The Producer Responsibility Scheme (PRS) on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), also known as WPRS, came into effect on 1 August 2018 and aims to promote recycling and proper disposal of WEEE generated in Hong Kong. It covers eight types of equipment including air-conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines, televisions, computers, printers, scanners and monitors (collectively referred to as “regulated electrical equipment” or REE). The Scheme will facilitate the collection of waste electrical and electronic equipment generated locally for proper recycling and turning the items into resources.
To facilitate a smooth exchange of the latest information on this new scheme, the Campus Sustainability Office invited Dr Alain Lam, Principal Environmental Protection Officer (Waste Management Policy) to meet the staff members involved in the acquisition and disposal of REE items. They had some productive conversation and exchanged views on the benefits of WEEE recycling.