1504, 15/F, Li Ka Shing Tower, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hunghom, Kowloon, Hong Kong). Prizes must be redeemed during office hour (Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. – 5:45 p.m.) on or before 9 December 2013. Late redemption will not be entertained. Prizes cannot be exchanged for cash.

30 Oct, 2013

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